Chapter 7

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Ellie's POV I was finally ready for dinner tonight with Mason. It had been a long time since I wanted to even entertain the idea of a date but something about him made me want to go. I don't know if it was him or the fact that I wasn't at home and if things went badly, I wouldn't have to see him again. My phone started ringing just as I walked out of the room. "Hey Michelle," I said, answering the phone. "I just wanted to let you know that I had a phone call about your father's house today." "Really? It's not even listed." "That's what I told them. They were insistent about seeing the house, but I know you didn't want it shown until you were gone but this man said he would be bringing a cash offer to the table." "What was his name?" "Nathaniel." "OK, well I'm going to stand my ground and it's not to be shown until I'm gone. Please let me know if he calls again." "Will do. Thank you." I hung up with her and checked my surroundings. I didn't see anyone, so I pulled out of the parking spot and headed for Whites. I wasn't sure who she was talking about, but it didn't sit well with me. I was going to have to be extra diligent. I dialed Michaels number after I was on the road. "MOMMY," Preslee screamed into the phone. "Hey princess, how was school?" "It was fun. Tommy had show and tell and he brought his dog. Can we get a dog? I promise I'll take care of it." "I don't think so. A dog is a lot of work." "Please mommy. I will do all the work." "I'll think about it OK." "YES!" she screamed, and I could just imagine her jumping up and throwing her little fist in the air. I just hoped that by the time I got home she would have moved on. I really didn't want a dog. It’s not that I don’t like them I do but they are so much work and I’ve pretty much been doing everything on my own and I don’t need another thing added for me to take care of. It made me feel bad because I wanted to give her everything, but I was currently at my max with trying to open this second location and taking care of my father's estate. "What else did you do at school?" I asked and she went into her entire day at school and then Michael got on the line, and I told him I was headed to dinner, and I would call later. Pulling into the restaurant I saw they had valet parking. I pulled up to the spot to drop my car off and gave the guy my keys and got my return ticket. I walked inside and the place was dimly lit and had a beautiful chandelier hanging up front. "Hello mam, do you have any reservations?" "I'm supposed to be meeting someone here." "Their name?" "Mason but I don't have a last name." I told her and just smiled at me and said, "right this way." I followed her through the restaurant, and it was very different to what I was expecting. This was an extremely fancy place. Low lights, expensive-looking tables and tablecloths. The waitresses had on black dresses and the waiters had black suits on. I was underdressed, that's for sure. My black skinny jeans and heeled boots and white blouse didn't fit the atmosphere, that's for sure. "Please have a seat, I'll let Mr. White know that you're here." She said and quickly walked away. I looked around and felt even more out of place. This was a mistake. There was a bar that had crystal chandeliers and rows and rows of crystal glasses and high-end liquor. I was about to get up when Mason walked up. "You're not leaving, are you?" "I didn't realize this place was so fancy. I'm a little underdressed." "You look absolutely gorgeous. I took the liberty of ordering some wine, I hope you don't mind." He said and it was like a waitress appeared out of thin air with it. She poured us both a glass and then left the table with the wine sitting in one of those fancy wine holder things with ice. Mason picked up his menu and I followed suit and quickly reviewed it and saw that it didn't have prices on it. I can only imagine how much this is going to cost. I mean I wasn't terribly worried about it but still I hate spending so much money on dinners like this. We could have just as easily gone somewhere just as nice and half the price. Finally landing on a grilled salmon and salad I put my menu down and saw Mason giving me that damn smile. "What sounds good?" He asked. "I'm going to go with the grilled salmon and salad. How about you?" "I'm a red meat kind of guy. I'm getting a steak and baked potato." I swear it was like the waitress was standing outside our booth because as soon as he said that she came around the corner and took our orders and menus. "So, tell me what is it that you do for a living?" He asked. "I own a business." "Well, we have that in common." "You own your own business?" "I do. Been rather successful. However lately my competition is getting a little stiff, but I am sure that I will come out on top of them. You said that you were in town on business, where is it that you live?" "Mason, I'm going to be really honest with you, I'm not going to discuss that. This is just dinner and nothing more. Nothing personal." "I can respect that." Our conversation flowed easily after that, and I really enjoyed dinner with him. Just as we were finishing up the waitress came back over, "Mr. White, you have a phone call." "Excuse me, Ellie." He said getting up from his seat and that's when it dawned on me. This was his damn restaurant. No wonder we had such good service and why our booth seemed to be private. He wasn't gone very long and when he came back, he stood beside me and held out his hand for me. "Shall we?" "This is your restaurant isn't it?" "Yes." "I'm still paying for my dinner." "No, it's been taken care of." He said, still holding his hand out to me. I slipped my hand in his and he helped me out of the booth and then kissed the back of my hand. "Ellie, I'm going to be a little forward here, but we've had a wonderful evening, and you are absolutely gorgeous, and I would shoot myself in the foot if I didn't ask you to come home with me for the night," he said and then tugged me closer to him. He brought his lips down to mine and gently kissed me. It stirred something inside of me that I hadn't felt in a very long time. Those feelings just felt right and maybe I could give in just this once. Preslee wasn’t here and I didn’t have to rush home to be with her or to take care of anything else right now. For the first time in a long time, I could think about me and what I wanted. He finally pulled away and gave me that God damn smile that I couldn't seem to get enough of. "So, Ellie, what do you say?" "I have rules and if you can follow those then yes." "Baby, I will do whatever you want." He said and then practically dragged me out of his restaurant and to his car. He unlocked it and gave me another kiss before he opened my door. I grabbed my phone and sent Mike a text telling him I would text him in the morning and threw my phone in my purse. Mason slipped into the driver's seat and started his car. He stayed silent as he pulled out onto the road, and it wasn't long before he was going through the hills driving right past my father's house. I noticed a car parked across the street, but it could have belonged to anyone in the surrounding houses. Mason drove about four miles past my father's house and pulled into a large modern place at the end of this road. He was out of his car and at my door helping me out and as soon as my door was closed, he pushed me against it and brought his lips down to mine kissing me quickly and then moved to my neck and I couldn't help the little moan that slipped out of my mouth. He pulled back and smiled at me and then took me inside. He didn't give me a chance to even look around. He dragged me straight to his bedroom where he turned the lights on and started kissing me again. I pulled back and flipped the lights out again. "Can the lights stay out?" I wasn’t ready for him to see my scars. I know it sounds ridiculous because I’m literally going to get naked with him and he would feel them but with the lights out I didn’t have to see his face when he did. "OK, lights out anything else?" he asked as he continued to kiss and suck on my neck, completely distracting me. "Um Oh," I started to say but fully distracted when he pulled my blouse over my head and then undid my bra and pulled it off. He trailed his hands down my chest until he reached my hard n*****s and took one in each hand and began rolling in his fingertips. I pushed my chest out and further into his hand and moaned. God, it had been so long, and he was good at what he was doing. My mind started to race with thoughts from the worst night of my life. I quickly pushed them away, focusing on what Mason was doing. He started to travel further and undid my pants and then pulled them down along with my underwear and then he got down on his knees and unzipped my boots and took them off of me and then stood back up trailing his hands up the inside of my legs as he did. Stopping just before coming to my p***y he pulled away and before I knew it, we were tumbling onto the bed, and I let out a giggle, but it was short lived as Mason moved his body over mine and started kissing his way down me again. This time he continued on down and then pulled my legs apart and sat up on his knees and ran his finger through my folds. He found my clit and started rubbing. I could feel my breathing picking up and even though it was dark in here I was still getting tunnel vision. Mason must have sensed it because he came back up and started kissing me again and I snapped back out of it. It was hard to keep those thoughts away. This was the first time in being with someone else since that night, but I really wanted this. My body wanted it so much, but my mind was another obstacle. "We don't have to do this." He whispered as he kissed right under my ear. "It's ok, just go slow and be gentle please." He leaned over to the nightstand beside me and grabbed something out of the drawer and then I heard the condom wrapper being ripped open and then a few seconds later he was bent over me kissing me again. He ran his hardness along my folds gathering wetness on it. He reached between us, and I felt him line himself up with me and slowly sink in. I could feel myself stretch around him and wow did it feel good. I had forgotten how enjoyable s*x was when you consented. He slowly started moving in and out of me, stretching me and making me moan out in pleasure. "Your so f*****g tight and hot and f**k you feel amazing," Mason groaned out and started moving faster and faster. "OH god. Don't stop that," I said as I felt my orgasm building and building. Mason didn't listen as he pulled out and quickly flipped me over and lifted my hips, so my ass was in the air and slammed back into me. This time he didn't go slow, and I was screaming into the pillow. He somehow got his hand down on my clit and started rubbing it and I instantly exploded around him. "OH f**k," Mason yelled out as I was coming down. Mason laid over my back for a minute catching his breath. Once he did, he pulled out of me and got out of bed, "don't move," he said and then walked out of the room. A light came on and I could hear him flip the sink on in the bathroom that he walked into. Thirty seconds later he came back and brought a warm washcloth to my sensitive p***y and wiped it clean and then threw the rag on the floor and crawled into bed with me. I wasn't sure what to do next. This was all new to me and something I wouldn’t normally do and once I went home with Preslee it wouldn’t happen again. It was like he could feel my worries, with his next words, "stay here tonight with me," he said as he dragged my body closer to his and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel him start running his fingers over my arm and shoulder to my neck and then back again.
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