26. Home

1345 Words

After we talked with Luc and apologized for all the fuss wecreated with our fight, I thanked him for letting me stay at his place these pastfew days, then went back to ours with Rick as he was already so eager to haveme back home. As soon as I walked past the front door, looking around at thevery familiar walls, sighing in relief, I was welcomed by a pair of strong armswrapping around me, pulling me in a warm hug. I quickly looked up, meetingthose same familiar dark brown eyes, staring down at me. "Kieran." "Welcome back, kiddo." I seriously don't know why is he always calling me like that...He's the same age as Rick, which means he's only five years older than me,for Christ's sake! He warmly smiled, giving me a peck on the forehead, his bulkyframe engulfing my much smaller one, almos

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