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As I gazed upon the two-story house, I couldn't help but notice its contrasting white and brown exterior paint. The right side of the house was adorned with a giant live oak tree, its sprawling branches providing shade and a perfect spot for swings, probably for the kids. On the left was a charming little flower garden with vibrant blooms and various plants. I couldn't recall my brothers ever showing interest in gardening, so I assumed that Caroline or Sarah must have tended to it. As we pulled up to the concrete path leading to the front of the house, Esme uttered the word "Home" in my mind, eliciting my smile. I exited the car and reached the large wooden door, ready to knock, when a piercing scream shattered the moment's tranquility. The scream came from one of the windows facing the front of the house, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Soon after, a little girl cried, "Mom, Auntie is here! Dad brought her!" I recognized the voice as belonging to Zayna, a playful and energetic girl who always seemed to liven up any room she entered. Just as I was about to knock on the door, it clicked open, and suddenly someone grabbed my leg. I saw Zayna, dressed in a bright pink dress with a sparkly tiara perched on her head, clinging to my legs. "Careful," a voice cautioned, and I saw Caroline emerge from the house with a broad smile. "I was just about to call Damian," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. As soon as I saw Caroline, I felt warmth and affection. She was always so loving and caring towards me that it felt like she was my real sister. I opened my arms to welcome her in a tight embrace. Caroline was shorter than me, but she was always energetic. Her green eyes sparkled with joy, and her waist-length, straight brown hair looked silky and smooth. Caroline was always checking on Mom and me, calling daily and sending us videos and photos of her daughter Zayna. She was more than just a cousin; she was a true friend, a confidante, and a family member. Esme and I felt the same towards Caroline and her wolf, Tanya. They were our sisters in every sense of the word. Esme loved playing with the kids, even before I could transform into my wolf on my 18th birthday. We shared the same memories, so she always understood how much they meant to me. As Caroline and I caught up on lost time, she teased me about how Damian had been eagerly awaiting my arrival. She joked that he might have tried to fly the car to get to me sooner. We both laughed at the idea of my brother's enthusiasm. Damian was already taking my bags and other belongings inside the house as if someone might try to steal them if he didn't act quickly enough. I could sense Esme chatting with Tanya through their telepathic link. A connection developed when I turned 16 years old, and Esme awoke to her powers. As we watched Damian bustling around, Caroline and I shared a moment of happiness and contentment. It was good to be home with family. The little girl runs towards me, her tiny hands tugging on my jeans as she exclaims, "Auntie, you're here. I was waiting forever". I crouch down to her level and reply, "My lovely peaches, I missed you too." I scoop her up in my arms and give her the warmest hug. Her black hair, inherited from my brother, frames her face while her green eyes, a trait from Caroline, sparkle with joy. She looks absolutely adorable in her pink dress, and I can't help but shower her with kisses on her rosy cheeks, making her giggle with delight. Esme, like me, adores my brother's kids and fiercely protects them. Damian breaks our moment as he walks towards us carrying my violin. "Okay, come on, let's get inside now," he says. Caroline, my sister-in-law, greets me warmly and takes my hand, "Welcome home." As I step inside the house, my senses are immediately greeted with the delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies. "Sarah made them; now we are just waiting for it to finish," Caroline says as she hands me a glass of water. I inquire about Sarah's whereabouts, and Caroline informs me that she's out with Nicolas and Liam, running a quick errand. "She said something about forgetting to buy Damian's cake," Caroline adds. I expressed my disappointment at missing out on the celebration and mentioned that I also had something for Damian. Caroline assured me that it was not my fault and that Damian had insisted on waiting until I arrived. "That sounds like him," I reply with a smile. An hour had passed since we eagerly awaited Sarah's arrival. Suddenly, we heard a loud, booming voice that echoed through the room - "I'm here." There was no mistaking it; we all knew Sarah had finally arrived. With excitement, she walked in and made a beeline straight towards me. "I missed you so much," she exclaimed while giving me a tight hug. Sarah's personality was infectious, just like her wolf, Lola. She was always energetic, playing around and chatting endlessly with everyone. Her liveliness was contagious, and her smile could light up the entire room. Curious, I inquired about Liam's whereabouts. "He's with Nicolas," she replied, "he's holding onto the cake for dear life, afraid that someone might take it away." Her laughter filled the room, and it was evident that her presence had brought joy and excitement to everyone. Nicolas walked into the room, carrying Liam in his arms. Liam was grasping onto a cake with a serious expression on his face, his small fingers tightly gripping the edges of the plate. I couldn't help but laugh at his adorable expression. Liam looked exactly like his father, with jet-black hair and warm brown eyes that sparkled with excitement whenever food was involved. Perhaps he had inherited his mother's eyes, which were darker and almond-shaped, but that was hard to tell. Nicolas gently placed Liam on the ground, carefully taking the cake from his little hands. Liam protested, his face contorting with anger as he declared, "It's mine!" We all chuckled at his adorable resistance, but Nicolas's strength was too much for him. Sarah stepped in, reassuring Liam they would save the cake for dinner later. Liam nodded in agreement, his face lighting up with joy at the prospect of enjoying the cake later. As Nicolas and I embraced, I felt the presence of both Esme and Osmos; Nicolas's wolf mind also connected. We caught up on old times, exchanging stories and laughs. As the sun began to set, the family gathered to prepare dinner. I decided to take the children outside to spend quality time with them. Zayna was thrilled to show me all her favorite spots, including the swings and the beautiful flower garden nearby. The garden was filled with delightful blooms, such as peonies, lilies, and daffodils, which released a pleasant aroma that brought back fond memories. I reminisced about when Liam brought me a daffodil from this garden. He held on to it for hours to give it to me later. Sarah had helped him hold onto it when he needed to sleep, and he returned it to her when he arrived at our house. I was certain that the peonies in the garden were from the seeds I had given Caroline earlier. She loved the peonies I had planted in our garden, and I had taken up gardening as a hobby during the break. "Can you help me with the swings, Auntie?" Zayna asked excitedly, running towards the swings. I went over to her and helped her get on. She giggled with joy as she swung back and forth. Meanwhile, Liam ran around the garden, trying to catch the colorful butterflies. Spending time with the children brought peace and tranquility, and I felt rejuvenated as we played and laughed together. As the evening approached, the sweet aroma of pasta and chicken roast filled the air, urging us to return inside where Caroline had called for us. We all gathered around the dinner table, and my mouth watered when I saw the delicious cake being placed in the center. Damian's birthday was the reason for this celebration, and we sang the Happy Birthday song to him. After blowing the candles, Damian cut the cake, and we all shared a piece while laughing and cherishing the moment. Amidst all the joy and laughter, Damian thanked everyone, and his eyes gleamed with happiness. He thanked me for celebrating his special day with him, and I hugged him tightly. I could sense Esme's presence as she wagged her tail in agreement. Damian playfully ruffled my hair, knowing I didn't like it when people touched it. "Well, you're here now, and that's all that matters. Let's enjoy our time together," he said with a broad smile. As we started on dinner, Damian, in amusement, said, "Right, I forgot to tell you that Arthur is coming over. He said something about finally getting to meet you again". Right Arthur, how could I forget. He is the Apha's son and soon-to-be Alpha. That's who Damian is going to help in the future. I don't remember him much as we didn't spend much time together. I remember him being around the same age as Damian, 24 but turning 25 soon, and having blond hair, but that's it. Other than that, all I know is from Damian words about him being a fantastic person and being strong for his age. "Well, I can't wait to meet the famous Arthur," I say, not really being much interested. "I've heard he is the Alpha's son and very strong. Other than that, he's a complete mystery to me", I say back to Damian. Time flew by, and before we knew it, it was time for the little ones to retire for the night. Zayna, Liam, and Nicolas shared a room to make things easier for them, while Caroline, Sarah, and I were in another. Damian was waiting for Arthur to arrive to discuss something important. Zayna and Liam were making a valiant effort to stay awake, but their eyes were betraying them. They drifted off to sleep in about half an hour, and the girls and I continued chatting in their room. Amidst the conversation, Sarah asked me with excitement and amusement, "Have you found your mate yet?" "No, I don't think he's in the Twilight pack," I replied. "Maybe he's somewhere else," Caroline said with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "It's still too early to be sure. You've just gotten your wolf, after all." I explained that I wasn't actively looking for my mate but wanted things to happen naturally. I wanted us to meet by chance. Just then, the door opening disturbed our conversation, and Caroline announced that Arthur was there. Eager to find out who had arrived, I rushed down the stairs, leaving my friends behind. As I descended, I was met with the most exquisite aroma of chocolate and berries I had ever smelled. I was taken aback by the scent, and I couldn't help but follow it to its source. As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes locked with beautiful grey eyes shining like diamonds. I could sense a strong hunger in them, and at that moment, I knew I had found my mate. My wolf confirmed it to me, and all I heard in my head was the word "MATE."
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