6. Good Advice

1168 Words
_________________ . . . "What are we?" June asked in the middle of brunch. "Boss and PA?" Heath winked at her though he looked like he did not mean it at all. June took a bite of her eggs benedict, the rich hollandaise sauce a stark contrast to the bitter taste of reality. "I mean, after last night." Heath's eyes darkened slightly, his expression serious. "We're still boss and PA, June. But outside of work..." He trailed off, reaching for her hand across the table. "We can be whatever we want." June felt a shiver of excitement at his words. "And what do you want us to be?" Heath's gaze was intense, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. "I want to explore this... connection between us," he said, his voice low and earnest. "But we need to keep it between us." June nodded, her heart racing. She knew the risks, but the allure of Heath was too strong to resist. As they were finishing their brunch, Heath's phone rang, the sound cutting through the air like a knife. He glanced at the screen before answering with a curt, "Yes?" June watched his expression shift from relaxed to tense in an instant, the muscles in his jaw clenching as he listened to the voice on the other end. It was clear from the tone of the conversation that it was something serious. He excused himself from the table, walking to the balcony for privacy. The silence that followed was deafening, and June felt the weight of their situation settle heavily on her shoulders. What had she done? She had slept with her boss, the new CEO no less. Her thoughts raced as she tried to imagine the fallout of their actions. Would it be a secret forever? Would it change the way people looked at her? She decided that it was time she left the apartment and went back to her own. But when Heath didn't return from the balcony after an hour, she left him a message and left for her home. Once at home, she picked up her phone and dialed Laura's number, her hand shaking slightly. She had to tell someone, and Laura was the only one she trusted with this kind of secret. "Hey, June," Laura's voice was cheerful, as always. But for once, June did not find it comforting. "I... I need to talk to you," June's voice quivered. "Is everything okay?" Laura's cheerfulness evaporated, replaced by concern. "No," June whispered, pacing her living room. "I... I had dinner with Heath last night." "Umm... Hello? I know! You wore my dress, remember?" Laura was amused. "It's not about the dress," June's voice was serious, and Laura could sense the gravity of the situation immediately. "It's about what happened after dinner." "Oh?" Laura's voice grew hushed, the anticipation thick in the air. "We... we ended up at his apartment." June paused, her cheeks burning with the memory of the evening's events. "And?" Laura prompted, her curiosity piqued. She knew what was coming but she needed to hear it from her best friend. June took a deep breath, the words tumbling out in a rush. "We... we had s*x, Laura. Multiple times. And it was... it was incredible." There was a moment of shocked silence on the other end of the line before Laura spoke. "What?!" Her voice was a mix of surprise and excitement. "You slept with Heath Robbins? Your new boss?!" "I know," June groaned, collapsing onto her couch. "It's a mess, Laura. What if it gets out?" "You're worried about office gossip?" Laura's voice was incredulous. "June, you had a fling with the CEO. That's not just gossip, that's headline news!" She laughed. June sighed heavily, "I know, but what if it's more than that? What if he starts to expect..." She couldn't bring herself to say it. "Expect what?" Laura's voice grew serious. "I don't know," June replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But he said we could be whatever we want outside of work. It's just... I don't know if I can keep this from affecting my job." "Oh. That's hot. A secret fling." Laura was letting her imagination run wild. "It's not a fling!" June snapped. "It's complicated." "Okay, okay," Laura soothed, her tone shifting to one of understanding. "But let's not kid ourselves, June. This is a situation with potential HR nightmares written all over it." June's shoulders slumped as she leaned against the soft cushion of her couch. "I know," she sighed heavily. "But I can't just ignore what happened. He's... he's different from anyone I've ever been with." Laura's voice grew more serious. "June, you need to be careful. This isn't just about you and Heath. It's about your job, your reputation, and potentially the company's image. You're playing with fire here. Also babe, you have known him two days. Don't you think you might be jumping to conclusions about him too soon?" June's hand tightened around the phone, her knuckles white. "I know, Laura. But something about him just... I don't know, I just can't resist." "Look," Laura said firmly, "you're an intelligent woman. You know the score. Don't let your hormones cloud your judgment. You need to set boundaries, or this could end very badly for you." June nodded, her eyes never leaving the floor. She knew Laura was right, but the thought of pushing Heath away was unbearable. "I know," she murmured. "But how do I do that?" "You've got to keep your head on straight," Laura said, her voice firm. "You're a professional. Act like one. Keep your work and personal life separate. If he tries to cross that line again, remind him of your professional relationship and the implications." June nodded, trying to take in Laura's words of advice. It was easier said than done. The way Heath looked at her, the way he touched her, it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She didn't know if she had the strength to resist him. "But what if he doesn't respect those boundaries?" June voiced her fear. "What if he uses his position to..." "Then you report him," Laura said, her voice firm. "You can't let fear of what might happen dictate your actions. You're strong, June. You've come so far in your career. Don't let a man, no matter how hot, jeopardize that." "But what if he's not like that?" June's voice was small, hopeful. "What if we can keep it under control?" "You're an adult, June," Laura said gently. "You know what you're getting into. But if you think you can handle it, then maybe you can. Just be careful." June nodded to herself, the weight of Laura's words sinking in. "Thanks," she murmured before ending the call. She took a deep breath and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes looked tired, but there was a spark in them that she hadn't seen in a long time. . . . ____________________
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