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CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Half an hour later, Bolt, Captain Galaxy, and Nicknacks still stood in Hopper’s cell. Bolt had his arms folded in front of his chest, tapping one foot on the ground while glancing at the door frequently. Captain Galaxy was scrolling through her touch screen, apparently trying to reconnect with Mr. Space or the IEA. To Bolt, however, it looked more like she was playing a game, albeit one that didn’t look like any game he had ever played. Only Nicknacks showed any degree of patience. He stood near Hopper’s bed, his arms hanging from his sides, his eyes seeming to stare off into endlessness. Bolt envied Nick’s patience, if only because it would make it easier to wait. They were waiting for Cadmus Smith, who had yet to return with the G-Men agents he said he was going to

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