chapter 8?

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Finishing the morning run and stretching their legs made them a little refreshed than they were before. As they have already finished their stretching exercise, they went straight to the training ground to train with the others. Xander saw that the newly shifted young guys were running around the ground and they were sweating rivers and lakes of waters. *Poor guys*he thought. In their royal pack, the newly shifted wolves are to be trained to protect and fight for the pack too soon. Since they have less control over their other newly acquired animal part, it was quite a challenge for them to sync both their human and animal part together. That’s why, as soon as they shifted, they would be trained to control their emotions and newly acquired animal part, so as not to expose their identity to the outer human world,in a fit of loss of control over their emotions. That’s when the twins noticed that their head warrior Jonathan was training the newly shifted young wolves. While their royal beta Derek and gamma Stefan supervised their trained warrior wolves training. Xayden sighed loudly looking at them…”God..I really pity those newly shifted young guys, as Jonathan can be a devil himself, when he want to be. He is an old testament, very hard to break”. Upon seeing the twins, both Derek and Stefan gave instructions to their training guys and headed towards them. “What a lovely picture to see the princes of the kingdom early in the morning. Good morning his Royal Highnesses” Derek teased them by bowing a little at his hips and greeting them formally with a mischievous glint shinning in his onyx black eyes. “Cut it out bro” Stefan stopped him by pulling his collar. He then knocked Derek’s head when he stood up straight after his dramatical Royal greeting, as Derek claimed it to be. “What did we do to earn your respect Royal beta” Xayden teased him back while putting a hand on Stefan’s shoulder. “Because I feel like it’s our last meeting. I would miss you two too much….you know….. just remember that you had a very loyal and handsome and sexy friend named Derek who would make girls drool over him” Derek said while wiping his fake tears at the corner of his eyes. “ I doubt, whether I can see you both in one piece tomorrow morning” he exaggerated. “So I am giving my best wishes to you both. Do miss me in your next lives in heaven. Wait…..You two jerks will only be sent to hell. Convey my best regards to Hades, while you are there” Derek ranted with a comical expression on his face. “Why so?” Xander enquired, perked at his last sentence. “You are summoned by the head warrior, “the devil himself”, Derek air quoted using his fingers. Then he continued, “ He is going to train you guys today. So I want to give you guys my best of wishes to show my never ending love towards you two” Derek finished his ranting and made a pity face at the twins. Stefan on the other hand was trying his very hard to control his laughter from them. “That bastard” Thought Xander, when he saw Stefan’s face turning a little blue as he was trying to control his laughter for quite a sometime. Jonathan, the head warrior of the royal Titan pack, was their former trainer in their early teen years. He was called the devil, as he showed no mercy on his trainees. He would train the twins two days in a week. Seems like that day is today. Xayden sighed heavily. “Looks like it’s time to meet the devil”. “Happy training. If you are alive tomorrow, we will meet . If not I will bring flowers and my favourite cupcakes to your grave“ Derek piped out cheekily, with a mischievous grin playing at the corner of his mouth. "why, you favorite cupcakes and not our favourites" questioned xayden with a confused look on his face. "because you two would be dead. you can't eat the cupcakes right. it would be a waste of money to buy your favourites. if I buy my favorite cupcakes, I can eat it right after placing them above your graves. any way we shouldn't waste food guys" Derek explained to Xayden in a very serious tone as if telling him about the attack plan. Hearing this Stefan couldn't control his laughter and burst out laughing. he clutched his stomach and began to roll on the ground due to heavy laughing. he even had few drops of tears near his eyes because of his excess laughing. while on the other hand, Xander was glaring at the duo who are having fun at their misery. “Get lost bastard.when it comes to your training, wait what we will do to you” Xander shoved him aside while slapping Stefan’s back who was quietly enjoying and laughing at their exchange. These two guys are the twins best friends. The four of them grew up together in the palace, since they were kids. Thinking about the hell training, Xander and Xayden shook their heads resigning to their fate and went to their personal gym room, where they use to do their special training with the royal head warrior. After four excruciating hours, the twins finished their training. To say the least, it was not training. It’s pure torture. Directly descended from the seventh inner part of the hell. But what can they say. They have to be the strongest and unbreakable ones in the kingdom so that they can protect their kingdom and their loved ones from their enemies. When they both thought of that, even the complaints went back into their own mouth, as if was not there in the first place. Xander and Xayden was lying on the plain floor of the gym, Breathless and totally spent and sweating a lot, when Jonathan came into their line of vision. The old man near his fifties, looked no more than near late thirties and had a stoic face without giving away his real emotions just blank like a stone. “Could have done better” was the words that escaped his mouth, before he went out of the front gym door. That’s like Jonathan. You could never hear better words from Jonathan. There only a few people who could surprise him and get a nice compliment from him. And Only one person got that word of appreciation. That one and only person is the royal queen Marissa Knightwood, their lovely and kind mother. Yes, you thought it right. Jonathan was the one who trained the royal queen in the martial arts and in combat training before her coronation, making her the most powerful and excellent female warrior in the whole western kingdom. ……………………………. hi lovely readers.......happy day to all of you..... check out my other book, "my little sunshine". love you all.....
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