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Jackson I woke up in her arms, my head burrowed into her chest while her hands were laying across my back. I loved the way she felt against me, her skin soft and she smelt of lilacs and the air after a spring rain. I was in love with her, and so was Westley. We had been up all night, talking and sharing, in between a few vigurous romps in the sheets. She had a fantastic sense of humor and her laugh was infectious. She also wasn’t someone you could lie to due to her empathic abilities. She could tell somthing wasn’t right but she didn’t push the issue, she let me come to her when I was ready amd fort that I was grateful. I had explained my idea and she had agreed to meet with my father, but she was anxious it would be a waste of time. She messaged her coven to tell them her plan and they also had reservations but gave her the go ahead to meet anyways, so long as she could keep safe. I promised her I could keep her out of harms way and we agreed to go to the pack house in the morning. I turned my head and pressed kisses to her skin, moving up between her breasts, to her throat, before finding her lips and kissing her softly. She stirred in her sleep and woke up enough to return my kiss, a soft laugh sounding from her throat. “Fooood.” She groaned. “Pancakes?” I asked as I pecked her lips a few more times. “Mhmm.” She murmured and I rolled off of her, yanking on a pair of boxers and heading to the kitchen. As I poured some batter into a pan she came in and pressed herself against my back, her hands locking around my waist. “How did you learn to make pancakes? I thought wolves had people who made them food.” She asked as she kissed my shoulder. “We do but when Sarah was younger she had nightmares. She wasn’t allowed to go wake up our parents so she would sneak in and get me, and some times the only thing that would cheer her up was pancakes.” I said as I flipped the pancake in the air and then slid it onto a plate, pouring the batter to start a new one. Soon we had a stack of pancakes and I set it onto the table, where she had set out two plates and some toppings. “She liked hers with strawberries, chocolate chips, and whip cream.” I said as I added the toppings, then turned the can of whip cream upside down and sprayed some into my mouth, grinning at her with a mouth full of foam. She laughed as she poured syrup on top of hers and then began to eat them. I sat opposite side of her and we ate in silence. I marveled at her beauty, the sun lighting up her hair. “What?” She said suspiciously between bites. “Just admiring your beauty.” I said smiling. “I might be in love with oyu a little bit.” I murmur looking away in fear she would reject it. “I know.” She smiled. Empath. I remembered and it was almost unfair to think she knew how I felt before I could say it. She must have sense I was a little thrown because she got up and came over to me, pushing her way into my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I know it isn’t fair I can sense your emotions before you say them. I can wall you out if you would prefer but, sometimes if the emotions are strong enough, even I can’t stop them from flooding in.I am not sure if it’s this mate bond of yours or the wolf magnifies it, but that love is very strong.” “I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide parts of yourself. Not ever.” I murmured tracing her bottom lip with my fingers, sparks tingling from the contact. “Always a safe space.” She whispered and I nodded, smiling at her. “Always.” An alert from my phone got our attention and I picked it up from the table, looking at it. “My father has our meeting set for noon. We should get showered and ready to head out. It will take an hour to get there.” She nodded and stood up, carrying the plates to the kitchen and them coming back and reaching out for my hand. “I think we have enough time to help each other out in the shower.” She winked pulling me towards the bedroom. I held her hand as we drove, the lake house fading in the background. “Our little love nest.” She murmured as it faded behind us. I raised her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss against it, and then set it back on her knee, keeping my fingers interlocked with hers. “Youre nervous.” She commented and I chuckled. “My parents are a little, traditional.” I hesitated to find the right word to describe them. “They don’t know your mated to a witch.” “No.” I shook my head. “They don’t even know I have found my mate.” I let go of her hand and ran my finers through my hair, the anxiety building. “Maybe we don’t tell them.” She suggested reaching out and taking my hand back in hers. “Maybe we just work on making it through this meeting. We can figure out the rest later.” She ran her thumb along the back of my hand comfortingly. We drove the rest of the way in silence, getting to the pack house within five minutes of the meeting start. I got out of the car and went around to open her door, hokding my hand out to help her. She gave it a squeeze, reassuring us both, before dropping it and stepping past me, letting me close the door. I led her to thr door, holding it open for her, and following her inside. “Jackson!” Sarah shouted as she ran across the entryway, throwing her arms around my neck in a hug. She held on tightly asI hugged her back then let go. “Sarah this is Marissa, she is here for a meeting with father. Marissa, my baby sister Sarah.” I introduced them and Marissa held out her hand for Sarah, smiling. Sarah looked at her a little suspiciously at first then reached out and took the hand that was outstretched to her. “You seem different than anyone I know.” Sarah commented. “Sarah.” I scolded and Marissa laughed. “It’s okay. I am not a wolf.” She explained to Sarah and then reached out and placed her hand on Sarah’s shoulder. A moment passed and then Sarah began to smile softly. “I like her.” She said as she smiled at me. “She is sweet.” “Well good. We need to get to the office though.” I offered my arm to Marissa and she linked hers through it as I turned us toward the hallway that led to the back office. “What was that?” I murmured and she laughed softly. “I can do more than sense other emotions. I can also emit some emotions. Mostly calming.” She answered and I nodded. “That makes sense.” I said. We got to the office and I lipped her hand into mine, pressing a kiss to her wrist, before letting her go and knocking. My father shouted to come in and I opened the door, moving into the room, and holding the door for her to come in. “Father, this is Marissa, a witch from a coven up North.” I introduced. “Marissa this is my father, and his pack council.” They all nodded or grunted in her direction as greeting while I pulled out an empty chair for her to sit in, taking the one beside her. “Marissa, welcome.” My father said. “My son thinks that we can help one another with this hunter problem.” She nodded, and I suspected she was focusing on filter out the emotional state of the room. “Jackson here made a good point in proposing this meeting. If we stay silent and leave the hunters to do their own thing, once they eliminate the witches who will they go to after?” He proposed the question to the group. “We don’t know that they would change tactics. They are witch hunters after all. We know from history nobody has ever eliminated all witches before.” “With respect.” She interrupted, gaining their attention. “I assume you are referenceing the witch trials and while you’re not wrong, these hunters have weapons and equipment those hunters didn’t. I mean we all know most of the women they burned werent even true witches.” I had to refrain from smiling as she spoke confidently to the group. “Remind me what it was you said son.” My father turned the conversation toward me. “If they do take out all the witches, they will turn to hunting someone else. Hunters have one instinct. Hunting. What keeps them from coming after wolves next?” The group murmured amongst themselves, arguing their own view points. “So what is the proposal?” My father’s closest partner asked. “We align with the witches.” “We what?” “My son thinks it is better to take out the threat before it becomes a threat, but aliging with the witches, and stopping the hunters, it may be the best way to precvent this.” “Now hold on. This is all hypothetical. Anyways what happens if we do this? What keeps the witches from turning on us?” More arguing filled the room and I noticed Marissa becoming a little uncomfortable. I assumed she had lowered her walls to gauge the room when we came in, and the emotions were overwhelming her. I reached under the table for her hand, taking it and giving it a squeeze. She squeezed back, giving a slight nod to let me know she was okay, before pushing her chair back and standing up, the room falling silent. “I know it sounds like trusting us is a bad idea. It sounds like a bad idea to us too. However, they have already taken out ten covens, and are right now attacking an eleventh. We have been working to evacuate where we can, but the losses are still heavy. I can’t promise there wont be issues. I can promise that so long as we are safe with you, you will be safe with us.” She looked each of them in the eye before stopping on my father. “We can handle them one by one, but at the pace theyre moving, and the number of witches they have already killed, we won’t be able to keep up. They seem to be moving towards a common goal and it is centered on the house they were camped out in on your territory.” “What were witches doing there anyways?” My father probed, leaning back in his chair and drumming his fingers on the table. “We were following a lead. Hoping to find intel. I am sorry about intruding, we had no idea it was wolf territory at the time. We also didn’t anticipate the hunters returning while we were though. We had every intention of just getting whatever information we could, and leaving quietly.” “That mission got some of you killed, if memory serves.” Father replied and I felt myself bristle at his tone. This time she was reaching under the table to comfort me. “Yes.” She said quietly. My father continued drumming his fingers, lost in thought for a moment. “Well I thank you Marissa.” He said standing up and walking towards her. Everyone stood up as well, and he got to her holding out his hand to shake hers. “I think we need to discuss this as pack leaders, and my son can let you know what we decide.” She looked from him to me, then back, slowly taking his hand and shaking it. He held his hand out for her, guiding her to the door and I followed. “I will make sure she gets home.” I said. “Make sure she gets to the car, then have Michael take her home. I need you here.” He instructed as I left the room, and he shut the door behind me. “They don’t like me.” She murmured as I took her arm in mine once more, leading her towards the front door. “They don’t like anybody. Don’t take it personally.” I responded. “No Jackson, they do not like me.” She repeated. Something in her tone bothered me and I ducked into the study, dragging her with me. I shut the door and pushed her gently against it, slipping my fingers unfder her chin and forcing her to look at me. “I promise you my love, we don’t need them to like you. I will be with you, no matter what.” “I came here for my coven. Because the truth is, we are hurting. If they destroy the last covens they are after, our collective will be weakened. We don’t know what their end game is, but I can’t let this happen.” “We won’t. I promise you.” I ressured her and she smiled up at me. “I will be with you. If I have to take on every hunter in the world to ensure you and your family are safe, I will.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I have to get back, but Michael is my best friend. He will keep you safe.” I led her back out of the room after checking that the coast was clear, and got her into the car. “The lakehouse, Michael. Keep her safe.” I instructed as he started the car up, nodding to me. I waved and watched as they pulled off, before heading back to the meeting. I went back inside and headed towards the office. I entered the room to the noise of arguing, and took my seat. My father sat at the head of the tabe, listening to the various arguments. “What about a vote?” My father asked, the room going silent as he spoke. “Those in favor?” Several ayes sounded. “Opposed?” Fewer opposing voices. “What if.” I interjected before he could finish. “What if those in favor are brought in, and those opposed, are left alone.” I suggested, my father leaning back to think. He never showed his feelings on his face, but I could still tell from the way he squared his shoulders that my interjection was unappreciated. “ I think that may be for the best.” He said. “Go home. Those who are going to join us gather your warriors, just enough that your home packs are still safe. We will meet here in three days to begin training together. My son Jackson here, will lead the training. The rest of you, you will share your warriors to shore up defenses to those who are going into the fight. Dismissed.” He stood and headed out of the room, the others following. I knew he was headed to the study and followed slowly, finding him in his armchair with a scotch in hand. He poured one for me, handing it off, as he returne to sipping his own. I sat in the opposite chair and drank it slowly. “I’m proud of you son. You are making great strides towards becoming the Alpha you were born to be.” He said. “Tell me, where did you find that witch in such a short amount of time? Almost like you had her on speed dial.” He commented. “I knew her from a friend of a friend. It was easy to make a connect.” I replied as I took another sip, willing him to let it go. “Father I wanted to speak about Sarah.” I began and he waved me off, gulping down the rest of his drink and refilling his glass. “It’s a done deal.” He said. “Do you really think Sarah is going to quietly and peacefully walk down the aisle to marry someone she isn’t mated to?” I questioned. “I expect her to behave like everyone else in this pack. Everyone understands their role and falls in line. She will as well.” “Or she may end up killing her husband to be the first time he tries to touch her.” I said dryly, my father chuckling. “Your mother has it in hand I am sure.” He responded, clearly shutting down any further discussion. “Well I better make contact so she knows we have wolves on board.” I said finishing my drink and setting the glass down, getting up to leave. “Jackson.” My father called after me. “Have her back for dinner tomorrow. I would like to get to know her.” He instructed and I nodded agreement before leaving the room. I was frustrated that I couldn’t even get a conversation going about Sarah, and anxious about Marissa having to be here with my father any longer than neccessary. i walked outside, the sun low in the sky. Run? I asked Westley and he hopped up, tail wagging eagerly. I stripped out of my clothing, my bones breaking and reorganizing as I shifted and I sat back, giving him control. He took off towards the woods, headed in the direction of the lake house. He ran through the trees dodging rocks and ducking under low hanging branches. We ran for what seemed like ages until he began to slow down, turning down the long gravel drive, and trotting through the grass alongside it. We got to the lake house and saw her sitting on the chair overlooking the lake. Boldly Westley marched up to her, startling her when he bumped her knee with his head, and then sitting in front of her. “Hello handsome.” She greated when she recognized him, scratching his ears and then bending forward to press a few kisses to his nose. He lapped up her affection, dropping to the ground and rolling over so she could see his stomach. She laughed as she reached out and pet him, and I rolled my eyes. He stopped suddenly, letting out a low growl and sniffing at the air, before he recognized the scent he had been picking up and sat, wagging his tail. “Westley!” My sister Sarah came screaming across the lawn, and tackled him in a hug.
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