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The sun's gentle rays woke me, embracing my face with warmth and comfort. At that moment, the realization hit me - today was the day Damian would come to pick me up and take me home. The thought of returning to our humble abode in the Blood Moon Pack filled me with excitement and anticipation. For the next month, I will be surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of my old home, and I can't wait to immerse myself in it again. As I recall, the last time I laid eyes on Damian was during that unforgettable moment when I transformed into my wolf form, taking on the name Esme. Since then, he and Nicolas have been preoccupied with managing the affairs of our pack, leaving little time for social visits. The only time I saw them was on my birthday last month. However, the good news is that I can finally reunite with them in our beloved old abode. I gaze towards the clock perched on my bedside table, its bright digits illuminating the dark room. The numbers read 8 o'clock. A familiar aroma wafts into my nostrils as I sit up - the sweet, tantalizing smell of pancakes. I know that it's a special day when Mom makes them. The pancakes are her signature recipe, which she claims is full of love. As I bite, the packet of chocolate chips hidden inside the fluffy batter burst into my mouth, adding an explosion of sweetness to my taste buds. "Be quick before Mason finishes them all," Esme says. After a quick shower, I headed downstairs to join Mason for breakfast. As I hurried down the stairs, I could hear Mason munching on his pancakes. I entered the kitchen to find him seated at the table, devouring his meal with gusto. I playfully scolded him, "Hey, slow down. The pancakes aren't going anywhere." I leaned against the counter, arms crossed, and watched him momentarily. Mason took a big bite of his pancakes and looked up at me with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Sorry, no pancakes for you," he teased. "I need to stock up before you leave me all alone." He pouted, his disappointment at my impending departure evident on his face. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon," I reassured him, hoping to ease his worries. "I've already marked my calendar for a visit during my mid-semester break. Plus, once my year ends, I'll be too busy with job hunting to travel much." I explained to him, knowing that I had finished high school three years ahead of my peers, so most of my friends were older than me. Mason has been like this since I told him I would visit my brothers during my break. But I also sympathize with his situation as he has to be alone with Mom and Roman through his break. With how they are about each other, no one would guess they are in their mid-40s. "You don't get it; I have to be alone with them," he says as he points to Roman and my Mom kissing each other. "Argh, Can you not spread your germs here. Otherwise, I will bring the sanitizer", said Mason. We all laughed at his words as we knew he was half serious. Esme chuckling in my head at his comment. But what can you do when you grow up with these lovebirds in the same house. A couple of times, we had to walk around with loud music in the background with how these two got about each other. "I'm so glad I won't have to witness any of these for a month," I say while taking a bite of a pancake. "Oh honey, you are going to be living with a much healthier couple than us. I'm sure you might even have to put silencers while you walk around the living room". "Gross!" I yell. "Can you please not comment about my brother's s*x life like this?". I said as I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Mom laughed as she began clearing the table. I quickly ran to my room before she might say something else that might make me throw up. She can be quite the handful even though she is 42 now. But then again, she was always quite open, even when I was not 18. I quickly packed my stuff before Damian came to pick me up at 10 o'clock. I packed my guitar and violin to play it for Zayna and Liam. They loved it when I played it for them, always clapping with a big smile on their faces. Before I knew it, I heard the familiar sound of a Toyota RAV4. Damian loved that car and always took good care of it, too. But he never used it when Zayna or Liam sat on it, as they always used to dirty the inside, so Damian stopped using it when kids were involved. I quickly ran downstairs to the familiar voice calling me, "Dusky, I'm here." The scent of peppermint hit, and I ran and jumped on him as his big hands wrapped around me, hugging me tightly. Dusky, that's what Damian and Nicolas call me. It's a weird nickname for me. I was born at dusk with the red light glowing in the room, so they called it Scarlet, the light that brightened their day. I let go, and he proceeded to hug Mom and Roman. Mason quickly comes down as well, to which both he and Damian do their bro hug. I roll my eyes at their weird bro hug and turn to get my bags. Damian took them away as I was about to pick up the bags. "Let me," he says as he puts bags filled with my clothes in the car. "Come on, It's not like it's that heavy; I can pick it up," I say with a questioning look. "Well, I can do it as well, so why trouble yourself?" he says as he picks up my guitar and violin. "You know I do martial arts right, so I can take care of myself," I say while pouting. Esme comments slightly about how Damian still thinks of me as a little girl holding his shirt, too small to play. I get annoyed and tell her to quiet down as she chuckles while waving her tail. The only problem with having older brothers is that they always treat you like a baby, which can get annoying quite quickly. By the time I got over my annoyance, Damian had already finished putting everything in the car and was waiting for me inside. I quickly got in the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt; the last thing I needed was for Damian to put it on. He would have if it hadn't been for Caroline lecturing him about it. I looked around to see a Starbucks coffee cup. "You must be tired," I say as I look at his eyes. It takes 4 hours to get here, so he must have left around 6, and to arrive at about 10, he must have driven nonstop. "Dusky, you're so sweet. But don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, I couldn't wait to see you". We talked as he drove us back to Blood Moon pack; it took about 5 hours as we took breaks throughout the drive, with me making excuses each time. Soon, we arrived near the border of the pack. "20 minutes from here", Damian says as he smiles while looking around. I looked around as I remembered some of the buildings and landmarks. "Welcome home," Damian said as we arrived at an old house. "Wow," I said in amazement while looking at the house. It was bigger than I remembered, and it was beautiful. With nature around, it felt like a dream being back here after so long.
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