Chapter 4

1934 Words
Tate's POV I rolled over in bed and hit a body. Opening my eyes, I looked around and realized I wasn't in my bed at all. I was in a hotel room, and I had no clue who was in bed with me. I lifted the blanket, and we were both completely naked. Letting my eyes roam over her naked backside I was pleasantly happy. The curve of her hip and her slender waist to her neck, that happened to have a giant hickey on it. Probably from me. I loved leaving my mark on girls. Usually in not such a visible spot but I was drunk as f**k last night. Her long reddish-brown hair was fanned out on the pillow. I usually don't stay the night with them, but I started drinking whiskey last night and didn't stop. I slipped out of bed and found clothes thrown all over the room. Once I was fully dressed, I grabbed my wallet making sure everything was in there and then grabbed my phone and saw I had a few texts in our group chat asking where I was since I missed our morning meeting. Something I never did. I sent a message back telling them all that they could f**k off and I was going home and back to bed. This hangover was kicking my ass. I scanned the room again making sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. I didn't know this girl and didn't want her to track me down for some reason. Once I felt confident there were no traces of me, I slipped out of the room. Looking around the hallway I realized we were in the Garden Way. Classy hotel downtown. Walking out front the doorman greeted me and that's when I realized I had no car. It must be at the bar. "Sir, would you like a ride service?" The doorman asked. "That would actually be great." I told him and went and sat down on the bench they had outside. I pulled my phone back out and had a few more text messages but ignored them and pulled my pictures back up. This is the s**t that started my drunken escapade last night. "Sir, your ride is here," the doorman said making me lock my phone quickly. I stood up and walked to the black tesla. The windows were blacked out and it's just what I needed. I climbed inside. "Where are you going?" "Kings." He just nodded and pulled out. I laid my head against the headrest and closed my eyes. It was the only thing helping the pounding that was behind them. It didn't take him long to get to Kings. I threw some cash up front for him. Not sure if it was part of the hotel service or what but needed to give him something. I got out and grabbed my keys unlocked my car and got in peeling out needing to be home and shower and go the f**k back to bed. Several hours later I got out of bed and went to the kitchen in search of food. I needed something greasy, and I knew I wouldn't have that in my fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and placed an order for a giant cheeseburger and some fries. Said it would be here in fifteen minutes. I went to my desk and grabbed my laptop and went back to the living room and flipped on the TV for some background noise and pulled up my files I had on Ellie. While the guys thought I had stopped looking for her, I didn't. I still loved her. I would always love her but if she ever showed back here I can't promise I wouldn't kill her either. I hadn't found anything in a long time. I don't know if she changed her name or was just so deep in hiding that she was living a life of poverty barely getting by. I had thought for a long time that her father had helped but every time I looked into him nothing showed that he was helping her or her brother. He disappeared at the same time as her. Her last known location was Kentucky. That was six months after she left. A card in her name had been swiped at a gas station and I've never found anything else. Whatever she did she was good at. My phone dinged that someone was coming up my driveway. I didn't bother pulling it up to see who it was. It had to be my food. I got up to go to the door when it swung open. Grabbing the gun off the table behind my couch I snuck around the corner and held my gun out in front of me. Whoever was stupid enough to come into my house uninvited was going to meet the barrel of my pistol. "Dude, what the f**k?" Reign asked, stopping as the barrel of my gun met his forehead. I quickly pulled it back and put the safety back on. "What the hell are you doing walking into my house unannounced?" "Well, you've been MIA all day and I wanted to check on you. You didn't answer my calls or text, so I came over. Also picked this up from some driver," he said holding up my food. "You can see I'm fine, now get the f**k out," I told him as I snatched the food out of his hands and turned back to my living room. "What is your deal?" he asked, following me into the living room. I quickly slammed my laptop closed so he didn't see what was on it, but by the look on his face told me he did. "I'm hungover and hungry and didn't want to deal with anyone's bullshit today, so I didn't." "Great, next time let us know you're alive." "I did, this morning." "OK well now it's four in the afternoon and we haven't heard a single word from you. Not normal for you, but I can guess why." "Drop it, Reign." He came and sat down in the chair beside me and grabbed the remote, changing the channel to the baseball game. Something we all played in high school and still loved the game, but our life duties determined that we wouldn't play after high school or go to college or anything we f*****g wanted. "Didn't I tell you to f*****g leave," I asked him as I took a giant bite of burger. "Ya, but I didn't f*****g listen." "Obliviously." I mumbled and went back to eating my food. We sat around watching the game in silence the rest of the evening. Reign finally left around eight and I went back to bed. I knew I couldn't ignore life tomorrow and would actually have to show up to do something. I woke up at two AM to my phone going off. Grabbing it I tried to make out the name on it, but my vision was blurry still. "WHAT?" I growled into the phone. "Tate, you need to get to the pool hall now. Snow hit again and this time he took out a guy." "What the f**k do you mean he took someone out?" "He took Smith out. Execution style and this time his card has a message." "Be there in twenty." I growled and hung up the phone. I immediately called Reign. "This better be f*****g good," he grumbled. "Snow hit again. Get dressed, we leave in five." I told him and hung up. I sent a text in the group chat telling Ace I would need him to pull the street footage as soon as I had the address. When I got outside, he was waiting for me by the car. I unlocked it and he quickly got inside. "What do you know?" He asked sending out a text to the group chat for the other two. "They shot Smith execution style and left another f*****g card that has a message on it." "What does the card say?" "Don't know. I hung up on Wolf before we got that far." Peeling out of our neighborhood getting to the interstate as fast as I could go, breaking every speed law there was. Usually, concrete row is at least a twenty-minute drive. My phone beeped with a text, I played it over my blue tooth, and it was the address of where the hit happened. Reign sent Ace the information for me. Between no traffic and going as fast as I could we were there in twelve minutes. I slid into a parking spot and opened my jockey box and pulled out my 38 and the clip making sure it was loaded. I got out of the car and put the gun in the waistband of my jeans and went inside. Wolf was standing in the middle of the room talking to a few guys. As soon as he saw me, he stopped his conversation and headed straight to his office. He went in and Reign slammed the door shut behind him. Wolf didn't say a word but opened his drawer and pulled out another f*****g snowflake glittery card. I turned it over and it read, "This is my territory now, leave or they all die." "Find me someone, now. I want all your men on it. No one sells until I have one of his men in my hands." I growled. "I'm working on it. It's like their unfucking detectible." "I'm not f*****g joking. You want to keep your job, you bring me someone tomorrow." "You know what he means by job? Right?" Reign asked. "Ya I f*****g do. I'm not new to this Reign. I'll have someone. I do f*****g work unlike other people." Reign was over the desk and had his hands wrapped around his throat, "don't f*****g ever talk to me like that again or I’ll slit your f*****g throat where you stand." Reign said, releasing Wolf's neck and pushing him to the ground. It was a power play. Put him below you and make him stay there so he knows his place with us. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Ace. He was going to pull the security footage and then another telling us to come to the club as soon as we were done with Wolf. Getting back into my car I tore out of the pool hall and headed to Kings. They were closed now, and I knew the cleaning crew would be there, but we would have privacy. I pulled into the Kings at the back door. We walked straight to Ace's office, and he had his lap top open. We walked behind his desk, and he pulled the footage. "Whoever this is, they are getting bolder, and we need to stop them." Ace said as he hit play. Reign and I watched in horror as two people got out of a blacked-out car and walked right up to Smith. They had their guns drawn as soon as they stepped out of the car. They approached him and forced him down on his knees. One of them went behind him and placed their gun to the back of his head. The other one stepped out of the way and the trigger was pulled. They kicked him back, so he was lying face up and shoved a card in his pocket and ran to the car and left. "We need to set these fuckers up. It's time to get our hands dirty," Dominic said. "I agree." Ace said.
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