Battle Plans

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Marissa I paced quietly while waiting for them to arrive. The witches who were with me had spread out through the house, finding corners to prepare themselves for the fight ahead. I was nervous about the witches and wolves coming together like this. Jackson had said they would be here around sunrise so Yvonne had portaled us in late the previous night. I heard a howl and stooped mid pace, turning and listening intently as several other howls erupted, surrounding the house with sound. I stepped out onto the porch to see his beautiful white wolf walking towards us, flanked but several other wolves of various colors. To his left was grey wold with tan colored patches that was similiar in his size and I recognized him as the wold who brought us the car after our first interaction with the Hunters, assuming it to be Michael. He got to the porch and the other wolves stopped, sitting in a semi circle facing the house, while he came up the steps. I reached out and scratched his ears, bending to kiss his forhead as he bumped it against me. I smiled as he stepped to the side and shifted, holding out a pair of shorts and t shirt I had brought outside with me. He took them with a smile of appreciation as he slipped them on. “You okay?” He asked as he finished getting dressed. “Yeah just, a lot of nervous energies.” I turned and led him inside. We headed to the living room and the room went silent as everyone turned toward us. “High Priestess.” He dipped his head in respect toward her and I smiled at his remembering her role. “I have anout 3 dozen wolves with me. I know it’s not an army by any means but it was all we could spare for now.” “No worries. It’s more than enough. We are glad of the assistance.” She extended her hand to shake his with a smile. We gathered around the map on the table and she began to lay out the plan. “We will split our witches into two groups. I am hoping you can do the same with your wolves. We the two groups to have a blend of wolves and witches. I would prefer if they spend some time this afternoon getting aquainted so they know each other from the hunters. When the sun sets I will open portals to the area we know they are appraoching. Your jobs will be to keep them outside of the villages as best you can, for as long as you can.” She looked around as she spoke, everyone nodding in agreement. “Once you are all in place, you will be stuck there until we have completed evacuations. We have sent word for the covens to gather in one area to ease the process, but it will still take time. I will not be able to come help you or get any of you out until the others have been moved to safety. The goal is to preserve life. Once the witches are out, I will come for you all. We can rebuild when they have moved on.” Everyone looked around at one another, the pain of our past prevelant on their minds. “Marissa.” She nodded to me to take over. “Jackson is the lead wolf. He will be the largest and white wolf. I presume he will take the lead of one group, and have his second in command Michael take command of the other?” I looked to him and he nodded confirmation. “He is the grey wolf that was with me when I approached.” He clarified. “Ella will go with group one to utilize barrier spells to keep them at bay. Ella can’t heal but she can help slow the bleeding so if youre wounded badly seek her out, she will keep you alive. I will be with group two, utilizing my own spells to create barriers and I can help with pain, I will have a healer with me as well.” I finished turning slowly as I spoke so everyone could hear me. “Make no mistake, we are dividing the groups based on skills and abilities, and no task is unimportant, however. Group two will be heading off the larger group of hunters. They will be more dangerous. Bear that in mind as we divid up.” She locked eyes with Jackson. “Let’s get to work.” He nodded and turned to head outside as the sisters began speaking to the witches and assigning them their groups. Before leaving Yvone winked at me, knowing I was heading to speak with Jackson. I smiled as I turned and headed outside. I stopped on the porch, leaning against a pillar and watching as he spoke with Michael who had shifted and then they began to work through their gathered wolves, most of whome had shifted to their human forms, and assign them roles. Some of the witches had begun to come outside, handing out clothing to the naked individuals spread out in front. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Jackson stepping into his role as a leader. He finished up and came back to where I was standing on the porch. “Walk?” I asked and he grinned as he nodded. I stepped off the porch and led the way as we meandered away from everyone, walking a worn out path toward the woods. As we got farther away I felt axiousnes flutter in my stomach. We ducked into the woods and continued walking under the trees. “I am grateful for this Jackson, truly.” I said. “I would do anything for you.” “I know. Jackson I know the timing is off for this but if something were to happen I need you to know. “ “Stop.” He interrupted and took my hand, pulling me to a stop and turning me to look at him. As he cupped my face in his hand sparks sent tingles through my entire body. “I don’t need anything. You don’t need to say anything if you arent ready. Just promise me you will be safe.” He smiled softly as he looked into my eyes. “I do. I do Jackson because damn if I don’t love you.” I smiled up at him as his smile stretched into a grin. “Even if you are a f*****g wolf.” I laughed as I stepped closer and pulled him against me, pressing my lips to his in a smoldering kiss. He returned my kiss, lengthening it and gingerly slipping his tongue between my lips. I moaned softly as my body began to hum along, fire flaring in my belly. “Jackson.” I whispered as he broke the kiss, staring softly into my eyes. Before I could think his lips crashed into mine as he grabbed me and picked me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. He kissed me passionately and deeply, his tongue playing with mine, as he stepped forward until he had me balanced against a tree. I moaned as his hands roamed along my body, cupping my breast through my shirt and teasing my n****e, while he broke our kiss and trailed his lips along my neck and throat. I grabbed the edge of his shirt and began to remove it, causing him to pull back a moment and yank it off, before returning his mouth to mine. I could feel his hardened c**k pressing against me as we kissed and my juices pooled under my skirt, as my p***y ached for him. He reached under my dress and hiked it up, exposing my thighs to the cool air as he ripped my panties off. I pushed his shorts down and he kicked them off as he positioned himself and thrust into me. I moaned as I sank onto him, every inch filling me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tightly to me as he hooked each of his arms under my thighs and held me where he needed me and thrust in and out hard, his breathing become more frantic and needy. I clung to him, moaning against his ear as pleasure began to grow within me. He slammed into me harder and faster, every thrust pushing us both closer to our release as his width rubbed the most sensitive part inside of me, my walls clenching around him. My moans turned to cries as his own need drove him to f**k me harder and harder, the pace faster than I knew was possible, the tension becoming almost unbearable. I felt the peak coming and then screamed his name, the sound of my voice echoing in the woods as stars filled my vision and my orgasm hit me in waves of pleasure. He continued his hard thrusts until finally groaning his own climax and filling me with his hot semen. I panted as I held onto his neck and hegently removed his arms from my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist, his arms incircling my waist and hugging me close. We took a few moments to catch out breath before he lowered me to the ground and got his clothes back on straight. He picked up my torn panties and handed them to me. “Sorry.” he said laughing. I shook my head and took them, tucking them into my dress pocket. “I’m not.” I whispered planting a kiss on his cheek and walking around him to head back to the house. He grabbed my arm and whirled me around, pulling me against him and pressing a slow gentl kiss to my lips. “I love you.” He murmured. “I love you.” I responded with a smile and then taking his hand, I led us back to the house. I let go of his hand as we got within eye sight of everyone, our silent mutual agreement to keep our relationship to ourselves taking the lead. Only some people knew about us, and we still knew a witch with a wolf would cause ripples. We approached and noted that everyone seemed to be working well on getting ready for the fighting ahead. Several witches were showing their skills to their wolf counterparts, while the wolves stayed close, some in their human forms, some reverted to their wolves. “They are memorizing their respective withces scents.” Jackson said to me as we got to the porch and stopped to watch for a moment. “That way they can find them during and after the battle.” “I just hope and pray to the gods and goddesses that we won’t lose anyone.” “It is likely we will lose some. That is the nature of this sort of thing.” He said softly. “We will make sure they all make it home though. Every single one. We will pick them out of the battle field by their scent if nothing else.” He murmured. I hated the thought that some of us wouldn’t see out the night, but he was right. “I remember these hunters attacking when I was a child. I can’t help but wonder why so many years later they are still doing this. Why now is there a pattern?” Silence fell between us as I pondered these thoughts. There wasn’t a pattern then but now there was. I couldn’t fathom why the change. I decided to revisit that thought later as the sun faded in the sky, and everyone began to gather up, waiting near the porch for Yvonne. She stepped out with her sister, their hands clasped. Jackson reached out behind him for my hand, blocking it from view with his body and I slid my hand into his for a moment, smiling softly when he squeezed it, and then he stepped off the porch, joining the others, as I joined hands with the sisters. A few other witches stepped up to the porch and joined us, six of spread along the porch, hand in hand, channeling each others magic. “I call upon the gods and goddesses who guide our craft, our ancestors, the witches before us. Surround us now with your love and guidance. Protect us on this night as we work to remove our sisters from danger. Deliver us from the evil that seeks to destroy us. Blessed be.” High Priestess Yvonne spoke loudly and clearly as we all raised our hands in unison, casting protection across the group in front of us. We let go of one another and stepped off the porch, I took my spot beside Jackson as he stripped his clothing off and shifted to his white wolf. I reached out and stroked his fur and the rest of the wolves shifted. Michael stepped to me before he did so and took my hand, looking into my eyes. “Keep him safe?” He implored and I nodded. “Always.” I smiled and he headed to his group, shifting to his wolf. Yvonne opened a portal near them first and they began to move through as she opened a second one near me and Jackson led the group through. As the last wolf went through I looked over to Yvonne and nodded, then followed, the portal closing behind me. We moved quietly, the village was ahead of us, difficult to see, but roof tops poked into the night sky. They had made sure to turn of every light and put out every fire and candle. We moved queitly through the grass, listening for any sort of movement near by. Jackson moved through the group, making sure to keep everyone close, and circling back to me every so often, before returning to the front of the group to keep leading us. I cautiously lowered my walls, focusing on funneling out the varied emotions around me, expecting anxiety to be the overwhelming emotion. Instead I was hit with an anger and hatred so strong I froze in my spot, gasping as the intensity hit me. Jackson was immediately at my side, his wolf pressing his body against me. “They are here.” I gasped out as I took a few deep breaths, fighting to restore the wall and calm myself. He growled lowly, alerting the other wolves who stopped their movements, lowering themselves into the grass, the witches crouching in response. Suddenly a massive bolt of lightning ripped open the sky, several branches of electricity arcing off it, lighting up the entire area to reveal we were surrounded by hunters.
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