3039 Words

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Stepping through Hopper’s portal into Jinkopa, Bolt did not quite know what to expect. He had only ever left Earth once before, when he, Blizzard, and Nicknacks traveled to the Mother World in order to destroy it. Even then, Bolt had spent perhaps less than half an hour off Earth before going back home, so even then, he didn’t spend much time off world. So when Bolt stepped through the portal and into Jinkopa, he found himself on a planet quite unlike Earth. It seemed to be night, but at the same time, there was a huge, blood red moon hanging above them, its dull crimson light bathing the landscape like a wave. The land was hard, rocky, and mountainous, with dead, black scraggly trees dotting the landscape like corpses left on a battlefield. The air was breathable, bu

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