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Crimson Hotel The old man had led Lauren into an unfamiliar chamber. Her eyes were blindfolded when she was placed in the car, so she was unable to recognize the location. She tried to cry, but she was unable to. Maybe all of her tears had dried up, or maybe that was just the impact of her extreme dread. The door eventually opened. A woman in her forties came in. She had a big red case with her. The woman came up to Lauren and said, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you're the most beautiful lady tonight." And opened the case and placed it on the bed. It was crammed with different kinds of cosmetics Lauren had ever seen in her life. "I may be rude, but I think I don't need to be attractive at all. You shouldn't bother," Lauren refused. The woman gave a bitter smile. She brushed Lauren's hair, which was partially covering her forehead, gently. Lauren turned to face her as the door abruptly opened once more. "Like what I've said, It would be best if you followed all of Alpha Voldemort's orders. I want you to realize that you are no longer living in the same world. Therefore, learn to identify those who are stronger than you if you wish to live a longer life." The old man approached Lauren. And as soon as he got close, he ripped her blouse viciously and pressed his face over her ear. "Let me explain everything to you," the old man stated. "Your task is going to be easy. You'll dance sensually as you take off each piece of clothing that covers your body. Naturally, you should also smile as though you're seducing the audience to make them enjoy your performance," the old man explained in detail. "Do you find it easy or do you need someone to demonstrate it?" Grinning, the old man moved his face away from Lauren and stood up straight. "Do we understand each other, Miss Lauren Hutchinson?" the old man grinned once more. Observing the look in Lauren's eyes was amusing. "I-I understand." Even though Lauren had no idea what the old man had said, she nevertheless managed to answer. "That's good then," the old man said and turned his face to the woman. "Get your work in order if you don't want to lose your job. Is that clear?" With a small bow, the woman answered, "Yes, my lord". Vladimir Dunsforth, also referred to as the subterranean society's "black cheetah," was Alpha Voldemort's right-hand man and oversaw some of his illicit dealings. Siege was enraged with him from the very beginning since, according to the rumors that were circulating among the pack, Vladimir had brainwashed Alpha Voldemort. "Is it okay if I sit next to you?" The woman sat next to Lauren and, seeing her reaction, softly held both of her hands. "Don't worry. I am sure that God will not abandon you," the woman said. In this manner, she might at least instill hope and bravery in Lauren. "Finally, it's done! You are even more beautiful with that makeup. You are the most beautiful woman here tonight, I'm sure of it," the woman exclaimed as he looked at Lauren's reflection in the mirror. Lauren was still unable to speak. She was astounded by what Vladimir had revealed to her. Given how much the woman was certain of the impact of what Vladimir had told Lauren, she was unable to place the blame on her. "You can do it! I'm sure of it!" The woman was aware of Lauren's extreme suffering. Even if she wanted to help Lauren, she could only hope that she would be safe. "Pardon my intrusion. Lord Vladimir is waiting for you downstairs." A man appeared right in front of the door. He was probably one of Vladimir's men because of his attire. However, the only thing that made him different from the others was the absence of any weapons or firearms. "I'll be leaving, please be safe." The woman left the chamber. The man moved into the room, stood behind Lauren and said, "You must have been very cold." He then removed his coat and covered it around her body. Lauren didn't realize anything till she heard the voice. It was then that she became aware of the piece of cloth she was wearing. "Why are you doing this? Don't you also belong to them?" Lauren gave a small bow. She bit her lower lip and clasped her palms together. She felt sorry that she had spoken such cruel things about him, rather than being grateful for his kindness. "I care for you more than anyone else." After hearing the man's statement, Lauren held her mouth open. As she lifted her face to meet his, he turned and walked out of the room. Lauren was perplexed as to why his remarks had such an impact on her. She couldn't place or recall, yet it was as though she knew every word he had said. ***** "ALPHA VOLDEMORT HENDRICKS." Lauren kept hearing the name and it was driving her crazy. It was her father who first told Lauren about Alpha Voldemort. He had previously been a business associate of his father. Regretfully, though, his father's drug and gambling addiction led to their company's bankruptcy. Lauren decided to leave the pack with her brother following their parents' funeral. As the only son in the family and by their father's desires, Cole was said by a few of their pack's high officials to be the one who should lead the pack moving forward. Alpha Drake Hutchinson, Lauren's late father, was the leader of the Silver Walker Pack. Because of Alpha Drake's strength and power, it was considered one of the most well-known and feared packs. Lauren didn't see anything wrong with Cole replacing her father in the position but she feared that Cole was too young to be a pack leader. She was worried that he might meet the same end as their parents. In addition, she thought their deaths were planned. Other than a few pack officials, there were those from other packs who harbored deep animosity toward Alpha Drake. There were multiple plans to kill him, not just once or twice, so she was more inclined to believe that one of his enemies may have done so. Lauren lacked sufficient knowledge and capacity to bring justice to his death, even if that was her desire. Despite the difficulties, it was even better that she decided to leave the pack with Cole and have a normal life. Since some of the packs she had heard were fighting over territory and dominance, at least they were safe from harm. Nothing else concerned her but Cole's safety, therefore she didn't give a damn about the pack his father had left behind. "This way please." Lauren didn't come to her senses till after that. The face of the man who had been in the room with her earlier met her eyes. His face was as soft as his speech. His calm and tranquil blue eyes matched the hue of the huge ocean. There was purity and security in her eyes instead of any hint of wickedness. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise." The words Lauren held onto until she stepped on the stage that would determine her fate. A sharp light beamed at Lauren. All she could see was the glow that nearly engulfed her. The light abruptly turned off after a while and was replaced with a red light that was pointed right at her. Subsequently, seductive music started to play, announcing that the stage was now open. Lauren felt a wave of fear and trepidation shoot up through her soles once more, and she recoiled a little. She needed to fortify her heart, but at that moment, her emotions were controlling her, and she wasn't sure what to do or how to react. "Shall we start the show?" The sound of Vladimir's voice startled Lauren. Lauren could see Vladimir standing next to a man with a black mask from her direction. It was only at that moment that she realized they were the only people in that place. It was unclear to her whether she ought to be grateful or even more afraid. The shadow boxing competition took place atop the Crimson Hotel each year. The participants included well-known figures from the underground society, including leaders, merchants, and celebrities. High-quality items and women who functioned as prizes were up for bid. Not only were vast sums of money displayed, but also the participants' capacity, influence, and aptitude to win. "It's a shame for Alpha Calypso to wait," Vladimir grinned, but he was secretly dying to stroke Lauren because she didn't seem to be listening to anything he had said. A lengthier scenario like this would be a great shame. He refused to allow this woman to be the cause of Alpha Voldemort's long-standing lack of faith in him. "Lauren Hutchinson—" Alpha Calypso halted Vladimir just as he was going to step on his feet and moved towards Lauren. "Give her some time. You need not worry because the night is still very long. Furthermore, she's mine to do with as I please; even if she doesn't strip in front of me. Do we understand each other, Lord Vladimir?" "As you wish, Alpha Calypso." "All right, if possible, please leave this place. I can't do a lot of things with her that I would like to do while you're here." With Alpha Calypso's absolute remarks, Vladimir could not stand against him. Vladimir was forced to follow Alpha Calypso's orders, but before he left he glared at Lauren. His expression seemed to be saying that if Lauren kept acting that way, he would kill her. In addition, he was never fond of Alpha Calypso. He would never have had his desire to take command of the shadow boxing now controlled by the underground society granted if it weren't for Alpha Voldemort. "I'm sorry." Somehow, Lauren managed to speak despite being overwhelmed with terror. Lauren closed her eyes tightly and carefully undid the black bandage bikini strap. She gradually noticed warm tears streaming down his face, and she knew that death was waiting for her at that point. She still had to complete that night, despite the terrible fate that awaited her. "You're not required to do that. You won't suffer anymore. We are going to be together forever from now on, my mate." Lauren opened her eyes at what Alpha Calypso had said. With a lot of questions in her eyes, she stared at him. She was unable to comprehend what was going on around her because everything was occurring so quickly. There was only one thing she knew for sure: the man in front of her would protect her. She was unaware that her feet had moved in Alpha Calypso's direction on their own. Mixed emotions kept her from controlling her tears. The light abruptly went out, halting her as she reached out to grasp his hand. "Who the heck gave you the right to run into another man?" Lauren heard a familiar voice whisper to her. She would have tried to let out a scream, but all of a sudden her body went weak and she lost all awareness.
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