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Jackson I shifted to my wolf and let Westley take control. He took off through the woods, getting to the pack house in record time. No sooner had he relenquished control and shifted back did Sarah come bolting from the house. Eyeing her warily from my spot near the porch, I yanked on some pants and then my shirt as she darted to me. “Mother is on a rampage.” She grumbled as she wrapped me in a hug. “She know you left?” I asked as she let me go and we turned towards the house. She shook her head. “She is too busy with wedding preperations. Father moved up the date.” I froze and looked at her shocked. “Why?” “No idea.” She shrugged as I resumed walking. “He wants to see you by the way. He’s in the office.” “SARAH ELAINE!” Mother’s voice echoed frrom the stairs. Are you blocking my mindlink?” “No Mother!” She shouted back before whispering to me “I’m just choosing not to respond.” She slumped her shoulders as she headed towards out mother who was standing at the top of the stairs holding a blue dress in her hands. “Ah Jackson, be a dear and come try on some suits for me.” “Sure mother, I just need to speak with father first.” I replied and she smiled as she turned to lead Sarah down the hall. Being future alpha often meant all I had to do was tell her I was meeting with father and she let me out of her sight. I made my way down the hallway and knocked before entering his office. “Father.” I greeted as he poured over some papers on his desk, only grunting a response. “I hear Elyse is getting married soon.” I tried to be caustious with my probing but movnig the wedding date up felt off. “Yes. David’s father was getting antsy about the treaty and so it feels prudent to make sure it is sealed. Especially before we work with witches.” “About that. I need to ask something.” He stopped working and looked up at me. “The hunters are moving on another coven. They have split into two groups, but they are still numerous. Marissa is asking if we can help hold them off while her coven leaders evacuate the witches within each.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair. “We may not have enough warriors to spare to take on two groups of hunters. One is a tough number as it is.” He reasoned and I knew he was right. Still for her I had to try. “I had an idea. We don’t have to have large numbers, we just need them to think we do.” He raised an eyebrow and waited for me to continue. “The main leader of her coven can make portals. Perhaps we use that to move warriors strategically, place them around the groups and do just enough to convince them they are out numbered. It wouldn’t even be for long. We just need to slow them down.” He thought for a moment before his eyes clouded over slightly, and after a moment or two returned to normal. “We can spare two dozen from here and David has said he will round up another dozen.” I nodded. “It may not be many but until we have secured other treaties, we can’t rely on all other packs to aid this time. We need to continue to build our defenses here.” He finished. “Understood.” I said “We plan to meet at the abandoned house tomorrow.” He nodded his approval. “That should work out. You sister’s wedding is tonight.” He commented and I froze, looking at him in shock. “Tonight?” “Yes. David’s father wants it done before the next full moon. He intends to step down so David can take the reigns and wants him there for the first shift of their newly turned eighteen wolves.” He mumbled. “So off you go, your mother is waiting. Nine in the ball room.” He resumed his work. I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came to mind. I turned and left the office, moving slowly through the hallway. I turned the corner to catch Michael and Elyse slipping into the study. Knowing they were fighting their mate bond, I decided to let them have their moment, and went to see my mother. I knocked on her bedroom door and was invited in, stepping in to find her and an omega fussing over a dress that Sarah was standing on a stool in. “Ah Jackson.” Mother chirped, moving toward her bed where several garments were strewn around. “Try these on.” She shoved an arm load of suits into my arms and turned back to Sarah. I rolled my eyes as I inwardly groaned and slipped into the bathroom, locking the door and slowly working to change into the first suit. I checked the mirror and decided against it, shuffling the remaining options before settling on one that was charcoal grey, with a white shirt, and getting it on. Stepping out of the bathroom I cleared my throat so my mother could see. Sarah whistled at me and I glared at her. “Enough. Dont be petulant.” Mother snapped at Sarah as she adjusted my jacket. “Yes this is your color.” She commented. “That’s it?” Sarah said incredulously. “I have been in and out of a doxen dresses and poked with more pins than any person should for hours!” She shouted. “He tries on one suite and he’s done?!” I tried to stifle a chuckle at her indignation. “Well a suit is a suit.” Mother replied. “Beside if you wouldn’t fidget so much.” She scolded Sarah. I went back to change and gathered my suit, having passed mother’s approval. “Father said nine?” I asked and she nodded. “I have a few things to take care of but I will be down.” I tried to ignore the glare from Sarah, my failure to break off our sisters engagement weighing on me. I stashed my suit and pulled out my phone as I headed back down the stairs. Jackson: Hey beautiful. Got about three dozen wolves and a plan. Any chance you can ask for some favors with portals? Marissa: I can. Jackson: Perfect. I will call tonight about my idea. I have a few things to take care of first. Talk soon? Marissa: Sounds good. I smiled as I tucked my phone away and jogged down the stairs. I stopped by the study door and listened for a moment, hearing nothing I cautiously opened the door. Michael was staring into the fireplace, his arm across the mantle as he leaned his head against it, a drink in his other hand. “She won’t do it.” He mumbled as I stood awkwardly behind him. “She won’t and I can’t.” “I am so sorry.” I felt a new wave of guilt at my failure to get her out of this. “I didn’t get enough time.” “I know.” He took a drink and chuckled. “I don’t think anyone expected the timeline to move so fast.” He was silent a moment before suddenly slamming the glass into the fire, the whiskey creating a fire flare before settling back down. “I should have fought for her!” He shouted. “How?” “I could have challenged your father!” He turned facing me, the agony in his eyes as tears fell silently. “I still can!” He stepped toward the door. “Then what? If you win you become Alpha and then I have to challenge you and if you lose, Elyse loses you too.” I rationalized. “I hate to say it but without the rejection, you will be devestated constantly over her. At this stage, maybe the rejection is better.” He stared blankly for a moment. “I can still try to get Sarah out of this, but I can’t move against him on this. There are so many other things at play here.” I shook my head in frustration. “Believe me if I could.” “What other things?” He questioned. I hesitated, feeling that telling him my prioritizing my mate was the culprit. “The witch?” He guessed and I looked away in shame. “We are meeting in the morning to go after the witch hunters, try to slow them down, save the last two covens they seem to be after.” He nodded. “I’m coming with you.” “Michael.” I began but his head snapped up, his eyes baring into mine with anger. “I am coming.” I nodded my agreement. “I would rather die than live a hundred years without my mate.” He gritted as he moved to leave. “Michael please consider the rejection.” I urged, knowing the pain he would endure everytime she had to kiss or sleep with her husband. He stopped with his hand on the door knob and without turning back he simply stated one last thing. “I would rather feel the agony of every physical betrayal, every pain or fear she feels for the rest of herlife, than to never feel her again.” He turned the knob, and stepped through the opening, leaving the door cracked as he vanished from the room.
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