Chapter 3

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Ellie's POV Rachel was going to handle the gym and I knew it was in capable hands with her. Mike had Preslee and I knew they would have a good time. Now all I had to do was walk out of my house. It proved harder than I thought. I was nervous and starting to second guess my decision to do this. It was Tuesday and my flight home was on Sunday. I could always move it up if I was able to take care of everything I had to. "Ellie, you're going to be late if you don't get going," Mike said sitting down on the couch, while I just stood in the living room. "I know, I am leaving and will call when I land." I told him grabbing my bag and heading to the garage. My trip to the airport flew by and I was sitting in my seat by the aisle and someone by the window and no one between us. It was a direct flight and so it would be a few hours and I could sleep. Getting comfy with the blanket I packed and my earphones for some music, I buckled up and closed my eyes. Sleep wouldn’t come easily. I hadn't been home in seven years, and I could only think about what happened. That one day that changed the course of my life. Flashback seven years ago “What did you want, daddy?” I asked, walking into his office. “First, I want to say I am so proud of you. Graduating high school with excellent grades. You're going to make an excellent lawyer one day. I can’t wait to work side by side with you.” “Thanks, daddy.” “We need to talk about Tate, though.” “What about him?” I all but growled back at him. This was always a sore subject. He didn’t like him, and he never missed an opportunity to tell me. Too bad for my father that I loved Tate more than life itself and I wouldn’t leave him. “I let the relationship carry on long enough. He isn’t good for you. You need to get rid of him. He will only bring you down.” My father said and it was always the same thing. I don’t know why he didn’t think he was good enough for me. I mean I knew that Tate’s father didn’t exactly have legal businesses, but Tate wants nothing to do with that and he and I are going to start our lives together away from here. We’ve talked about it so many times. “Never!” I yelled at my father. I had never yelled at him. He was always a good father. He didn’t meddle in my life too much except for telling me he didn’t care for Tate. “You have two choices. Leave him and I will pay all of your expenses, or I will cut you off.” “I will not leave him. You can cut me off right now.” I yelled right back and then stormed out of his office. “He will either hurt you or have you killed,” he yelled as I stormed to my room. I quickly packed a bag, grabbing all of my cash and left. I would never leave Tate. He would help me. He loves me. I quickly drove to the school. I still had to grab some stuff out of my locker. It was supposed to have been done already, but after our ceremony Tate and I wanted to celebrate alone. I parked my car and ran inside to my locker, grabbed my things, and headed out. I had to pass the boys’ locker room on the way. The door was open, and I could hear guys talking. They quickly had me stopping so I could hear what they were saying. Guy 1: Did you hear what Tate said Ellie will do in bed? Guy 2: No, what? Guy 3: She lets him tie her up and use her body like the w***e she is. Guy 2: She is a w***e. Did you see that dress she wore to graduation? Guy 1: Ya, all t**s and ass. Guy 3: Tate said he would loan her out whenever we wanted. When I heard those words, my world fell apart. I ran down the hall and to my car as quickly as I could. My tears blurred my vision. How could he say that? I thought he loved me. Was my father, right? Those guys didn’t know I was there for me to hear so I had to believe it. I sat in my car crying until someone knocked on my window. “Ma’am, we are getting ready to land. Please put your seatbelt on,” the flight attendant said as she pulled me from my memories. I quickly put my seat belt on and closed my eyes, taking some deep breaths to control the memories that I keep locked away. I didn't know how I had thought of that night, the entire flight. It was several hours long, and it was like I don't remember any of it. I looked around and everything looked the same. I mean the same people and what not and no one was giving me weird looks. Maybe I fell asleep and dreamed it and didn't realize it. After going through baggage claim and waiting forever for my suitcase, I went to the car rental and got my car. I hated renting cars. You basically told them what you wanted, and then they gave you keys and you had to go find it in their parking lot. Dragging my suitcase behind me I ran straight into a hard wall of muscle. "I am so sorry," I said, stepping around them and not giving them a second look. "No, excuse me. Why don't you let me help you with those bags." He said and I turned to tell him no thanks but holy hotness. Tall, muscular, crystal blue eyes, hair that looked soft but was styled perfectly and that smile was panty dropping. "Um, no that's ok. I got it." "Nonsense. Let me help you," he said, taking my bag from me and walking out the door. "Which car is yours?" "I'm actually not sure. You know how rentals go." "Who did you rent from?" "Rental LLC." "Follow me," he said and honestly, he didn't leave me a choice as he took off. He led me straight to the parking lot with their cars. "Let me see the keys they gave you." I held them out and he just smiled and walked towards all the cars they had. About halfway down he took a left and walked halfway down that row. "OK, beep the horn," he said, and I did and a car five down from us went off and the lights flashed. He walked straight to the car and waited by the trunk. I hit the key, and it popped open, and he put my suitcase in the back and shut it. "Thank you so much. It would have taken me forever to locate my car." "You are very welcome but if you really want to thank me, let me take you to dinner tonight?" He asked and gave me another one of those panty melting smiles. "I appreciate the offer but I'm only here for just a few nights and it's all business." "Well have a lovely trip, beautiful," he said, smiling at me still and then walking off. After he walked away, and I got in my car I was kind of having second thoughts. Preslee wasn't with me and what would it hurt to have dinner with a good-looking guy. I backed out and pulled out of the parking lot in hopes of seeing him, but I didn't, so I guess dinner wasn't going to happen. Which honestly was probably for the best. I picked up my phone and called my brother. It started ringing through the Bluetooth on the car and it scared me because I hadn't connected it, but I guess it did automatically. "Hey you make it?" He asked as he answered the phone. "Yes. Got my rental car and going to dad's house to meet the realtor. Preslee give you any trouble this morning?" "No but she usually doesn't when I feed her chocolate bars and soda for breakfast." "You didn't?" "No, she had an egg and piece of toast with milk and then off to school." "Good. I have to get off here. So much has changed, and I don't know where I'm going now." "Call me after you meet with the realtor." "Will do." I told him and hung up and started paying attention. It had been seven years since I had been here, and everything had changed so much. It had grown so much, and the roads changed to accommodate the growth and all the businesses that have moved in. I drove downtown and noticed a giant hotel being built with a sign that said opening soon. Whoever had that had some money because that thing was huge and looked luxurious. I had to weave through side streets to get out of town to the house my father owned up in the hills. I knew it would be worth enough to pay off any of his debts and probably have some left over. I really don't know what he had. His law office had taken care of everything and told me I had some time to get the house sold. So, I never got in a hurry to come out here and take care of everything. Thirty minutes later I was pulling into his driveway. The realtor Michelle was there waiting and as soon as I pulled in. She was dressed to the nines. Cream colored pant suit with a black blouse that showed way too much cleavage and black stiletto heels. "You must be Ellie," she said, holding her hand out to shake mine. "Yes, and you must be Michelle." "I am and let me tell you this house is absolutely beautiful. I've pulled some comps from the area, and this is some prime real estate. You sure you want to sell?" "Yes, it belonged to my late father, and I don't live here." I unlocked the front door with the key I still had from high school and walking inside was like walking back seven years. Nothing had changed at all. Guilt started to consume me, and I hated that I never called him and told him that I did love him and that he was right about Tate. I should have listened, but I was a coward and ran away. "Michell, please have a look around. There are a few things I need to check out alone," I told her walking off. I went straight up to my old room. I opened the door, and it was exactly like I had left it. The clothes I had thrown on the floor when I left in a hurry were still there. Closing the door quickly with too many memories flashing in front of me. I went to my dad's office; this is where he was always at if he was at home. He was a bit of a workaholic. I went and sat at his desk. It was organized and clean like usual. I started opening drawers and the first one had pens and sticky notes. The next drawer had file organizers, but they were all empty. Moving to the center drawer there were two envelopes. One with my name and one with Michael on it. I ran my hand over my name that was scribbled on the front. I couldn't imagine what was in here but right now I wasn’t ready to read it. I shoved both of them in my purse and looked through the rest of the drawers finding nothing. I knew his partner at the law firm had come and cleaned out his home office so that someone could take over his cases. "This house will not take long to sell," Michelle said, coming inside and sitting down in front of his desk. "I didn't think it would." "So, a few questions, it's fully furnished right now but it's a little dated. I would like to get everything moved out and have it painted and new carpet put in. We could up the price even more if we made some updates to the kitchen and got new appliances." "No, the paint and carpet are fine, but the new owners can do the rest." "OK. What are you going to do with everything inside the house?" "Donate it." "I have a company that will come in and take everything out and donate it. You are going to want to get your personal things, such as photos or any family things you want to keep." "I will get that taken care of tomorrow. When can the movers be here?" "They can start tomorrow as well. I will call you with details later. Once it's cleaned out, we will have professional photos taken and I will recommend an asking price." "Sounds good," I told her standing up. She shook my hand and thanked me for the opportunity and walked out of the office.
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