27. Express yourself

688 Words

A week later...            "We're going to the paaartyyyy!Whoop whoop!" She sang, wiggling her butt, the white fluffy bathrobealmost falling off her shoulders, earning a chuckle from me. Turns out that Luc kept his promise after all and organized aparty just for me.And the party was tonight, meaning that we had just a few hours to get ready...So I made Leila crash at my place last night, after we went on a hunt for theperfect dresses, this way saving a lot of time. "Yes, we are, now hurry up and do my make-up, so I can doyours." "Aye, aye, captain," She grinned, then sat on thechair right in front of mine and started rummaging through my make-up kits,doing her job. After she finished, we switched spots and I did her make-up aswell. This was usually our ritual, since neither of us coul

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