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Jackson I stood in front of Michael, shocked at his admission. How long had they known this? I wondered to myself. I could tell he was hurting but the sound of severeal people moving through the house caught my attention and I turned to see several business people moving through the entryway towards the door. I turned back to Michael but he had slipped back into the study, and so I headed towards fathers office, deciding to circle back to that bombshell after. My phone pinged with a good morning text from Marissa and I smiled at it as I knocked , my fathers voice inviting me in, and tucked the phone away, and then entered. He wrapped up a conversation with his Beta, who nodded to me as he headed out, closing the door behind him. “Did you get your sister to calm down?” He asked seemingly disinterested as he sat at his desk. “She is for now, albeit we are light a few vases now.” I took a seat opposit, crozzing my leg over my knee. “She is very upset.” “Yes she wants to marry her mate. I understand.” He closed his laptop slightly and looked at me. “But if we all married our mates, we would lose options to create stronger alliances. Look at your mother and I, we werent fated mates, and yet we are a strong, wealthy pack. We raised three capable and intelligent children, and someday you will carry our legacy on your own as alpha. We cannot afford for Sarah to ruin things with her little tantrums.” “She isn’t wrong. Are we not better wolves when we have our mates by our side?” “Perhaps some are. I prefer to strengthen my own bonds. Leaving things to fate doesn’t work for me. Nor for my family.” He watched me for a reaction but I stayed silent, mulling over his words. “At any rate that isn’t my concern at the moment. Sarah is a done deal, she will have to come to terms with that. We have a problem. The disturbance we ran into the other day, witches and hunters. I have a problem with hunters on our territory. I may not be fond of witches, none of us our, however hunters welcoming themselves onto our territory, holing up in one of our houses, however abandoned, I cannot have.” “Was that your meeting topic?” I asked, furrowing my brow. “It was. We are tightening security around the territory and the pack up north is sending more warriors to help, thanks to the treaty your sister secured with her marraige. I believe she is in the city with mother now working on wedding details.” He shook his head as he reopened his laptop and began working again. “Likely maxing out the credit card while theyre at it.” He muttered. “Father if we have an issue with these hunters, perhaps we could work out something of an alliance with the witches.” I mentioned, the idea coming to me from the blue. He raised his eyes to mine, c*****g his brow. “An alliance?” “Just thinking, if these hunters are crossing into our territory for the witches, if they are bold enough to think they can get away with it, perhaps if we align with the witches we can take care of them sooner.” I suggest, hoping to create a safety for Marissa and her coven. “How would you suggest we do something like that?” My father asked, I could see his mind was churning, and there was a mix of interest and irritation in his eyes. I knew to tread lightly, my father liked to do this from time to time. Entertain an idea because I needed to learn to be Alpha, and then become enraged when he dismissed ideas that he deemed unworthy. “I could see if I make cotact with a witch, and go from there. Maybe convince one to come here. Meet with us, with you. We can work out something with them from there. I know it’s a stretch but my thought is, if these two opposing forces are going to war, and there is a risk they will continue to openly fight on our territory, or any of our allied territories, why not align with one side against the other?” “Why not let the hunters exterminate the witches?” He pondered. “What stops the hunters from turning to wolves if they do? Hunters need to hunt.” I pointed out. He sat back thinking for a moment, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You are becoming the leader I raised you to be. That is for sure.” He murmured as he taooed his fingers together, thinking a bit longer. “Okay Jackson. Bring a witch here to meet. Just you and I. We will go from there.” He said and dismissed me with a wave. I wanted to push him further, try to negotiate Sarah’s situation but opted not to this time. I stood up and bowed my head curtly in respect before turning and leaving. I dont like this. She wont be welcome here. Westley muttered as I headed back downstairs. I know but we will keep her safe, I swear to you. I promised as we made it to the study and stepped inside. “Jackson!” Sarah ran over and threw herself into my arms, hanging from my neck as she hugged me. “Please tell me you fixed it?” She let go and looked at me expectantly. “Sarah listen.” I began as I sat her in a chair and knelt in front of it. “ I tried but father wasn’t hearing it.” She began to get upset again. “This time!” I hurridly added. “Listen to me, listen I will keep on him I promise you. In fact I will make you a deal.” She narrowed her eyes at me as I talked, trying to keep her from losing her head. “Give me a few days. I am working on something with father about the territory. As soon as I can I will make sure to corner him and iron things out. Or I swear I will smuggle you to Mexico myself.” I promised and she began to smile, her eyes lighting up. “Promise?” She asked and I nodded. “The best condo near the beach I can find.” I assured her. She puched me in the shoulder before smiling at me. “Fine.” She agreed patting me on the head and hopping up, skipping out of the room. I let out a sigh of relief, having bought myself a little extra time and climbed into the chair, rubbing my temples. “She seems happy. You get her out of her arrangement?” I looked up as Michael came into the room. “Not yet but I bought myself some time.” I answered. “You have some explaining to do.” I raised my brows at him as he nervously sat in the opposite chair from me. “We found out when she had her first shift. She came in after her run as I was heading out and it was like lightning.” “You never told me.” “No we never got the chance. Your mother shipped her off to college, and I didn’t see her for four years. Then she came back for a summer and we spent time together, falling in love. We thought keeping it secret would be best as we got to know one another, letting things grow. Except then she wanted to go back and do medical school. I couldn’t be the reason she didn’t so we kept it quiet longer as she went off to finish her docorate. She had been back for a few weeks when your father promised her to David.” Silence fell between us. “You watched them announce the engagement and didn’t say a word.” I muttered and he nodded as he fixed his eyes on the floor. “She won’t reject me and I can’t reject her.” He muttered. “Michael.” I started but he shook his head. “Not to overshare about your sister bro, but they aren’t exactly waiting for marriage to practice child bearing.” He uttered disdainfully. The pain he must be feeling had me in shock. “Michael I didn’t realize. I can speak to my father, you will be my Beta. That’s a great role, surely he can’t turn down letting Elyse be with you.” He shook his head. “No he wants that pack treaty. Besides you have enough on your hands getting Sarah out of her engagement. Elyse wouldn’t want you to hurt your chances of helping Sarah to help us. I wouldn’t either.” He said his eyes locking with mine. “She is sort of everyone’s little sister.” He smiled. “You should reject Elyse. For your own sanity.” I suggest and he shook his head smiling. “I would rather feel the pain than feel nothing for her.” He said and we fell silent again. I stood up and crossed the room, taking out a bottle of scotch and poruring us both a glass. Handing him one we both drank slowly. “I am sorry but I have to go. I have an errand for my father. Can we talk about this more when I get back?” I apologized and he nodded. I finished my drink, setting the glass down, and patted him on the shoulder before heading out. Climbing into my car and turning it down the drive, I sped off to return to my own mate, making a mental promise that I would find a way to get my sisters out of their engagements, no matter what.
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