1882 Words

CHAPTER 17GUNS “I can’t believe this!” Sam shouted. “You’re going to do what?” I told her for the third time about the rockets and what West African Air Service was being required to do. “s**t! Ken, we didn’t come here to get involved in this kind of crap. Using these airplanes for military surveillance is bad enough, but this makes you a combatant, and responsible for God-knows-what kind of war crime this Government may commit. You have either got to stop this, or let’s take what we’ve got so far and get the hell out of here. I can’t believe Honorable Williams wants to do this shit.” “He doesn’t,” I protested. “He’s doing what he was told to do.” “By Tolbert?” Sam asked. “Probably. It’s a joke, Sam. Something out of a sick comedy. My biggest concern is that the damn things might exp

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