2015 Words

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Beams was barely aware of what he just did. He just knew that one moment he was looking at Mr. Space, who was asking him to hand the Rubber Ball back to him, and then in the next instant Mr. Space was lying on the floor, clutching his chest and moaning in pain. His chest was smoking from where Beams’ lasers had struck him. Beams’ lasers did not seem to go through Mr. Space, thankfully, but Beams figured he had probably left a mark that would not heal for a long time. Why did I do that? Beams thought in alarm. I didn’t even think about it. But then Beams heard that heartbeat in his ears again and looked down at the Rubber Ball. He still couldn’t see it through the box, but he could sense that the Rubber Ball within was pleased with what he did. Oh, no, Beams thought

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