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"Leave us alone," Siege ordered his men in a low voice but he retained complete control. It was only when the light struck his face that Lauren looked more closely at Siege's looks. She considered him to be gorgeous from every perspective, therefore she was unable to say anything negative about the way he looked. She found it hard to believe that beneath his supposedly heavenly visage was a monstrous and vicious creature. "You there! Do you know what it feels like to be rejected by someone?" Siege asked. Lauren was astounded by what she'd heard. How would she respond instantly to his question? He was trying to tell her something, but she couldn't understand what he was saying. "S-sorry, I don't know what you are talking about." Lauren wasn't sure if it was appropriate for her to respond to him or if being silent would be preferable. There was no assurance that she would be safe either way. "Oh really? How fortunate of you." "I'm sorry." "You have nothing to worry about. Now then, allow me to tell you a tale about a monster who fell in love with a maiden." Siege's eyes were lifeless, as if he was a corpse come back to life. Lauren could feel the deep despair and rage Siege had been holding inside for a long time. Though she could not understand a word he was saying, she could see one thing very clearly: the man in front of him was plainly in great pain right now. "The monster vowed that he was prepared to change and give up everything for the maiden, but she rejected him and, worse still, betrayed him by falling in love with someone else. The universe fell apart in an instant, and the monster cursed that he would never trust or love again. Great fury took the place of love. Since then, he has killed every woman who entered his den by devouring their bodies," Siege went on. Lauren tightly gripped her chest. A sharp tug at her chest that she was unable to release. Why did she feel that way, even though she knew it was merely a story? The magnitude of its impact made her feel as though it was related to her entire being. "Do you believe the monster did the right thing? Would you act in the same way as him if you were in his position?" Siege asked one after the other. "Just make sure your answer will favor me, otherwise I'll punish you." "I d-dont know—" Lauren took a step back when she saw Siege pull a dagger from his side. She felt her knees trembling as she noticed he was walking toward her, toying with the dagger in his hand. "P-please, don't hurt me! I'll do anything you want, please…" Lauren pleaded. It wasn't until she found herself beneath his arms that she realized how many tears were streaming down her face. "Sssshhh...Don't be scared," Siege muttered, grinning as he moved his face closer to Lauren. "I won't hurt you." Siege laid the dagger on Lauren's chest and ripped her top and bra with such force that she almost cried. Siege grinned once more at the sight of Lauren's bare breasts in front of him. He looked at her with desire in his eyes as he licked her lower lip. "Holy s**t! You make me wanna c*m!" The intense desire that engulfed Siege whole being was still cursing him. Lauren simply closed her eyes when Siege gave her breasts a hard squeeze. He then stuck his face between them and bit every inch of her. Every time his teeth sank into her flesh, she winced. Despite her suffering, she felt something slowly burning within her. She was unable to identify the feeling, but whatever it was, she had to deal with it or else it might put her in danger. "Hummmmm.. Ughhhhh." Siege moaned. He made a greater effort to bite into her flesh. Lauren quickly opened her eyes when she suddenly felt something from below. It was too late when she realized that he was freely caressing her femininity with his hand inside her underwear. She could feel his finger slide under her and grope it till he discovered her hole a few moments later. She once again closed her eyes, biting her lips hard as his finger moved in and out. She attempted to shove him away, but her muscles trembled and became extremely weak with every movement he made. And if things went on like this, her entire body would give up and undoubtedly lose her virginity to him. "What's the whole deal about? Do you think you’re doing the right thing, my lord?" Siege froze at the sound of a voice coming from the door. ***** "It's a shame, you had a strong desire for that woman. Why don't you just treat yourself to all of the women here? Don't tamper with that one, though, because she is really valuable in every way." A seventy-year-old man came into the room. His body was full of gold. Siege quickly moved his hands away from Lauren and turned to face the man, his eyes with rage. "Well, old man, it's you again? Why do you always take the spotlight away from other people?" Siege snorted. He moved towards the man and pulled the dagger, aiming it directly at his neck. "Just make sure your explanation makes sense because this time, I will never hesitate to break your neck. It's best for you to get to know the person you're dealing with if you don't want me to take your life!" As Siege pressed the dagger, the old man merely grinned as if nothing he had said had affected him, which only made Siege more enraged with him. "Don't compare me to those who became your victims, my lord," the old man remarked with a grin on his face. He then grabbed the hand that Siege had used on Lauren, brought it to his mouth and licked it. "She tastes and smells good. No wonder why you're so drawn to her. But unfortunately, she doesn't belong to you anymore." "Don't make me laugh! I own that woman. I am the only one who has the right to her as I purchased both her body and soul. Do you get the idea or should I explain it to you a million times over again?" "You appear to be running late for the news. If you really want that woman in your collection, we'll give you a warm welcome in the center of the ring. You have a chance to win since everyone in the underground society is aware that you are Alpha Voldemort's only successor. But unfortunately, the chance is not that big though," the old man stated at length. "Simply put, there are a lot of participants that are stronger, more capable, and wealthier than you," the old man continued. "Don't you dare underestimate me!" Siege's jaw tightened and his hand clenched, a sign of anger suppressed. "I'm not underestimating you; I'm simply being honest. Thus, my lord, it would be best for you to give up thinking about that woman because doing so will only create pain to your dick." The old man turned his back and grinned once more, like a wild dog. "All right, go get that woman. Just make sure she won't be harmed, otherwise you wouldn't survive til morning," the old man gave a firm command. The two armed men came up to Lauren, got hold of her by both arms, and dragged her over to the old man. "Who are you? What do you need from me?" Lauren writhed under the men's firm hold. "Let's just say that I'll lead you to one of the following fates that await you: to die a slave or to live a good life but in trade for your body," the old man replied, grinning as he observed Lauren's entire appearance.
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