1041 Words
"My lord? What are you doing here? Is Alpha Voldemort aware that you are coming? He will undoubtedly become furious if he learns that you've left the manor. It would be preferable if you return right away." Tracey scooped up the stacks of cash on top of her desk with trepidation. She quickly unsealed the black case and hurriedly placed them inside. She was drenched in sweat. Her hands trembled and her throat became dry. Why must it be Siege Hendricks when there were so many patrons in the club? He had his hands full managing the family business, she knew. However, it appeared by the expression on his face that something terrible would occur. "I can't be—" Tracey's thoughts suddenly became empty. She tried to hide the fear that flashed in her eyes. Only once Tracey had the chance to meet and converse with Siege Hendricks. Alpha Voldemort Hendricks' sole heir of The Red Walker Pack. One of the underground society's well-known and feared gods. If her memory served her well, she had first met Siege at a lavish hotel in England where his father hosted a birthday celebration. When Siege was young, he had no idea about the society his father was a part of. He had innocent eyes and gentle motions, qualities that he did not inherit from Voldemort Alpha. But everything about him had changed now that he was an adult. All she saw was a monstrous creature. "You are aware of my purpose, b***h! Don't use your tactics to fool me!" Siege turned to face Tracey, snorting. And the second he was close to her, he seized her by the face with such force and turned her face towards him. The region surrounding Siege's eyes grew dark. His teeth clenched, giving off a fierce rage that seemed poised to erupt at any second. Tracey closed her eyes tight as she felt the warm breath spiral out of his nose. Her hands started to shake as well, and eventually, she noticed that she was trembling in dread. "If it's about Lauren Hutchinson, maybe it would be better if you asked your father directly. I'm just doing as he orders. Furthermore, I'm not in a position to talk, my lord." Tracey's eyes widened in shock. All of a sudden, her mind went blank. She felt something within her ear hiss. The force of Siege’s slap caused her face to dislodge from her skull. Given that Siege had more than one paid woman, Tracey was certain that Lauren would not be a huge concern for him. She also had no authority to decline any request Alpha Voldemort made of her. She did not think twice about granting his request to take Lauren since she feared and owed her life to him more than anyone else in this world. "I'll return the amount that you have paid me, my lord," Tracey stated, her words trembling. Siege grabbed her hand tightly before she could even touch the money inside the attached case, which was on the right side. Siege's grip was so tight Tracey felt like she might writhe. It felt as though her bones might crack. Despite her best efforts, his hold tightened even more until she was unable to contain her screams. "I will kill you if I ever see your face in this place again. Do you get it, b***h?!" Siege shoved Tracey to the floor and left. All Tracey saw in his eyes was raw, uncontrollable anger that could take a life at any moment. ***** Siege left at the club and went immediately to the office, but the secretary said his father was still recovering from a medical condition. He went to the manor to see him without a second thought. "I don't remember inviting you here," Alpha Voldemort blurted out as he felt Siege's presence. He was working on some paperwork in the study room. Despite his current state, he was still able to complete part of the paperwork he had started last week. "You know the reason why I'm here," Siege answered. Ever since yesterday, he had been in a foul mood. "What do you need from her?" Siege didn't waste his time. He noticed his father's lips corner lifted. "Well, well, well… Are you talking about Lauren Hutchinson?" Alpha Voldemort put his glasses down, lifted his head, and walked towards Siege. "You're acting as though she's yours; I just leased her to you temporarily. You had no idea how to be content even back then. Unfortunately, my dear son, you cannot have all you desire so quickly." Just before Alpha Voldemort was about to make contact with Siege, Siege abruptly grabbed his hand and stopped him. "Son? When was the last time you spoke such a detestable phrase? Did you not detest me greatly? Why the sudden change of heart?" Siege moved his father's hand away from him, his face remained expressionless. Siege's mother passed away while he was just seven years old. She saved him from drowning. His father treated him differently after that day onward. He understood that his father was holding him responsible for his mother's passing, even if he chose not to tell him outright. Since it was his fault in the first place, he was aware that he was in no position to hurt his father's sentiments. If only he could ask to heaven that it was he and not his mother who passed away. Every day, he regrets that day; if only his father knew. Nevertheless, he would never be able to restore his mother's life—especially his father's love—even if he took his own life. "You have grown up the way I molded you. You've become far stronger than I am. And now, you are capable of conquering anything you desire." "Don't try to divert the conversation; the truth is that you will never accept me as your son, regardless of what you do. Now then, return that woman to me, or else—" Siege could not finish his sentence when suddenly a booming gunshot reverberated over the entire space. “Father…” Siege was taken aback when his father materialized in front of him, covered in blood and lifeless.
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