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Jackson I made may way through the house to my room. The activitiy through out was loud and I had no interest in whatever mother was doing today. I got to my room and shut the door, kicking off my shoes and stripping out of my clothes, leaving them in the corner as I made my way to the bathroom. Kicking on the shower I stood outside of it and peeled off the bandaged she had wrapped. My wound had healed, leaving just a small scar on my side where the stabbing had happened. Shaking my head I stepped into the shower and got cleaned up, getting back out and wrapping up in a towel. I headed out toward my closet and noticed my bedroom door was open. Frowning I walked down the hallway to it and closed it, turning around to spot my sister in the corner, curled on a chair. “So where have you been?” She demanded as she typed away on her phone. “Sarah I am naked.” “You’re in a towel and I’m not even looking at you.” She shot me a look before returning to her texting. “Mom is furious you didn’t come home last night.” I rolled my eyes as I headed back down the short hallway to the closet. “I have no reason to be at her party.” I pulled on a shirt and pair of jeans before heading back and plopping down onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. “Well she would argue as future alpha it’s important.” “Why do you even care?” “I care because when you don’t show up she picks on me.” She stood up and came over, kicking at my legs and connecting with my ankle. “Sarah your dress isn’t right, Sarah your hair, Sarah behave.” She mocked our mother’s voice. “Sarah behave.” I shot up as my mother’s voice sounded from the doorway. “I have got to get a lock.” I mumbled. “Sarah there is a very handsome young man I think you should meet. He is on track to be the Beta of a very large pack down south.” “Mama I don’t want to meet any future Alphas.” She protested. “In fact I am with Jackson. I have no intention to go down to that party.” She sat next to me in protest. “Sarah Elaine so help me, if you do not get your butt down stairs.” mother scolded and rolling her eyes, Sarah got up with a huff, stomping out of the room. “As for you.” She began. “There’s a handomse young future alpha waiting for me?” I said earning me a light slap to the side of my head. “A young lady or two who would make a great Luna perhaps.” She said turning to head down the hallway “You are the future Alpha my son and some day I will have to turn over my Luna responsibilities to your future wife.” She vanished into my closet. “Someday mother. But father isn’t going anywhere for awhile.” I protest as she returns to my side with a suit in her hands. Laying it out on the bed she fussed over which shirt to pair with it before setting a white one out, heading to return the rejected one to my closet. Coming back over she cupped my chin in her hand, forcing me to look at her. “My son, I get that you don’t want this responsibility but it is just that, your responsibility. There is no other road for you. So grin and bear it. I expect you down stairs in five minutes for your father’s toast.” She let go as she head to the door, turning back once more. “If not for your mother, do it to keep your sister from beating up on some poor sweet boy.” She sighed as she shook her head, pulling the door closed behind her. I sat for a few moments then sighed as I stood up, looking at the suit she had chosen. Deciding that I still needed to maintain some sort of choice, I kept my jeans and t shirt on, donning the dinner jacket over top. Taking the rest of the suit back to my closet I pulled on a pair of black loafers and headed down stairs. As I got to the bottom step and scanned the room, I locked eyes on Sarah as she stood in a corner, a small group of guys trying to talk to her. Making a beeline for her, I pushed through the group and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “Excuse me, I need her for a moment.” I said as I pulled her off her wall and led her away towards the ballroom. “She got you to come down.” “She threatened to marry you off to some old fart so I came to rescue you.” I whispered pulling her into a head lock as we entered the room. “Shut up. Dick.” she laughed. “Father is in a mood.” She nodded to the far end of the room where a stage had been set up and we watched as our mother and father made their way across it, mother taking a seat as he settled behind the podium to speak. “What is this speech about?” I asked and she shrugged as he began to talk. “We want to take a moment to congratulte the newest pack members to have completed their first shift.” He raised a glass and the room erupted in cheers as everyone took a drink to celebrate. Sarah rolled her eyes as a few of the local wolves howled together. “Hey one of those guys could be your future husband.” I whispered and she elbowed me in the ribs as the room settled and out father continued. “I also want to announce the betrothel of my eldest daughter, Elyse to future Alpha David from the High Mountain pack.” He shouted as my other sister walked up behind him, holding hands with a man who was clearly twice her age. “f*****g gross.” Sarah scowled. I studied my sister’s face as she stood with her fiance, smiling to the crowd as they cheered. My father beaming as he presented her to the crowd. “Through their marriage we have signed a pact with his father, Alpha Jerome that unites our territories and adds further protection to all wolves within.” Another cheer erupted as my father explained their betrothel. Wrapping up his speech and wishing for everyone to continue with their partying, I took Sarah by the arm and dragged her to the stage as he stepped off with my mother, Elyse and her new fiance following close behind. “What the f**k dad? You think you can just marry us off to old men whenever you want to make a deal?” Sarah demanded. “Sarah Elaine.” Mother hissed but father raised his hand to stop her. “She is free to have her opinions.” He said. “This is David. David, my big brother.” Elyse introduced and her fiance held out his hand to me. I shook it as she continued to introduce us. “This is our baby sister Sarah.” He held his hand out to shake hers but Sarah refused. “He’s like eighty years old. Are you insane?” Anger flashed in my father’s eyes but he maintained his grin. “This is a great match and I counldn’t be more pleased. Let your sister enjoy her moment.” He tried to push past Sarah leading Elyse and Edmund to visit the crowd, but she wouldn’t let him. “You can’t just decide our lived for us!” She shouted. “Ow, ma!” She yelped when mother pinched her arm, digging in. “Sarah Elaine that is more than enough. You can either shut your mouth and behave, or you can find another room to be in.” Sarah rubbed her arm where mother had pinched her as our parents and sister moved past us. “What the f**k happened to you? You don’t have opinions?” She scowled at me. “I have opinions little bit, I just also have the awareness to know not to confront our father in front of his party guests.” “Do not call me that.” She gritted through her teeth before turning away from me and leaving me alone as she vanished into the party. Heaving a sigh I stopped one of the floating omegas and grabbed a drink, gulping it down. “I can’t believe she is marrying that guy.” I turned to find Michael standing behind me. Michael was my closest friend and presumably future beta, and had been in love with my sister since we were kids. “I can. Father has always been pushing to make allegiences with other packs. He thinks it makes us stronger.” “You don’t?” He asked as we meandered through the crowd and out of the ballroom, standing in the entryway. “I think we can make pacts without marrying my sisters off.” “I think Sarah would for sure agree with you on that one.” He commented. He was right, Sarah was our fathers favorite and he always spoiled her. Elyse was the older daughter and took her responsibilities the most serious. I tried to take mine seriously but I the weight of being future Alpha was often heavier than I wanted to admit to. “I met my mate.” I muttered and he stared at me in shock. “Who is it? Where?” He asked looking around to try and determine who it might be. I shook my head at him. “She isn’t from our pack.” I said, causing his eyes to go wide. “Another pack?” I shook my head. I was hesitant to tell him about her considering how she left me. I was debating telling him more when a commotion caught my attention. Turning my head toward the noise I caught sight of Sarah as she tackled a guy to the ground and began to land punches on his face. Severl of his friends tried to jump in and she managed to flatten two more as Michael and I ran over and pushed through them in an effort to break it up. As we yanked them apart from one another I got to Sarah and grabbed her, throwing her over my shoulder and carried her kicking and screaming out of the room. Heading down the hallway to the library I kicked the door open and went into the room, dropping her onto a chair, and turning back to close the door. “What the f**k?!” She screamed trying to get up push I shoved her back down. Just then the door burst open and my mother barrelled in, father close behind. “Are you determined to ruin everything?” Mother hissed as Sarah shot to her feet. “They started it!” She shouted. “ That may well be but you do not need to finish it. I raised you better than this.” “You didn’t raise me at all our nanny did!” She screamed and my mother slapped her across the face. I moved across the room, wedging myself between them. “Enough mother.” I said towering over her. She stepped back, her face contorted in rage. “I will not be spoken to like that.” She huffed as father moved forward and pulled her back towards him. “ I think maybe it is a good time for Sarah to head to bed. We have other matters to worry about.” He tried to be judicial but his love for my sister always out weighed everyone else. I turned to Sarah as she held her cheek, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “Michael” my father barked knowing Michael was never far and he popped in from the other side of the door. “Take my wife back to the party, I will be there in a moment.” He said and Michael nodded taking my mother by the arm and leading her out. “We do not need this in fighting.” He grumbled. “We have enough madness going on.” He rubbed his temples as he paced. “Daddy .”Sarah began but he shook his head. “Enough Sarah. Enough of this childish behavior. You need to straighten up and act right.” “Why? So you can marr me off to some old guy like Elyse?” She shouted, shrinking behind me when father stopped and fixed her with a cold stare. “Maybe. I don’t know. Our territory needs to be a strong as it can be. I have to be strategic. So maybe I will have to marry you off or your brother. Regardless, you have to stop this insanity.” He shook his head. “Your mother is right. I have coddled you far too much.” He heaved a sigh. “Jackson escort your sister to her room. We will talk in the morning.” “Talk?” I questioned, my father not typically being the talking type. “Yes we need to tighten up pack security and ramp up training.” He turned to leave the room. “Ramp up training? Is there a threat?” I asked and he turned back to look at me. “There seems to be a group of witch hunters moving through the area. Which means there must be witches near by. We need to be ready for anything.” He turned and left the room. I gulped as I immediately thought of her and the way touching her face had made my skin tingle. Witches in the area and my father was preparing for a war. Not to mention a witch just so happened to be my mate.
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