965 Words

CHAPTER 18STEPHENS & COE & CO. Craig and Darius walked out onto the balcony of their penthouse room atop the Hotel Palm Camayenne. They stood for a moment surveying Guinea’s capital city of Conakry and the nearby Atlantic Ocean. A faint stench of garbage rose from the city mingled with sea air and faint sounds of traffic and human voices. Darius looked at his watch and then at Craig. “They’re late,” Darius said. At that moment there was a knock at the door. Craig went to the door and looked through the peep hole. “It’s them,” he said, opening the door. In walked two young men who looked like American college students. Both Craig and Darius stood semi-paralyzed, staring at the fledgling arms dealers, unaware that their mouths had dropped open. “Are you guys Stephens and Coe?” Craig a

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