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CHAPTER 15IN TOO DEEP Sam did not like the idea of using a civilian flying service for militarytype operations. I tried to explain that it was for a limited time and that using civilian aircraft for this type of operation is not uncommon in small countries. I gently reminded her of Air America and its clandestine role as a civilian air carrier. “And do you want to be one of those assholes?” she shouted. “No,” I said, “but Honorable Williams has asked for my help, and I think he’s in some kind of political jam. And he assured me that it will only be for a few months. And here, he offered us a bottle of Jack.” Sam didn’t look convinced. There was a long silence. I poured each of us a glass of Jack Daniels. Finally, she stared at me over the rim of her glass. “You know,” she said, “I’m no

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