
1416 Words
Marissa The sun streaming through the window woke me up and I rolled over to discover he was no longer beside me. Sighing and closing my eyes they flew open and I shot up in shock when I heard his voice from the corner. “So you are a witch.” My eyes darted to him, sitting in a chair in the corner, looking back at me. His face was unreadable and I stared back at him, pulling my legs up to my chin and hugging them. “And I am a f*****g wolf.” He chuckled crossing his ankle over his knee and relaxing back into the chair. “So what are we going to do now little witch?” “WE?!” I asked incredulously “We aren’t doing anything. YOU are leaving.” I got up and headed to the door to open it but he stayed stationary in his chair. “No I don’t think I am ready to leave just yet. Who were those men last night.” He picked some lint from his shirt, studying it for a moment then flicking it away before looking back to me. “Nobody.” “You called them hunter. They killed your mother.” He recalled from the night before. “Witch hunters. They wanted you specifically. To finish what they started with your mother?” He pondered as I fought the anger and sadness that rolled through me. “No. I was hunting them.” “A witch, hunting witch hunters.” He dropped his leg from his knee to the floor, leaning forward to study me. “Fasctinating.” “No, revenge.” I rolled my eyes, folding my arms across my chest and staring him down. “They murdered her when she came to a village they had recently wiped out. They ambushed her from the rubble and cut her throat before discarding her like trash on the side of the road.” Tears threatened and I fought against them, determined not to cry in front of this man. “I have been hunting them for awhile. I didn’t really imagine they knew I was after them though. They tend to be, overconfident, in themselves.” I sat on the edge of the bed, looking away from him as my mind roamed. “They shouldn’t have known you were tracking them?” His voice brought me back from my thoughts and I looked back at him, shaking my head slowly. “I have been careful, methodical in my search. They had no reason, unless.” I trailed off. “Unless?” His voice had softened as he continued to look at me. “They’re still working with the witches. But its been decades.” I stood up and began pacing before freezing as the realization hit me. “They are looking for her.” “Who?” He asked. “I have to go home. I have to warn them.” I went to the closet and grabbed my suitcase, throwing in the few things I had been travelling with. “Woah hang on. Slow down.” He hopped up and tried to stop me but I pushed him away, going into the bathroom and grabbing my things before returning to drop them into my suitcase. “I can’t. I have to get home. They could still be danger. The children who left are in danger.” I finished up and zipped my suit case, pulling out my phone and texting home before turning back to him.” Listen thank you for helping me last night. I do appreciate it but I have go. Yu have to go . Pease.” I pleaded with him, staring into his eyes. He stepped closer and reached out to put his hand on my cheek, staring into my eyes. “I don’t even know your name.” His thumb stroking my skin sent sparks through my and Iclosed my eyes, leaning into the sensation. I heard a sound and opened my eyes, peering behind him to see a portal had opened in the back of the room, Yvonne on the other side. “It’s Marissa. Now please, go.” I moved past him and grabbing my suitcase I walked through the portal, turning one last time to see his beautiful green eyes locked on me, as I left him alone in the hotel room. “They arent dont searching for whatever they thought Melody had.” Ella and Yvonne sat at the head of the table, several of us around the rest of it, as I had told them what I realized. “The only the witch hunters could have known I was chasing after them was with magic. They have to still be working with them.” I summarized. “They are searching for her daughter. Melody’s daughter would be the next logical place for them to look.” Yvonne added. “She vanished after her mother died. She escaped to Coven Blue with her father but a few days after that he left with her. We haven’t seen or heard about her since then.” “Such a shame. Being cut off from her home, her magic. Such a waste.” Yvonne shook her head. “Should we be worried that they will return here?” I asked but she shook her head. “As far as they know our coven was destroyed and we were all scattered. Maintaining our border spells should keep us hidden. To the outside world this place is just woods. Ella and I will reach out to the other covens and warn them to increase their protections. However, it may be prudent to consider becoming more offensive ourselves.” Yvonne sat back in thought while several witches agreed with her. The room bustled with activity as many witches began to discuss their thoughts and ideas, the group beginning to dispurse. I tried to focus on what we needed to do but my mind kept drifting to him. Images of him shifting to fight the hunters played over memories of him sleeping naked in my bed, the counter of his hips, the way his hard chest rose and fell with his breath. The green of his eyes was enchanting, I had never seen a man with such beautiful eyes. “Lost in thought?” Ella leaned towards me an dI felt myself blush. “Just trying to remember when they came out of the shadows. If they did or said anything that might help.” I smiled as I pushed thoughts of him away from my mind. “Hmm” she nodded once before continuing “I think you should go back.” “Back?” I sat up straight. “ To the place they attacked you. There may be something you didn’t see in the night. Something to help you make heads or tails of the situation. Possibly traces of the witches magic.” I hadn’t thought of that and silently cursed myself for not thinking of that myself. “How about in the morning. Sleep in your own bed tonight. Pack a fresh bag and I will portal you to the spot in the morning.” Yvonne instructed and I nodded in agreement. Exchanging a good night with them I made my way out and headed down the road toward my house. I stopped at the cottage that once belonged to Melody and her family, a stop I often made, to pay respect to her. The coven kept it cleaned and maintained, the sisters convinced one day her daughter would return to us. Placing my hand on the fence post I closed my eyes and sent a prayer to the gods and goddesses on her behalf, before continuing the path to my home. Once inside I changed into a night dress, settling into my biggest chair with a cup of tea. As rain began to pelt the windows, I leaned my chin into my hand and watched the water streaking down the pane of glass. I tried to focus on the problem at hand with the chaos witches and their witch hunters but I kept going back to him. The way his eyes burned into mine, made me wish to stare into them longer but more than that, the way his touch sent tingles through me. I had never been touched like that and I kept thinking about how good it felt. I wanted more.
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