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CHAPTER 6WIESUA It was a short flight up to Wiesua, but because of the rains, almost inaccessible by ground vehicle. Sam and I loaded up the airplane with canned food and enough water to last for several days. We strapped Bao, much to his displeasure, onto the back seat behind Sam. We couldn’t take the chance of him banging me on the head while we were in flight—he was calmer with Sam than he was with me. We took off from Spriggs-Payne shortly after 08:00. There was a lowlying mist over the ground that had not yet become fog. It had rained the night before, and the runway was dotted with shallow potholes brimming with orange, muddy water. The Cessna splashed through the puddles like a high-speed power boat until she approached takeoff speed. She hydroplaned over the puddles like water sk

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