chapter 6?

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Evangeline POV: Soon we got into my brother's sleek black sports car, which he got as his 18th birthday present from our dad. It is his baby. His words to his car, not mine….. Definitely not mine. Which sane person in their right mind would call their lifeless sports car “his baby”….. *shudders.* No one right…..Right?? Leave it… who knows there might be another crazy person, as same as my stupid brother, out there in the world who think the lifeless car his baby too….only the moon goddess knows. He won’t allow any one to touch his car, let alone drive it. But I have some other plans for him. *sly smirk moment* I am just eyeing for an opportunity where I can steal his “baby”, his words not mine, giving him the heart attack of the year for always messing up with my beauty sleep. revenge served at its best on a silver platter.*evil laugh* When I was planning my sweet little revenge in my mind, my brother started the ignition of the car, making the car roar like a beast and headed towards the school making the dust to spread on its awake. ………………………………. We reached our school, Evergreen hillred high, I dashed out of the car, before even my brother stopped his car, throwing a quick goodbye to him on the way. “bye bye giant.....see you in the evening”. Running through the empty halls, I raced against the hands of the clock to reach my classroom on time. ‘I don’t want to have a detention on my first period' I thought to myself. I cursed my stupid alarm clock which failed to ring correctly as usual. It was the eighth time this month.!!! I turned the numbers on my locker with my password and quickly got frustrated, when the door won't open due to the old blasted rusted lock that I had yet to fix. Determine not to get lectured today, I stand back and took a few steps backward. I quickly looked around and confirmed that the coast was clear for the action I am about to take and made a move quickly without giving time for anyone to take notice of what I am about to do. I ran my shoulder into the rusty door and prayed that I don’t break the door. I looked around to check whether anyone saw what I have done just a moment ago. Slowly the door of my locker opened with a creaky noise like the creepy doors that opens with a haunting noise in those horror movies. That’s the reason, I hate watching horror movies. Even the sounds can give you creeps.*shivers* I slightly rubbed my shoulder quickly to prevent the pain from spreading, as I used my shoulder like a locked door opener. Even though the bruise that might form would be gone in a few minutes, till then I would still feel the pain for my reckless action. Is there a medicine for feeling no pain at all. Because I’m in urgent need of that because of my stupid brain. I quickly put my jacket and school bag into the cramped space, I call a locker and take out my books and other things needed for my biology period. Quickly checking that my long platinum blonde hair is still in the high ponytail I had put it in earlier, I gave myself a once over before I heard the first warning bell going off. Indicating that the time for me to make a quick dash to my classroom unless I want to end up in detention as my punishment for being late. Slamming the door shut, once took the needed materials and piled the books into my arms, I made a dash for the second level floor for my first morning lesson, biology with Mr.Potts. Rounding the corner of the second level hallway of the science block, I struggled to find the will to continue to run for the last classroom. Even though I’m a werewolf, since I haven’t shifted into my wolf yet, which I would on my 18th birthday, I am considered as a human with a little heightened senses of smell, vision and hearing. We had human strengths and stamina. The only perks of being a werewolf, we enjoyed before shifting into our wolves, was the fast healing process. With my legs burning and my lungs working double the time, I have just given into my fate when I slam head first into a wall. Which caused me to fly back a few meters back, landing on the hard floor heavily with a loud thud. ‘damn.....that bloody hurts like hell' I cried internally. Getting up slowly, I balanced by momentum for a moment. Then I first started rubbing my forehead, as it stings more and then rubbed my backside a few seconds later. Since it was near to the start of the classes, nobody was there on the corridor. So no one was there to help me. But to see on the brighter side, no one was there to see me when I embarrassed myself foolishly. After collecting the scattered things from the floor, I started to complete my run into the biology classroom just as Mr. Potts walks in from the back door which was near to the Staff Room. “For once,” he murmured as I walked past him to my seat. “you are exactly on time for my class, Ms. Michaels”. “I tried my best to be on time ,sir” I respond breathlessly, taking my seat. But once he turned his attention on the board in the front, I rolled my eyes at him. 'who in their sane mind will come to this hell hole of a subject called 'biology' early??? It's already torture enough that I got enrolled in this class because of a traitor... speaking of a traitor, I can't see even the hair of that said traitor. Because of her, I got struck in this class called pure torture. Sighing heavily, I flipped open my book to the page on the board in a pretense that I am listening. Why pretend that I am listening? I thought to myself. ………………………………. Hi lovely readers…….stay tuned …….see you in next chapter….love u all……
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