Chapter 8

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Tate's POV I woke up the next morning with some clarity. I knew what I was going to do with Sadie. She deserved a real chance in life. One I wish I would have gotten. I wish someone would have looked at me and said I’m going to get that kid out of that situation and let them have a free chance at life but all they saw with me was spoiled rich kid who did what daddy said. I don't know what all had happened to her but my guess for her to be on the street selling drugs it wasn't good. I had talked with my cousin in Arizona, and she was going to take her in. I walked into Kings with my coffee in my hand feeling a little more refreshed today. Everyone was sitting there waiting for me. "Anything on Ellie?" Dominic asked. "No but I've got someone on the house, and I ran her info again and nothing but if she's in town I'll find her." "What are you going to do about the girl from yesterday?" Ace asked. "She's going to Arizona. My cousin is taking her in. I have a gut feeling she needs a break and life has done nothing but hand her one s**t pile after the next. She'll be on a plane this afternoon. Ace, run her phone. It's a burner and this is where they would text her." I slid the phone across the table to him and he pocketed it. "When is the next time you guys are going to the strip?" I asked both Ace and Dominic. "Why want to go with us?" Dominic asked. "Not a chance. I want you guys to ask around about Snow. See if anyone knows anything." "We'll talk with the Grey brothers first." Ace said. "Why?" "Because they know everything there. If anyone knows something it will be them." "Let me know." No one else said a damn word. I had s**t to do and not be sitting here. I stood and walked out and went straight to Garden Way. I pulled in and went straight up to Sadie's room. Dave stood outside her door. He stepped aside and I knocked on the door. "Hello sir," she said, opening the door. "We need to talk," I told her, walking in, "Why doesn't your brother go with Dave out there and they can get some food or something." She nodded her head at him, and he got a giant smile. Dave didn't seem amused by the look on his face, but I didn't f*****g care. As soon as the door was closed, I motioned for her to sit on the bed. "I need to know a few things and then I have an offer for you." "Does the baby's father know about her?" I asked. I had to make sure that he wasn't going to be an issue if she were to leave the state. "He won't. He doesn't know." "You never told him?" "Sir, this baby wasn't my choice and what happened wasn't my choice either," she said wiping a tear away. I was a little dumbfounded. I wasn't expecting that, and it made this a lot easier, and I was right, she had had a s**t life. "I want to help you but if I do you are going to have to leave. I have a cousin in Arizona. You three will fly out this afternoon. You are going to go back to high school, and then college. My cousin will take care of you, your daughter and brother and we will take care of everything that you need financially." "I can't ask that of you sir." "You didn't ask. I'm telling you this is how it's going to be. It's not safe for you here with Snow and you're a bright girl and you have a good future ahead of you." "Thank you," she said, swiping at another tear. "Dave will take you to the airport when it's time. You will get a new phone as well." "Why are you doing this?" She blurted out. "Because if someone had given me the chance to get the hell out of this town, I would have in a heartbeat. I'm giving you the chance I never got." "I won't disappoint you sir." I just nodded at her and stood up and left her in her room. I shut the door and sent Dave a text telling him to get back up here. I waited for him to get back a few minutes later and left. Getting in my car I sent my supplier a message. I needed to know if he knew anything. I had been bringing in our supplies from him since I took over for my father. I got rid of my father's guy and switched to this one. I didn't actually know his name. He was private about that s**t. He went by Frank. "Tate, what can I do for you?" He answered the phone. "We need to meet now," I growled. "Ten minutes, usual spot," he said and hung up. Pulling out onto the interstate and going the three miles to my exit for the docks. He always liked to meet at the last dock at this picnic table where not a lot of people were around. It gave us privacy and also him peace of mind that I wouldn't kill him right then and there or so he said. I pulled in exactly ten minutes later, and he was there on the table looking at his phone. I got out of my car, grabbed my pistol as I did and put it in the waistband of my pants and headed down to the table. He didn't even look up when I sat down. "Frank, this will be your one chance to tell the f*****g truth." I growled at him in a low voice you could barely hear it. "About?" he asked without even looking up at me. f**k he was going to piss me off. "f*****g look at me when I talk to you or I'm going shove that phone so far up your ass that if you cough it will call someone." I told him and he finally looked up at me. "What the f**k do you know about Snow?" "Don't know anyone by the name Snow." "I'm not f*****g around. This person is pressing on our territory and if you're supplying for him as well, we have a problem." "Tate, we have a contract, and I may be a supplier and not a good person, but I take my contract f*****g serious and wouldn’t sell you out. If I got a better offer, I would come to you first. I've done it in the past. Give me a little more courtesy than that." He said getting mad. "Just had to make sure. You need to keep your eyes and ears open. He is striking every chance he gets, and we can't find the fucker. Not a god damn clue." "I'll call you if I hear or see something." He said and went back to his phone. I got up from the table and walked back to my car. I got inside and started it and just watched him. He continued to sit there on his phone not paying any attention to what was going on around him. I wanted to put a trail on him but right now I couldn't he would be expecting it. Maybe give it a week or two and then I would. I finally pulled out of the parking lot when my phone started ringing. "Dominic," I said, answering the phone. "I've got a problem. The IRS is auditing us." "How the f**k did that happen?" "I don't know but it's no one we've ever worked with before and I don't know that I can just pay them off." "What the f**k are they going to find? That's why you run those businesses to hide everything else." "They won't find a f*****g thing," he growled and then hung up on me. I had a feeling Snow was behind this and when I find the mother fucker, I was going to cut everybody organ out of him slowly, leaving his stomach last so I could feed him all of his own organs. I left the docks and headed to concrete row to see Wolf. They were on opposite ends of the town and so I called Reign. "Hey man, what's up?" "I need a good fight. Can you meet me in two hours?" "Ya, meet at the gym?" "Yes. I have to go meet Wolf. If I'm done sooner, I'll call you," I told him, and he hung up. Finally pulling into the pool hall I went inside with my gun tucked into the waistband of my jeans. "Tate," Wolf said when I walked inside, and he jerked his head towards his office. Walking inside I closed the door and sat down in a chair and waited for him to begin and he didn't keep me waiting long. "Smith's celebration of life is going to be on Saturday. His wife wanted to have him cremated. She is holding it at the rec center and then a more private affair afterwards here." "OK, who did she use for the cremation? We are going to pay for it." "I'm not sure but I'll find out and let you know. She also asked about a job." "I know she asked us as well and I want to help her but the only thing I have that she can do is work at Kings." "I'm sure she'll take it. She is scared of losing everything they have worked for." "Tell her she can start in two weeks. I want to make sure that she has enough time to grieve." "I'll call Savannah later." He said and I just realized I never knew her name. "Have your guys located anything on his death?" "No but I've got a few guys who have done some work on the side for me going undercover. I'm hoping they can start selling for him and work their way up." "What are you the goddamn cops now?" "No but do you have any better ideas?" "Yes actually. I want to set up one of our sellers and we'll wait in specific spots and then shoot them but not kill and then bring them back here." "That's actually really good." "Still try to get your guys undercover with him. I want to go at him with everything I can." He nodded and I stood up and went back out to the main room and visited with a few of the guys before leaving. I called Reign and told him I was on my way to the gym. Standing in the ring putting the last of the tape on my hands Reign bounced up and down on his feet waiting for me. I dropped the tape and took a deep breath before jumping up and lunging at him. My arms wrapped around his waist and pulled us both to the ground. Getting up as fast as I could I dodged his punch and hit him on his jaw. His head snapped back but he recovered quickly, and this continued for the next hour. We both laid on the mat breathing hard with a few bruises and a few cuts, but I felt better. All the pent-up anger and the out of control feeling I had was gone. "What was that about?" Reign asked. "Everything. Snow. Not able to find him or her. No leads and our men are dying. I want to skin the fucker alive." "I know you do, and so do I and we will. It'll just take some time. Now I’ve got to go. I’ve got a date; I’m sure she has a friend if you want to go?” "No." He chuckled and got up and left while I just laid there taking in the burning of my muscles and pain in my face where I took a few hits. Finally deciding I better get up before someone sees me just lying there. Going straight home and running Ellie's information again and still nothing. I even tried her brother, and nothing showed up with him either. Finally calling it a night around midnight I went to my room when my phone beeped with a text. Opening it, it was from Ace and had a picture. The picture loaded and it was Ellie lying unconscious on a bed with a message that said Garden way room 302. My heartbeat in my chest as I looked at her. The girl that I've looked for, for the past seven years was now here and Ace and Damien found her. Now it poses two questions, where did they find her and if it was at the Strip what the f**k was, she doing there and the next one, do I kill her or not? I took a few deep breaths as I stared at the picture. I wanted nothing but to run over there and demand answers, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to get what I wanted so easily. She had been hiding for seven years for a reason.
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