Chapter 9

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Ellie's POV I woke up with arms wrapped around me and for just a second, I forgot where I was. Quickly looking around Mason's room I saw our clothes thrown all over the place and I needed to get out of here. I shouldn't have stayed last night but I did. I slowly escaped Mason's hold and grabbed my clothes off the floor and slipped into his bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and my makeup was all over my face and I could see my scars. I ran my hand over that horrible word that ruined my life. I just hoped that he passed out and didn't see them. I put my clothes on and turned the water on and tried to wipe as much mascara as I could off my face. I opened the door and Mason was sitting on the edge of the bed in a pair of boxers. He gave me that amazing smile of his, "good morning beautiful. Can I make you some breakfast?" "No, I need to go." I told him and he stood up and walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Can I at least get your number and maybe take you to dinner again tonight?" "No. This was a one-time thing. I don't do relationships and I don't even live here." I told him taking a step back from him needing a little space. "Tell me one thing, whoever hurt you, are they dead?" He asked as his fingers traced the scar on my chest. "That's none of your concern." I stepped away from him again needing to get the hell away from him. I grabbed my purse and phone and walked to the door and stopped with my hand on the doorknob, "thank you for last night," I said to him and walked out of his room. Finding my way through his house and out the front door I realized that I didn't have my car. I rode with him. That was my second mistake last night. The first was coming home with him. That will never happen again. I was having instant regrets regardless of how much I enjoyed it. I started walking down the road and headed for my dad's house. I was about a block away when I remembered that strange car parked outside of it. I pulled my phone out and pulled up my ride share app when a black car pulled up beside me. "How about a ride back to your car?" Mason asked. "Thank you," I told him, getting into his car. The car ride was silent, and I appreciated that. I didn't know what to say to him and I didn't want to make weird conversation. When we drove by my dad's house the car was gone but another was parked on the street corner. I wasn't taking any chances, and I wouldn't be going back to that place. I would have to have Michelle take care of the cars. Mason pulled into the empty parking lot except for my car, I got out and leaned down into the car, "thank you again for last night." "I hope to see you again before you leave town. You know where you can reach me," he said, giving that dazzling smile one last time. I closed his door and went to my car. As soon as I started it, I called Michael. "Well, someone must have had a good date, if it's just now ending." "Shut it. How is Preslee?" "For the millionth time she is just fine." "Good. I'm going to try and grab an earlier flight and be home Saturday night sometime." "Things must be going good then?" "Yes. I'm about done and ready to be home." "So, tell me about this date of yours?" "Not happening. I will call you later," I said and hung up before he could say anything else. I pulled into the hotel parking lot and went inside. I went up to the front desk where a young guy was working. "Excuse, if someone wanted to go out and have a good time and maybe do a little gambling or other things, where would one go?" I asked and batted my eyelashes at him. "You didn't hear this from me but the strip. Also, I don't suggest that you go there alone." "I'll be OK but when you say the strip are talking about the old strip mall?" "Yes." "Thank you." I told him and walked to my room. Once in my room I called Michelle and she said she would take care of the cars and could email me the paperwork to sign and then I found a flight for tomorrow midafternoon and changed that. Then I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes hoping to sleep the day away. When I woke up, I realized I accomplished what I wanted and slept most of the day. I ordered some room service and ate until I was overly full and then went and took a shower. I got ready for tonight. This was something that I had been planning for the past seven years. I was hoping all three would be there, but I would be happy with just one of them. It was a major risk going there and probably dangerous and stupid, but I didn't care. I had to try. Eventually I would take them all down. They deserved more than I could ever do to them but just them being dead was enough for me. I applied more makeup than normal and curled my hair in big loose curls and teased it a little bit. I slipped on my white pants that were tight, but I had to look the part. I grabbed my red top and put it on and then my heeled boots that gave me five extra inches. I applied the bandage on my scar and made sure that it wasn't visible. Going through my bag I found the rings I was looking for. I swiped one of the buttons on the bottom and a little knife came out. It just took one swipe on the jugular, and they would bleed out. This was something that one of the girls I trained showed me and I bought them instantly. I had yet to wear them, but I knew they were perfect for tonight if things went south. I grabbed my leather jacket and slipped it on and made sure that the pills I needed were in the small hidden pocket I had and put my cards and ID under my phone case and left my room. I had everything ready to go for my flight tomorrow, so I could come back here tonight, sleep for a few hours and then go home. Pulling into the Strip I found a parking spot and looked around. There were two places that stood out, one that said DRINKS in big bold letters and another that flashed the word GIRLS on their sign. I decided to start with the one that said drinks thinking it was the safer option. Walking inside I held my shoulders back and walked in like I owned the place. I was so nervous, but I couldn’t let that show. Several people looked at me, but I ignored them and went straight to the bar and ordered a whiskey and took it and sat in the far back booth. I had no intention of drinking this thing, but I figured it wouldn't go over well if I didn't order something. I brought the glass to my lips and pretended to drink from it. "Well, hello beautiful," someone said coming up to the table. "I'm waiting for someone." "You don't have to wait alone." He said and I didn't even look at him. "I would prefer to." He mumbled something I didn't understand and walked away. I sat there pretending to drink my whiskey for what felt like forever. I was beginning to think this was a bust. I got up and was going to what I imagined was a strip joint. Leaving my whiskey on the table I walked out ignoring everything around me. The strip joint was three places down. There was no one walking outside, and it gave me the boost of confidence I needed to do this. I didn't want any weird looks, also I had never been in a strip joint before. I threw the door open and was hit with loud music and men talking. I looked around and all I saw were men sitting at different tables with women dancing all around them. All girls with barely anything on and all were topless. "Can I help you?" A woman's voice came from beside me. "Sorry I was hoping to find someone here." "OK, do you want a table or are you just going to stand there looking at the women?" "Sorry, do you have something in the back with no dancers and I could possibly see everyone?" "Are you a f*****g cop?" "What? No?" "Ya you're going to have to come with me." "I'll just leave," I told her and turned around but there was a giant man I hadn't seen before, and he grabbed my arm in a tight grip. "Let's go," he said and started dragging me through the crowd. I tried to break out of his grip, but it was iron clad, and I would have bruises tomorrow. "I'm not a cop, I was looking for someone. You can just let me go." I tried telling him, but he didn't say a word back and kept dragging me through the crowd. I thought about using my ring knives, but I knew that would probably just get me in more trouble than I already was, so I just walked with him and tried to explain what I was doing and then be on my way. He took us to a door and then down the stairs to a basement. Once in the basement the temperature dropped twenty degrees I swear. He walked me straight to what looked like a jail cell and opened the door and shoved me inside. There was a chair in the middle of the room and nothing else. I heard the door slam shut then lock. "Good luck," he said, then walked off. I went to sit in the chair, but it looked like it was covered in blood and so did the floor. I walked to the back wall and leaned against it waiting but I only had to wait just a few minutes. I hear several different sets of feet coming my way. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to not back down to whoever was about to come to that cell door. I heard it unlock and two sets of feet came stomping through. "So, we have a pig that wants to come to our clubs and just look the f**k around, what do we do with pigs, Hawke?" Asked the first man with amusement in his voice. "Well, usually we just gut them and leave them to bleed out, but seeing this one is rather nice to look at. Maybe we'll split roast her first," the man named Hawke said. I finally looked up and right in front of me stood two very large, very scary guys. It was dark in here so I couldn't tell much about them but I knew not to f**k with them. "I'm not a pig," I spat at them. The man whose name I didn't know grabbed me around the throat making me tilt my head up to look him in the eyes as he cut off my oxygen and the other one started to do a search on me. I wouldn't fight them. I just wanted to get out of here. Hawke grabbed my phone and took the case off and pulled out my ID and credit card. "Emily Smith," he said. "Well Emily, good news is I believe that you're not a cop, couldn't find a wire, bad news is we really don't care." Hawke said, throwing my phone and ID on the ground. The other man finally let go of my neck and they both stepped back and that's when two more people stepped into the cell. Looking at them I knew I was f****d. "Emily is it now," Dominic said. "I don’t want any trouble. I just want out of here," I spat at him, and the other two men started laughing. "I like her, she is feisty," Hawke laughed and Dominic and Ace got close to me. I held my hands at my side and flipped open my knife rings. I wouldn't let them touch me. I wouldn't go back to him. "We're going to leave and you're going to come with us," Ace said, stepping up to me and I rammed my fist into his side. He grunted and grabbed his side and Dominic wrapped his arms around me, pinning me. "Did you f*****g stab me?" Ace asked, holding up his bloody hand. I didn't answer him but jammed my rings into Dominics arm. His grip tightened and he whispered, "Oh Ellie, you are in so much trouble for that, but I'll let it go because I like the pain, Ace not so much." Hawke stepped up to me and pulled something out of his pocket and then placed it in his mouth and that's when I saw it was syringe. He jerked the cap off and brought it to my neck. "If you didn't belong to these guys, I would have kept you for myself but probably better this way," he said as he jammed it in my neck. My world started to fade around me and I felt Dominic pick me up right before everything went black.
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