7. NDA

1106 Words
___________________ . . . The next day, June walked into the office feeling like she was walking on eggshells. She had barely slept, her mind racing with thoughts of Heath and the deliciously forbidden night they had shared. As she sat at her desk, she couldn't help but glance at the clock every few minutes, waiting for the moment he would strut in. But as the hours ticked by, she grew increasingly anxious. Heath was late again. The office buzzed with the usual mix of chatter and keyboard clacks, but June's mind was elsewhere. She replayed the previous night's events over and over, trying to decide if she had made a mistake. The way he had looked at her, the way he had touched her, it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. But now, with the harsh light of day, she couldn't help but wonder if it had all been a mistake. Her phone vibrated on the desk, pulling her from her thoughts. She picked it up, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Heath's name on the screen. She took a deep breath and swiped to answer, her voice steady despite the tumult in her stomach. "Hey, June," he said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it in this morning. Something came up." "It's okay," she replied, trying to keep her tone even. "But we need to talk." "I know," Heath said, his voice filled with a seriousness she hadn't heard from him before. "Let's grab lunch today, at the conference room, and we'll discuss everything." June nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "Alright. I'll be in the conference room at one." Her hand was shaking as she ended the call. Lunch break came around faster than she thought and one of the employees let her know that Heath was waiting for her at the conference room. With trembling hands, she made her way inside. The conference room was dimly lit, the blinds drawn to keep the outside world at bay. Heath sat at the head of the table, his gaze intense as it met hers. He gestured to the chair opposite him, and she took a deep breath before sitting down. "June," he began, his voice firm and commanding. "We need to talk about what happened last night." There was no excitement or mischief in his words. He sounded so unlike the man she had got to know in the last three days. Heath slid a piece of paper across the table. "This is a non-disclosure agreement," he began, his voice devoid of emotion. "It's standard practice in situations like ours." June's heart sank as she looked at the contract. The cold reality of their situation was slapped in her face. He was treating this as a transaction. A dirty little secret to be kept under lock and key. "I don't know if I can do this, Heath," she whispered, her voice shaking. Heath's expression softened, his eyes searched hers. "I know it's a lot to take in, but we need to protect ourselves, June." June picked up the contract, her eyes scanning the legal jargon. Her heart raced as she tried to make sense of the words. It was a detailed document, outlining the boundaries of their relationship, the expectations of confidentiality, and the consequences of breaking them. Heath evidently wanted to continue their s****l relationship. June's eyes remained glued to the non-disclosure agreement, her mind racing. This was a stark reminder of the reality of their situation. Heath was her boss, the CEO of the company she had dedicated herself to for years. The implications of their tryst were vast and could potentially ruin her career. "I need some time to think," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "There's no time to waste." His voice was back to being cold. June looked up, meeting his gaze. "What do you mean?" "This isn't just about us anymore," Heath said, his eyes serious. "It's about the company. We can't let our... personal matters affect our work." June nodded, her throat tight. "But what about... feelings?" Heath leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. "Feelings are a luxury we can't afford in this situation," he said, his voice devoid of warmth. "This is strictly business." June felt a knot form in her stomach. She had allowed herself to get caught up in the passion of the moment, and now she was paying the price. She took a deep breath and signed the NDA, her hand trembling slightly. "Good," Heath said, his tone businesslike as he took the paper from her and placed it in a drawer. "Now that we have that out of the way, let's discuss the Alex Romano endorsement." . . . "What was I thinking?" June washed her face in her bathroom sink. "You were thinking with your p***y," Laura's voice echoed in her mind from their call last night. The thought made June's cheeks burn with a mix of embarrassment and anger. But she couldn't deny it. The allure of Heath Robbins was undeniable. She had been so blinded by his charm and the power he wielded that she had allowed herself to be seduced by him. Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. She froze, her heart racing. Who could it be at this hour? Laura? It had to be Laura. She didn't have any other friends. But when June pulled open the door, it wasn't Laura standing on the other side. It was Heath. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in the sight of him, dressed casually in a button-up shirt and dark jeans that hugged his muscular legs. He looked as if he had just stepped out of a magazine, and she felt a sudden rush of desire, despite the tumult of emotions inside her. "Hey," Heath said, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through her entire body. "Can I come in?" June stepped aside, her eyes never leaving his. She couldn't read his expression, but she knew what this meant. He was here to claim her again. Heath walked in, closing the door behind him with a firm click that echoed through the apartment. He took in the sight of her, dressed in her favorite oversized sweater and leggings, her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Despite her casual attire, she looked beautiful, and his desire for her was palpable. "How about we watch a movie?" He asked, surprising her. "What?" "You like horror?" . . . ____________________
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