2 His Not-so-private Affair

1670 Words
Nathaniel’s POV I was pissed as f**k. I couldn't believe that Lidia was in the hospital. I couldn’t believe that she fell and broke her arm. “Hurry up, Jason,” I mumbled angrily, staring at the messages Lidia sent me. “I am driving as fast as I can, Sir,” Jason said. “There is a lot of traffic.” I glanced up and sighed. Jason was right. We were stuck in traffic and it didn’t look like we would be able to drive any faster. My phone rang and I looked down at it. “Yes, baby?” I said as I picked up the call. “Where are you, Nathaniel?” Lidia asked and I could hear the annoyance in her voice. “It’s been almost half an hour.” “I am stuck in traffic, Lidia,” I said as I glanced through the car window. “Don’t lie to me,” she said angrily. “Haley didn’t let you go, did she?” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “She tried to get me to stay, yes,” I said, trying to remain calm. “I explained to her that I had to leave.” Lidia sighed angrily. I could imagine her eyes narrowing. “You need to divorce her immediately, Nathaniel,” Lidia said. “She is getting in our way.” I sighed and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “We’ve been through this, Lidia,” I said. “I can’t divorce her. She needs to leave me.” I wanted to divorce her, but I had to keep up appearances. My father would never let me start the divorce process. Haley needed to be the one to do it. I didn’t even know why I married her. I tried to remember the reason, but I simply couldn't. My father said that I did it for our company, but I couldn't understand what benefits we get from it. It would make much more sense if I married Lidia. Her father owned a hotel chain and that would be the perfect business marriage. Not to mention that I loved Lidia. I hated Haley. Haley was an orphan girl I met in high school. She got an opportunity to attend because she won some sort of scholarship. Otherwise, a girl like her could never go to a school as prestigious as mine. “You’ve been cheating on the poor girl with me for almost a year now and she still didn’t leave,” Lidia said. “What makes you think that she ever will?” I sighed. “I am not cheating on her. We never slept together, Lidia.” No matter how badly I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Something was stopping me from going all the way with Lidia. “You are cheating on her, Nathaniel,” Lidia said. “You don’t have to f**k me to cheat on her.” I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes. “You need to do something, Nathaniel,” Lidia continued. “Yell at her, hit her, throw her out of the house. I don’t care. Do something.” I flinched and opened my eyes. My stomach twisted painfully. I hated her, but I could never bring myself to hurt her physically. “I could never hurt her, Lidia,” I said angrily. “Don’t ever suggest something like that.” I saw Jason looking at me through the rearview mirror. He had an angry look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows, making him look away. “Don’t tell me that you care, Nathaniel,” Lidia said mockingly. “You hate her.” “I do, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to hit her,” I said, trying to keep the anger out of my voice. “She will leave.” “When?” Lidia asked. “Soon,” I said. “She reached her limit. She will leave soon.” I could tell that she was tired. I could tell that she was thinking about giving up. I could tell that she wanted to leave me. It would happen soon. I was sure of it. My phone beeped and I moved it away to look at the screen. My mom was calling me. I sighed and took a deep breath. “My mom is calling, Lidia,” I said as I placed the phone back against my ear. “I will see you soon, okay? I will be at the hospital in 20 minutes.” I didn’t wait for her to answer. I ended the call with Lidia and answered the second one. “Yes, Mom?” I asked as soon as I picked up. “Where are you?” she asked me. “Not even a hello?” I asked as I looked at the traffic in front of my car. It looked like it would be more than 20 minutes. Lidia would be pissed. “I am not in the mood, Nate,” my mom sighed. “Where are you?” “I am on my way to the hospital,” I answered her question. “Is your appointment today?” my mom asked and I could hear the excitement in her voice. I rolled my eyes. There was no point in me to continue going to these appointments. My head was okay. The injury healed. My memory wasn’t coming back because there was nothing to come back. I remembered everything. I had an accident while I was skiing about a year and a half ago. I fell and hit my head. I had a pretty big concussion and it took me a while to get back to my feet. I had some memory loss, but I remembered everything there was to remember. Haley and my mom kept telling me that I forgot a huge part of my life. Haley kept insisting that we met in high school, became friends, fell in love, and decided to marry against my father’s wishes. That was a load of crap. I didn’t even remember Haley much. I remembered her as a quiet and shy girl who got bullied a lot. There was no f*****g way that we became friends and that I fell in love with her. I didn’t remember that. It didn’t happen. I married her for appearances. I married her because she would become a doctor and help my business grow. I married her because my father made me do it. “There is no point in going, Mom,” I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. My mom gasped. “Of course there is!” she exclaimed. “You have to continue going, Nate. Your memory will come back, honey. You will remember your wife.” I saw red. I was sick and tired of her telling me that I would remember. There was nothing to remember! “Stop it, Mom,” I said, gritting my teeth. “There is nothing to remember. I never chose to marry Haley. I will divorce her as soon as f*****g possible and I will marry Lidia.” “Nate…,” my mom spoke, but I interrupted her. “I don’t want to hear it, Mom,” I said angrily. “I am sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.” “Nate, honey, please listen to me,” my mom said. No. I was f*****g done listening. “There is nothing left to say, Mom,” I said. “I am done with Haley. She will ask for the divorce soon and we will be done with her.” My mom took a deep breath and released it slowly. “You will regret this, Nate,” my mom said and I could hear the sadness in her voice. “You will remember and you will beg her to take you back.” I didn’t see that happening ever. “That is never going to happen, Mom,” I said. “I don’t know what lies she had told you, but I never loved her. I never wanted her.” I could have sworn that my mom sobbed. “Go to the appointment, Nate,” my mom said. “Please.” I tightened my jaw and closed my eyes. “Goodbye, Mom,” I said as I hung up the phone and threw it on the seat next to me. I ran my hand over my face and groaned. “Sir?” Jason called me, making me look at him. “What?” I mumbled as I clenched my fists. “I’ve been working for you for years now,” Jason said, glancing at me through the rearview mirror again. “Do you mind if I share something?” I sighed and looked through the car window. “I am not going to that f*****g appointment, Jason,” I mumbled. “Not that, Sir,” Jason said, making me look back at him. His eyes caught mine in the rearview mirror. He took a deep breath and I saw his jaw tighten. “Mrs. Haley is a very nice person,” he said, his voice quiet. “Please don’t hurt her.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “That’s all I am going to say on the subject, Sir,” Jason said. I gritted my teeth and swallowed the lump in my throat. “Stay out of it, Jason,” I said as I looked back through the car window. “Yes, Sir,” Jason said. We finally started moving. I turned around and grabbed my phone from the seat next to me. I texted Lidia that we would be a few minutes late. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the window. I had to find a way to get everyone off my back. How f*****g hard was it to understand that there was nothing for me to remember?
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