28. The party

1064 Words

As the car reached its destination, Leila and I preparedourselves to exit, waiting for one of the boys to open the door. And after only a few moments, the car door was opened, revealinga muscular, raven haired guy, wearing a fancy black tux, warmly smiling down atme, his huge palm stretched towards me, inviting me to come out. I gladly accepted and reached out for his hand, getting out ofthe car while holding my skirt down with my other hand, careful not toaccidentally show him the color of my panties. "Thanks, Kieran," I smiled, then turned my attentionto the other handsome guy standing right next to Kieran, his dirty blonde hairgelled back and his honey brown eyes twinkling in the sunset, his thin lipsshowing me a genuine, warm smile. "You're so handsome, you know that?" I proudly sa

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