6.Suck it up

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CHAPTER SIX RHETT'S POV Freya paused with the unlit end of the joint short of getting between her lips, a sigh leaving her lips accompanied by an eyeroll," Shouldn't you be getting some...action in there? Who knows? Maybe your mate is in there too," "If my mate were there, I would have sniffed them out quite along time ago," I stretched my hands, beckoning at the weed. Mate. f**k! I doubt I was getting one of those anytime soon. She hesitated for a second, before an amused smile slowly crawled over her lips while handing over the joint, "Look who is learning the meaning of fun?" I took a deep inhale of the smoke, the rush going straight to the most overworked nerve in my system. For a few seconds, I let my head float into the balloon of calmness, eyes closing involuntarily. I wasn't as much of a smoker as my brother, but just for tonight, I’d make an exception. I pass it back, letting my back rest against the stone wall. Inside, the wolf-parties-a fancy word for orgies-were getting quite loud, groans and moans piercing the air. Killian's phone pinged and upon glancing at it, he reached for his bike keys from the inner pocket of his coat, dangling them with his index finger, "I guess, this is it for me. Gotta hit the real party. See you in....I don't know. Five years?" He walked away, whistling under his breath towards his bike. Once he was on it, all I saw was a trail of dust. There was a part of me there always sunk whenever I watched my brother walk away. From being the sunshine of the family, now he was barely recognizable and he’d do anything to avoid being associated with this family. "Quite an interesting fellow that one," Freya broke the silence between us, her rather red eyes meeting mine, "Never speaks too much, has the right weed," she inhaled deeply before pushing the smoke out of her nostrils, "What is he running away from?" Very perceptive. I'd give her that. Not many people could see right through the nonchalant façade Killian put up. "What do you mean?" I asked. She let the remaining piece of the joint fall down before becoming a victim to the heel of her shoe, "Never mind. Anyway, what time is this party going to end? I may not look like it, but I'm quite tired," I glanced at the manned entrance, "It’s going to be quite a while," "Great," she sighed in complete exasperation. I had no idea what came over me and usually I was not one to feel empathic especially for a mafia but I found myself heading back inside the house. Groans and moans of pleasure filled every corner of the ballroom and the house, werewolves and mafia having well, quite some interesting s****l indulgences. The wolf parties, happened once in every blue moon and had to be approved by the Alpha King and were usually in celebration for a worthwhile cause. Mostly, they were exclusive for the werewolf royalty; with only the exception being made for a few werewolves; usually if one got an invite through a royalty member. I wasn't against them of course; given the limited number of people in the room. My wolf Ink was certainly craving getting on the action tonight. What I was most concerned however, was the cleaning after. In all truth, I'd done it to piss Freya off. Instead, she'd panicked and tried to act like it was all nothing. I wasn't going soft on her of course. Hell, she was one of the few people I loathed with all my heart. Not to mention she'd been f*****g somebody else less than an hour after legalizing our union. So why the hell was I rushing inside to grab my car keys and drive her to another one of my apartments in the city? You know what? To hell with empathy. She didn't deserve any from me. Who knows? She probably had plans tonight with somebody else. Letting my attention get sidetracked, a rather sexy werewolf holds my gaze in a grip of seductive invitation. I can almost smell the lust building off her. The more I gaze at her, the more I'm convinced she was one capable of a wild night; enough to come the hunger growing inside me, fueling the dirty thoughts starting to run in my head. "Pretty enough," Ink spoke to me. "Wait till I get her alone," I couldn’t help the smirk growing on my face. Well, maybe I would get lucky tonight because who knows how long I have to be celibate after this? I was about to walk towards her, when my father intercepted me; a grim look on his face. "Don't even think about it," he warned, jaws tightened. "It’s a f*****g wolf parties, Dad. It’s the one time wolves, whether mated or not, get to have some fun," I pointed out. "And I'm trying to make a statement with the Mafia," He paused, making sure I could read the seriousness in his eyes, "Where you like it or not, we need this alliance and I'm not just talking giving into that damn Mayor's whims," he glanced around but everyone else was too taken by the pleasure being offered, "I don't care if you have to suck it up to that Mafia brat, but we need them on our side now more than ever. You can't become the Alpha King of the city if there is no pack to lead,"
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