Chapter 2

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Tate's POV I walked into our usual morning meeting. Coffee in hand and ready to get this over with. I had other s**t to do, but we met up every morning to just check in. Right now, we are meeting at Kings. Ace ran our clubs and this one was closest to our homes. We all lived in the same neighborhood. Hell, we owned the neighborhood, but we all worked different hours, and this was the best time to make sure we all had all the information we needed for the day. "Let's get this s**t started," I grumbled and sat down at the table. "Someone is in a mood." Dominic said. "Shut it. I have enough s**t going on right." I snapped right back at him. His chipper attitude this morning wasn’t something I wanted to hear. "Still can't find Snow?" Ace asked. "No and he hit a group of sellers last night on main street. Knocked the s**t out of them and took whatever they had on them." "How did they manage that?" Reign asked. "I don't know. I have to meet with Wolf in an hour to figure it out. Ace can you pull the footage from the street cams for me and see what you can find." "Yup. Give me an hour." "You sure it was Snow?" Dominic asked. I ran my hands over my face because it's been the same damn thing for the past month. We haven't been able to figure out who this man was, and they were selling in our town. We were the only ones here and we planned on keeping it that way. It wasn't the first time we've had to run a want to be off but this one was smarter than the others. We had yet to find him or even trace who they were. It was starting to piss me off. "Ya I'm sure. Same as all the others. Hit from behind, knock them out and take what they had. Wolf said something about them both finding a card on them." "Are you sure it's a guy?" Dominic asked. "I guess not." "I mean if you ask me it sounds like a f*****g stripper. What self-respecting man calls themself snow." Dominic said and he had a good point maybe we were looking at the wrong people. It could be a woman behind this. Wouldn't be the first time a woman had run a gang; they just usually weren't good at it. Not enough authority about them and also brute strength. "I would totally let a stripper named Snow give me a dance," Ace said. "Ace, you would let anyone with a good set of t**s give you a lap dance," Dominic said. "Ya I would. In fact, I might go when we're done here." "Dude, we've told you to stay away from the strip. Those brothers are trouble and it's going to get shut down by the police." I lectured him. "Cops are on their payroll just like they are ours, I'm good. Anyone else have anything they want to discuss because I'm serious about going." "I've got nothing, but I'm going with you." Dominic said and they both stood up and walked out of the room. "Those two idiots are going to f**k with the wrong person down there and we're going to have bail them out one day," Reign said. "I know. Are you going with me to see wolf?" "Yes, because I want to beat his ass." Reign said. He hated Wolf and I’m really not sure why. Those two were always at each other's throats and if Reign had it his way, he would be long gone but he isn’t in charge of the gangs and so far, Wolf had done a good job for me. "I don't know what your beef is with him but he's really not that bad and has always been loyal to us." I told him and then sent Ace a text telling him to get me that footage before he got his d**k wet. "Let's go, I'll drive," Reign said standing and walking out of the club. I got into Reign's car and slammed the door as I read the text Ace sent me. Whoever did this wiped the city cameras clean. "Dude, chill out, you're going to rip my door off." "Then maybe you shouldn't have gotten such an expensive car if you're going to b***h about a slammed door," I told him as I sent Ace a text to do a wider milage search. Reign sped out of the parking lot and eased onto the road and quickly got on the interstate. We had to go to concrete row to talk with Wolf and it was on the edge of town. There was a reason we called it concrete row. Once you lived there you rarely got out. It was the ghettos of Cedar Hills and was infested with douchebags. All knew who we were and stayed the f**k out of our way. The knew are word was law around there and so they didn't f**k with Wolf either. Pulling off the interstate and heading onto main street it was all old and worn-down apartment buildings or houses. Nothing was taken care of down here. People were too busy trying to make a good living to get out of here or trying to support their habits. We tried to make sure the kids were taken care of with the schools in this area, but we could only do so much. Reign pulled into the pool hall and got out. It wasn't really a pool hall; it was just a front. No one actually came in here to play pool even though it had tables. We walked inside and a few people were hanging around watching TV and a few walking around. I didn't actually know them, that was Wolf's job. They were his crew, he said who could and couldn't be here. We walked straight to his office, and I threw his door open. The little fucker didn't even hear me open the door. He was too busy with the brunette sucking him off. Reign and I just stood there for a minute before I cleared my throat. The girl jumped back but he grabbed her head and shoved her back to his groin. "I haven't finished yet, keep going. Don't worry, they like to watch." He told the girl. "f**k this," Reign said pissed and walked back out front but I wasn't going to leave. It wasn't that I liked to watch it's that I wanted to embarrass his f*****g ass and the girls for being here. I waited for a few minutes when the asshole finally came shoving her head all the way down making her take it all. She gagged and the tears were running down her face and drooling out of her mouth. When he finally released her, she sat up and wiped her face, "you asshole," she spat at him. "Not what you were saying when you got on your knees a few minutes ago. You want what I have and no money, you have to work for it." he said as he tucked himself away and grabbed a small baggie off the table and tossed it at her. "Now, you can leave." He told her and she ran out of that room with a red face. "What the f**k Wolf? If I ever catch you exchanging blow jobs for product, I'll f*****g kill you," I told him as I rounded the desk grabbing him by the collar and jerking him to his feet. "Chill man. I paid for the product. I got it from T and bought it in front of all the guys out there." "Don't f*****g do it again, I don't care if you paid for it or not. Bad business." "f**k Tate, it's all bad business. I'm a f*****g leader of drug dealers, what do expect." "I expect more than this. Now what the f**k do you know about last night." Sometimes he had moments like this where I saw why Reign didn’t like the guy, but he still did a good job, just did idiotic things once in a while. "Nothing more than I already told you last night. They were both hit on the back of the head and knocked out. They must have kicked them when they were out because both have a few broken ribs but nothing else. This was shoved into both of their pockets." he said as he pulled out two cards out of his desk. "What the f**k is this s**t? A f*****g snowflake with sparkles on it, what is this supposed to mean?" "I don't know, it has me just as confused as it does you. They've never left something like this." "I'm beginning to think it's a f*****g woman not a man. No man would use f*****g glitter." I stood there looking over this card to see if there was anything on it. Maybe a hidden chip or spy device. Some of that s**t nowadays was so small you couldn't detect him and if they had money, you could get anything. I shoved the cards in my pocket and looked back at Wolf. "You've got two days to find me, one of his sellers," I told him, and he knew the underlying threat. I walked out of the office and Regin was talking to the few guys that were here. I didn't say s**t to him as I walked by and straight out the front door. I knew he was right behind me. His car unlocked and I got in the passenger seat. "How do you deal with that little fucker?" "He's good at keeping those guys in line and usually he gets me the information I need but now I'm not sure. He can't find s**t on Snow, and I am beginning to think that you were right." "Wait, can you say that again?" "What?" "That I was right." "f**k you, but yes look at these that they shoved into their pockets," I told him and threw them at him. "What the f**k? Snowflakes with goddamn glitter. It's a f*****g woman and I'm half tempted to think they moon light as a stripper. Please welcome the glittery snowflake to the stage." I ignored him and sent Ace a message to meet us back at Kings tonight with his bug detector. You couldn't be too sure about these things. I had to do whatever it took to take this fucker down. Reign dropped me off at Kings and I went inside and dropped the card on Ace's desk and then went back out and got into my car. I didn't have anything else to do for the day, so it was back home and maybe a few hours of sleep since Wolf destroyed that at one am. I managed a few hours of sleep and then hit the gym in my basement. I made a quick dinner and then a shower and headed to Kings. I knew Ace was there but also knew it was his night off so he would be leaving again. I pulled up out back and jogged in through the back door. The bouncer that we usually had out here looked bored. Not a lot of people came in through the back door. It might be best if we just closed it and moved him to security in the club. I would need to mention it to Ace. I went straight to his office and opened the door. He was holding the cards in his hand just looking at them. "So, anything?" "No but I agree with Regin. It's a f*****g chick. No man would use these and what's the point of them. They say nothing and they weren't bugged. They are just a glittery snowflakes." "I don't know." The office door opened again, and Dominic walked in. "You boys want a drink?" He asked. "Nope, I'm out. I'm here at least four days a week, I don't need to see anyone in this place." "I'm in," I told him, and we all left Ace's office. Ace slipped out the back door, Dominic went to the bar to get us drinks while I went and sat in our booth. It was for kings only. I grabbed my phone and started looking through my pictures. I don't know why I did this from time to time, but I had to see her pictures. We were never able to find her, and I looked for a long f*****g time, but she is still the most beautiful women I've ever seen. "Want to start looking for her again?" Dominic asked, sliding into the booth. "No but I do want answers, but I'll never get those." When Ellie left seven years ago without so much as trace, I lost my damn mind. I look hard for two years. We could never find anything. It destroyed me and turned me into an angry asshole. I had lived and breathed for her, and she froze my heart. If I ever get my hands on her again, I will f*****g kill her, but not before I get answers from her. It’s the not knowing why she left that kills me.
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