chapter 7?

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Evangeline POV: Sighing heavily, I flipped opened the curse of my life aka my biology book to the page mentioned on the board in a pretense that I am listening and being attentive, so as not to get caught by my biology teacher and get punished with some more torture called assignments. Why pretend that I am listening? I thought to myself. For one, I am not interested in biology class. For two, I didn’t see Clare, my BFF in the class. She is the daughter of our pack's head warrior Harry. Because of that stupid, useless and hopeless, good for nothing piece of girl, I call a friend, I took this torturing hell that I call a subject. But I cant seem to find her anywhere inside the class. That stupid donkey must had overslept. ‘Birds of same feathers flock together' I thought and sighed heavily. Since next period was free, I was sure that I can see her in the food court. Resigning to my cruel fate, I continued to pretend that I was listening and counted the remaining minutes of the class period internally. Why there is no fast forward button in real life, when we need them the most. Those Stupid overdramatic and senseless movies always showing things like fast forward, we can’t get and make us more tempted and frustrated at the same time…*sighs heavily* When the bell rang, I was the first one to ran out of the classroom, as if there was a fire burning on my tail. I quickly made a short visit to my locker and placed all the books and materials I took for my first class into it and took my bag and slinged it on the shoulders and went to the food court on the other side of the school. As expected I soon found the culprit of my misery, Clare, happily munching on the French fries, without any worries in the whole world. Lazy b***h. I went near her and smacked her across her head with my bag. “ouch....who the hell was that" she stood up and yelled while turning to face me. When she saw that the one who hit her across the head was me, she grumbled lowly and sat down glaring at me. “Where the hell have you been instead of attention that torturing lecture?” I whisper yelled at her. She looked at me as if I have gone mad. she gave me a look saying ‘are you blind or what’ while slouching on the canteen chair lazily. Realizing what she was implying, I gave her a look and spelled out each word for her. Sly b***h. “ I know you were in canteen...What I meant was, why were you absent for the first period?” “I overslept” she said in a duh tone, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. This girl and her good for nothing brain...I feel like I want to pluck all my hairs due to her annoying behavior. .......Wait a minute....Better yet, I shall pluck all her hairs out of her head, so that I can see what the hell was inside of her head instead of a typical human brain that weighs a few grams. You all should be wondering that I should been immune to her antics by now, but what to say, I haven’t till now and she is eating out my poor innocent brain. Annoying b***h. “It’s a waste of time to argue with you” I surrendered. She didn’t look like, she was listening to me. She was busy eating her potato fries and ogling at the human boys standing around the corner. “I am gonna ignore you” I said while giving her a side glance. She stopped eating her potato fries for a minute, casted a look at me and then continued to finish the plate before her. I ignored her presence and took my assignment from the school bag and checked for the last time whether everything was in order as in the next period I have to submit it to the class teacher. …….......... When Clara stuffed herself with all the junk foods she had bought, she wiped her hands in a tissue paper. Making the tissue paper into a makeshift ball, she aimed it to throw at Eve. The paper ball managed to hit Eve in between her eyebrows. Clara did a little happy dance while sitting on her steel canteen chair. Eve looked up at her crazy friend and glared at her. When Clara managed to successfully catch Eve attention, she raised an eyebrow at Eve. “ you and your way of ignoring me....Me?? Clara Henrik. Fat chance babe... You cannot ignore me.....In your dreams babe...In your dreams” Clara said with a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. Seeing Clara with a s**t eating grin across her face, Eve cursed herself. Because everyone knows about Eve. She can’t hold a grudge against her dear ones. Not in a million years. She is sweet little thing. She would beat the s**t out of others but she can’t ignore her dear ones for a long time. Her ignoring time period would be few hours. At most it can last a day.. nothing more. And everyone dear to her knows this. “yeah....Yeah....Me and my ignoring skills....I have to improve this stupid skill of mine” grumbled Eve, stuffing her assignment notes back into her school bag. “Don’t try babe...You can’t do it. You will be back to square one” teased Clara, getting her stuffs from the food table. Both pulled each other’s legs till the next bell rang indicating that their next period was about to start. Both Eve and Clara stopped messing around and moved out of the food court towards their respective classes. .................. hi lovely readers.....thank you for supporting me.....see you in next you all....
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