4. The insults

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CHAPTER FOUR RHETT I have thought of a hundred ways to kill my brother for the past two hours and none of them seemed painfully prolonged enough. He was by the corner of the room, telling one of his stupid stories to the two gamma women who were definitely going to end up in a threesome with him tonight. I've never understood his tastes or more befittingly, his indulgences. But perhaps this was his way of dealing with things; an escape of the nightmares life had induced in him. “Oh come on. You are still mad about that?” I could almost taste the eye roll from Freya without having to turn,"It's not like we f****d or something. He is too, how should I put this? Rugged for my taste,” Did she really understand the repercussions of what she had done? She was smoking with my brother and that too in my room. If someone had seen them, there would have been rumors spreading like wildfire and trust me, the werewolves believed there was always a fire where there is smoke. “You got high with my f*****g brother,” I tried to keep the sting out of my voice. How could she be that nonchalant? Was this her way of getting under my nerves? Well, it was certainly working and that too, spectacularly. She shrugged, “Well, he knows how to pick his joints. It's not my fault you are boring as hell," "First day of marriage and you are making me want to kill you,"I seethed under my breath. "You and me both. It would save me from having to smile a little longer or pretend there is nothing in this world that means so much to me better than you. I mean seriously, are the wolves that devoid of fun? This party is certainly the worst I've seen in the history of parties. Even the mayor holds better balls. What is it meant for again?" She questioned. I hated the conniving glint in her eyes. "Where are those f*****g drug dealers?"I asked instead, running my gaze around the crowd while sniffing the air for a stench of arrogance before turning to the woman beside me," Seriously though, where is your drug dealing crew? Too ashamed to be interacting with the elite city folk?" "Drug dealers?" She laughed, " Was that meant to be offensive? Honey, you are going to have to come up with better insults if you are trying to make me shoot you. If you can be creative enough, I'd do you a favor and shoot right between your eyes. It would be quick, I promise," I leaned down, whispering in her ear, "If I wanted you to be death of me, I'd shoot myself first," Her chest vibrated with laughter as she turned, barely an inch of space between us and I could smell the distant stench of weed off her breath despite the mint gum she'd chewed earlier. "You are not being very nice, Honey. Don't make me shoot those lips shut,"Suddenly she brushed her fingernails on the exposed part of my arm," But maybe for now we should keep this banter between us for later. Maybe, even play a little love role," She was right and I hated that. People couldn't know that this was all staged. There was definitely no love lost and in the future, I doubted any could be gained. We were werewolves. They were Mafia. We could never be more complete opposites. "Of course," I forced a smile, turning my attention back to the front. People were busy talking, flirting and some even drinking in small groups. With only the top ranking wolves present, they seemed more engrossed in talking about the pack. No one was paying attention to us much to my relief. I could do a lot of stuff, endure gun wounds but not this. Acting like I'm in love with a woman I can't stand, is more than just a thorn in my ass. "Brother," My youngest brother Dax grabbed my attention, a gentle smile on his face as he turned his attention to Freya,"And you must be my brother's wife. Hi. I'm Dax. The youngest of the Saints," "Hello Dax," Freya returned his smile but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Well, congratulations for the wedding. Sorry I couldn’t get you any gifts. I won't stick around for long unfortunately. I have my midterms tomorrow and would very much like to keep my grades up," Dax fixed his glasses, smiling apologetically. "No problem. Go ahead," I said. My gaze followed him as he disappeared into the crowd of pack members, stopping to chat with a few. He wasn't that much of a crowd person, something that didn't sit quite well with my father. Among the three of us, Dax had to be the most academically unparalleled. I'd been unparalleled with anything business and well, Killian only cared about anything with mathematics in it. "He might just be only sane Saint brother," she whispered, "Although Killian is quite…interesting," "Stay the f**k away from Killian,"I muttered, quite aggravated by her smugness. She was so good at getting under my nerves. "He is my brother in law, isn't he?" She countered with a sly smile. The double doors suddenly opened before I could retort, my father along with my new brother in law, walked inside, flanked by their respective security detail. John stood tall and intimidating, although a bit less scary than his sister. I felt a shift in Freya's mood, bitterness mixed with anger tinging the air around her as she gazed directly at John. Well, first time I could read her emotions that clearly. "Don't you both look lovely?" John started, approaching us. "How about we cut the bullshit and get this over with?"And for once I agreed with her. I couldn’t stand the pretense much longer. When I noticed my father's jaw start to twitch, I had to step in. "Sounds fair to me," I shrugged, "I mean, we are all tired, aren't we?" Father glanced at me, swallowing back whatever he'd wanted to spill before grabbing a glass and a spoon, hitting it twice to gain the attention of everybody in the room. "Quite a spectacular and unexpected evening, isn't it?" He began once everyone's attention was gathered.
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