
1434 Words
Jackson I woke up with her wrapped in my arms. My heart was completely taken and she had no idea. It is easier for wolves to fall for their mates, but she wasn’t a wolf. So her heart may take longer. Yet the bond was strengthening, that much was evident. As she slept soundly I pulled her close ans pressed a kiss to the back of her shoulder, her back pressed into my chest. I held onto her for a bit longer, inhaling her scent. “We have to keep her safe. Keep her close.” My wolf Westley mumbled. “I intend to.” I responded to him. “If you don’t I will.” his voice was threatening. “I have no doubts.” She mumbled in her sleep and I smiled, interrupted when my phone pinged from the other room. I ignored it but it kept going off and so I slipped slowly from the bed, carefully untangling myself from her so I wouldn’t wake her. Padding quietly to the living room I located my phone as another bunch of messges came through. Unlocking it I found a slew of texts from Sarah and Michael. I groaned as I set it back down and began yanking on my clothes. I finished getting dressed and tucked my phone into my pocket, heading to the kitchen and digging out a paper and pen, I wrote her a note. I had to run to the pack house, my sister is causing drama. I will be back as soon as I can. Kitchen is all yours my love. I sneaked in and set it on the bed beside her so she would find it easily, and headed out. Starting the car I shifted to drive and pulled off, frustrated at having to leave her, but hopeful it wouldn’t take long to settle things down. I made it to the pack house in record time, hoping to settle things down quickly and get back to my mate. I opened the door and barely managed to dodge a flying vase as Sarah was screaming and throwing things, a few warriors struggling to calm things down, as Michael tried to move closer to her. “Sarah!” I shouted but to no avail as she kept at her tantrum. “Sarah enough!” I roared my alpha voice surfacing and stopping her in her tracks. “What the f**k is going on here?” I demanded as everyone in the room looked to me. “What is going on?” She snarled at me “What is going on is that our father, your f*****g father,is marrying me off to some guy!” She shrieked as Michael caught hold of her, removing the vase she had grabbed to throw and turning her, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “Put me down right now Michael!” She shouted and I jerked my head towards the study, sending him to take her there. I instructed the omegas to clean the mess up she had made and sent the warriors out to get back to their jobs. I cleared my throat and headed to the study. Pausing outside the door, I could hear her cussing Michael out and I took a deep inhale before turning the handle and pushing open the door. Michael was still holding her over his shoulder as she fought to get free. “Sarah stop this.” I commanded as he looked to me for permission and I nodded. Michael dropped her gently onto a chair. “Talk to me like a person.” She folded her arms across her chest, bouncing her leg as she breathed heavily, rage rolling off of her. “He did it to me. He promised me to some Gamma at a neighboring pack. His Alpha father wanting a marriage match in order to secure an alliance.” I rubbed my chin in irritation, wondering what his end goal is. “Jackson I won’t do it.” She asserted. “I would rather kill myself.” “No Sarah.” “Yes Jackson. You think Elyse is happy? I want to be happy. With my mate! Not some guy.” She shouted. “Okay, okay.” I put up my hands in defeat, knowing she was in no state to reason with. “If I go talk with father, will you just stop breaking things?” I begged and she nodded slowly, maintaing her glare. I looked at Michael and jerked my heard toward the door. He followed me out to the hall, closing the door behind us. “Where is he?” “A meeting in his office. Your mother went to the city and dragged Elyse along for wedding shopping.” “Alright can you keep an eye on her for me?” I asked and he nodded. I turned to leave him and then turned back for a moment. “Is she right? Elyse is miserable?” I asked. He nodded again, his face turning grim. “She can’t even bring herself to reject her actual mate.” He commented. “You know who her mate is too?” I furrowed my brow. “Since when do you keep secrets from me? Sarah yes, but you?” I was incredulous. “Since I found out I’m her mate.” He said quietly, shocking me further. Marissa I woke up and stretched out, groaning as my stiff body ached all over. I frowned as I realized the bed felt empty and turned over, discovering a note where he should have been. Smiling that he had thought to let me know what was going on, I sat up and headed to the bathroom, hopping into a hot shower. As I finished up and stepped out, I wrapped myself in a towel and headed to the kitchen. Rifling through the fridge I pulled out a yogurt and some strawberries, settling into a chair to eat. I watched the sun through the window as it reflected off the lake. The peace here made me smile, as it was a comfort away from the madness waiting for me. I finished eating and wandered into the living room, sending Jackson a good morning text, before sitting back down in front of my map, looking over it once more. “The hunters are moving.” I muttered as I looked newly surfaced marks, the group heading towards Coven Blue still. I texted the coven assitant and let them know what I was seeing so she could relay it to High Priestess Yvonne. I was relieved that we had gotten them all out, but sad to think despite this, the hunters would still destroy their hme and I knew all to well how much effort it would take to restore. I checked my phone but Jackson hadnt answered my good morning text yet and I sighed, hoping he was getting everything taken care of okay. I began to feel a little out of place, not currently needed by the coven, and Jackson having left me at his lake house. I couldn’t stomach watching them move closer to their target, and so I roamed outside. Walking towards the lake, I found a spot in the sun and settled in, meditating to calm my nerves. Hours passed, the sun moving along the sky, finally as it began to set I got up and headed back inside. Checking my phone to find it was still without notifications. I sighed, a little unsure of myself, when I heard a car driving up the road. I went to the door and opened it as he climbed out of the car. Flashing me a smile he walked towards me. “You figure everything out okay?” I asked. He nodded as he wordlessly rached out and pulled me into his arms, snuggling me close. “It was a long day.” He sighed. “I am sorry I didn’t message you. I just wanted to get back here to see you. As soon as I could get out of there I did, and I rushed to get to you.” I smiled against him. “I am glad youre back.” I murmured. “Yeah?” He reached out and ran his thumb across my lower lip as I leaned back to look up at him, smiling. “Yeah. I was hoping another round would be in our future.” I winked as I took his hand and turned towards the house, leading him inside and towards the bedroom.
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