Chapter 2 first day on the job

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May’s P.O.V I heard my alarm going off and my eyes shot open as I realised that today was my first day in a new job. I didn’t bother showering because I had one last night, so I quickly got ready and hurried out of the house to my car. I wanted to be a little earlier than I was asked to come in, so that I could help unload the truck. I drove to the store, parked my car and got out just as the truck was pulling up, so I hurried into the store and out the back. I walked out onto the loading dock where I found Walter, waiting for the truck to back up. “Good, you’re here, you can help with unloading the truck, it's backing up right now.” Walter said, obviously hearing me walking up behind him. “That's the reason I came early, I knew I needed to come help unload.” I said, but just as Walter and I were done talking another woman walked over to us. “Hey Walter, I’m here for the truck…..who is this and why is she here?” The woman said, stopping and looking at me, then back at Walter. “Susan, this is May Woods and she is the new office manager. She has already redone everything in the office and cleaned up all the mess that the other one made, so I hired her.” Walter said and the woman I now knew as Susan nodded, but then she looked up back at me. She looked me up and down, then gave me a dirty look and I could tell that she didn’t like me, but I really didn’t care. I was there to work and pick up my paycheck, not to make friends, I thought to myself, just as we all heard the truck blow its horn. Walter opened the large door on the back of the trailer and we all started to unload it. Hope’s P.O.V A lot had happened since the war, but Rune and I were doing great with our pack. The Moonstone pack was thriving and getting new members, but today was extremely important as our son was coming home. “Well, what's happening? Has he done it? When is he coming back?” Rune asked, as soon as he walked into the office. “Erick has graduated the training course to become the next Alpha of the pack, but only when we decide to step down. He should be back in a few days or so.” I replied and watched as Rune beamed with joy and pride. We haven’t seen Erick for almost three years because he went off to the Alpha academy in England, where they train to be Alphas and learn everything they can about what they need to do. We were both excited for him to be back home, but we needed to get things sorted for his arrival. “We should invite other packs to come and enjoy this with us, maybe he will even find his mate.” I said and Rune smiled at me. I was always hoping that our children would find their mates and I honestly didn’t care who or what type of creature they were as long as they were happy and treated each other right. Rune and I started calling around the packs surrounding us and several of them agreed to come, overjoyed at the thought that our son's mate could possibly be in their pack. I left Rune with his paperwork and then went to the main hall, gathering a few pack members on the way there. “We need to get the hall ready because Erick, my son and your future Alpha, is coming home and I am throwing a party for him, hopefully he will even find his mate.” I announced and they all nodded. We all got to work and I could see how excited everyone was for Erick’s return, but there were some that were excited because they were hoping he was their mate. Some of the she-cats went straight to the mall to find dresses, instead of helping decorate and get everything ready. I knew they were all looking for the best dresses to try and impress my son, but hopefully my son would see through them and just want his mate. Susan’s P.O.V Bonnie and the rest of the crew got the truck unloaded and now it was time for us to start opening the boxes, tagging them and putting everything on the shelves. By the time we were done it was getting pretty late and the store was now closed. “May, you can add everything on the computer tomorrow. I know you’re tired and you have done enough today, so go home.” Walter said to the new girl and she agreed. Everyone else left to go home, while Walter and I stayed, watching everyone drive off. “You know that if she finds out about us it's going to be nothing but trouble. We’re going to end up having to turn her and then what? She could go crazy and get herself killed when she shifts or she could be killed before then.” I said, but Walter shook his head. “Susan, you need to calm down. She won’t know anything, so don’t worry too much and by the way I want you to stay off her back. Don’t think I didn’t notice you giving her dirty looks and trying to make her carry the heavy boxes. I mean it Susan, don’t make me send you back to the pack.” Walter replied, making me sigh. “I don’t like it and I don’t like her. It's obvious she caught your eye and she’s made me jealous, especially because she is just a human.” I said, but Walter chuckled. “Susan, come on, she is only here to work and do the paperwork, which will keep this shop open. I have no desire for her, except for friendship, so calm down, will you.” Walter replied and I nodded as he took my hand in his. “Good because you’re mine until you finally find your mate and then we will decide what we will do about that.” I said and he rolled his eyes at me. “We have already discussed this, when I find my mate then she will be Luna. Susan, we’re just having fun, that’s all, so until then let's not have any strings attached, like we agreed.” Walter said, leaning down and kissing my cheek. If he meets his mate and doesn’t pick me over her, then I’ll just simply kill her and take her place, I thought to myself and smiled at Walter. May’s P.O.V I finally made it home, got out of my car and took a look around at the woods. I always loved nature and the sounds the animals made at night, it was so peaceful and perfect. I walked up the steps to my house, unlocked my door and went inside, going straight to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and took a long hot shower, while thinking about all the work I was going to have to do on this place. It made me wonder if the guy I was renting this place from would just sell me the house instead, that way I could make it mine and do what I wanted to do. I could even add onto it because I always wanted a big house of my own. Erick’s P.O.V I was packing the stuff in the room I had been staying in for the past three years and I was so ready to go home. It had been a long three years, but I had passed all my Alpha tests and I was now ready to return back to my pack and my parents. I packed the last of my bags and had the clothes ready that I was going to wear when I woke up tomorrow morning. I was eager to get home, but I would also miss this place a little as well. I heard a knock on my door and I knew who it was right away. Rose. I could smell her scent anywhere, so I opened the door and was greeted with a huge smile on her face. Her long brown hair hung over her shoulders and I looked into her hazel eyes, as I took her hand and brought her inside my room. She was a Beta’s daughter and we talked from time to time, mainly about if I didn’t find my mate then I would pick her, “Erick, why are you leaving so soon? You know you could stay here with me for at least a few more days.” Rose said with a pouty look on her face and I chuckled. “Rose, you know I need to go back home, my family is waiting for me. Besides, I’ll come back next year for the last few tests I have to do, so don’t worry. Besides, you might have found your mate by then.” I replied, but she rolled her eyes at me. She reached up to kiss me and then grabbed me between my legs, which is all it took. I made her go down on her knees, knowing that she loved doing that to me and she eagerly took my d**k out, licking her lips. The next day I woke up and she was lying next to me, so I moved her arm from around me and kissed her forehead. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, taking a shower, drying off and getting dressed. I walked back into the bathroom and Rose was already dressed and gone, but she had left a note on my dresser. I picked it up and read it. Until we see each other again. R I left the note on the dresser and grabbed my bags, rushing out of the room. I rented a car and made it to the airport right on time, then checked my bags and got on the plane. I knew it was going to take maybe three days to finally get home, but I couldn’t wait. I was so ready to see my parents, my friends and maybe I would even find my mate, but am I really ready for that? Am I ready for a mate? Who knows I thought to myself as I laid back in the seat and pulled a blanket over me, getting comfy for the long journey ahead.
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