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CHAPTER 7THE MEETING The waiting room, though opulent, was not very comfortable. Craig and Darius had been waiting close to an hour at the agreed upon address just outside of Monrovia. It was a two-story house that had been owned by a prominent member of the opposition to the True Whig Party. The Government had confiscated it and it was now a station house for Tolbert’s Special Security Service (SSS) and used for every purpose in the SSS’s playbook. “Honorable Wilson will be here soon,” a young secretary said to the two Americans. Craig glanced at his watch, then gestured toward Darius. “If he’s not here in ten minutes, let’s go.” Darius nodded. “Hey, I saw a club near the hotel that looked kinda fun. You interested? I mean, later tonight.” “No. And don’t you go either. You know bett

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