5. Dayton

939 Words
CHAPTER FIVE FREYA'S POV This night was officially going into record as one of the most boring nights I've ever-hold that thought. Maybe not such a bad night after all. A smile touched my lips when I noticed the mountain of a man walking. Ah, Dayton. I was almost afraid my brother had somehow found out about our little indulgence and fired him. My eyes followed him as he walked to my brother who was engrossed in a chat with the Alpha King. He leaned down, whispering something to him, John nodded. "Did you sleep with him too?" And of course, Rhett just had to ruin my mood by opening his lips. "None of your business," I turned to look at him," Even if I did, how does it affect you?" "I'm a werewolf royalty, hot mama," he leaned in dangerously close, something he seemed to be doing a lot tonight," I do care a lot about what people say about my wife," "Right. Wolves and their Rome sized pride. Don't you ever get tired of that? I mean, I'd certainly be needing a therapist if I had to carry everyone's burden on my shoulders like that?" I watched his eyes, "You know who the Mafia cares about? No one," "And you had the audacity to call us creatures," he chuckled, clearly amused. I half turned to him, leaning down to brush his right ear with my lips as I whsipered,"If you must know, yes, I did f**k him. He was so good. You want to know how he made moan like it was the end of the freaking world?" He suddenly grabbed my thigh under the table, catching me unawares,"He must have sucked if you feel the need to tell me about it," Maybe I exaggerated a bit on Dayton's bedroom skills but he was still so damn good. Not quite on the same radar as Gomez though. In other circumstances, I wouldn't go for a second round with him but tonight, I was feeling quite petty. This time, I'd make sure my brother knows. "Aww…so naive, Little wolf," I chuckled," I'm only telling so you would know just how little control you got on me. Also, I thought about it. I'm not doing the whole celibacy thing with you for three weeks. See, unlike wolves, we mafia's don't have to worry about exclusivity. You guys have the whole mate thing, right?" "Are you sure your brother would be happy with you f*****g his right hand man though?" He lilted. "I don't know. How about you find out for me?" I winked mischievously, reaching for my refilled champagne flute. He leaned back, shaking his head ,"You are going to be a load of trouble for me, aren't you?" "Me? Of course not. I'm as good of a girl as they come," I said, taking one calculated sip of champagne. The fruity notes blessed my pallet, washing away all the stress of the evening. Maybe the wolves weren't my cup of tea, but they sure as hell knew how to pick their champagne. The ceremony went on, speeches were given about how our 'union' was the first step in bringing peace between our two warring communities. I've never heard so much bullshit in my life as I did now. Eventually, they came to an end before the Alpha King announced it was time to party the werewolf way. "Here comes the best part," He said, a conniving smirk building up the corner of his lips," the wolf parties. You ever heard of those Freya?" The wolf parties. I've not just heard about them, I have been to one- well, sort of ambushed it and it didn't leave a good memory. I swallowed down the bitterness spreading down the back of my throat, blinking rapidly while trying to block the memories attempting to flood my brain. "Excuse me," I muttered weakly, scrambling through the crowd while trying to find my way outside. I shut my eyes, the coldness of the night bitting into every exposed part of my skin. My heart kept of beating quite too fast, taking more than a few deep breaths to calm myself down and push every piece of memory trying to break. "Bored already? I thought the Mafia have a thing for making a statement by being the center of attention," Killian spoke, smoke leaving his lips as he leaned by the wall, an amused smirk dancing on his lips. "Oh really? Where did you get that …misleading piece of information from?" I accepted the joint he was offering, "Your dealer?" He chuckled," Anyway, are you okay?" "Yeah," I blew out the smoke, feeling my nerves slowly relax, " I'm not exactly enthusiastic about werewolf orgies," I handed back the joint, watching his face keenly," Why aren't you in there?" "I have my reasons," he shrugged," Aren't you scared your husband is going to get action from some other wolf?" "I do think he needs some action. Might calm him down," I shrugged. "Funny," he straightened his coat, a serious look on his face,"Werewolves and Mafia united? It's never going to work," "Tell that to the Mafia King, the bloody mayor and my douchebag of a brother,"I sighed. Finally someone was getting what I was saying. With a smile building in my fav, I turned to him," You might just be the only wolf, I don't feel the need to kill," "And you might just be the only Mafia I'm not interested in severing," he smirked, handing back the joint to me. "Oh come on," And just like that, Rhett had to ruin the evening.
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