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SABRINA Surrounded by an overwhelming sense of loneliness, my heart ached for the presence of my husband. The void left by his absence seemed insurmountable, and I longed for the love and warm affection that were now dearly missed. As a solitary tear escaped my eye, I hastily brushed it away, afraid that my vulnerability would be exposed to prying eyes. In this moment of emotional turmoil, I couldn't shake the feeling that Mykel harbored a deep anger towards me. The internet had become a battleground of speculation and gossip, ignited by the drama I inadvertently caused. The heated exchange between Barbara and me during the inauguration had become the talk of the town, spreading like wildfire across news outlets and social media platforms. I could only imagine the swarm of paparazzi gathering outside Mykel's office building, hungry for the next sensationalized development. With a heavy heart weighing me down, I sought solace in refilling my wine glass, hoping its soothing presence would provide some semblance of comfort. As I held the glass, my gaze fell upon the glimmering wedding ring I had discovered hidden away in the depths of a drawer. Its presence stirred a tumultuous mix of emotions within me. Was he so impatient to sever our marital bond that he had already removed his ring, a symbolic gesture of detachment? It all seemed like yesterday, when I met Mykel, when he courted me, when I fell in love with him. I was so crazy in love with him that I gave up my modeling career. The day I made that decision is still so vivid to me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Staring at the huge diamond rock on my finger, I grinned widely, beyond ecstatic that the man I’m madly in love with just asked me to tie the knot with him. I’m so glad we made this work despite our busy schedules. “I’m glad you like the ring,” Mykel muttered, kissing my forehead. “I really had a hard time picking the right ring.” Lifting my head, I stared at him, my smile stretching the more. “You actually picked it yourself?” Winking, he kissed me. “That’s cute.” Mykel loves me and he never holds back when it comes to showing it. “Do you have a date in mind?” I’m sure his family will want to pick a date themselves. “We should pick a date that will be convenient for both of us.” His phone rang on the bedside table but he ignored it. “Any time is convenient for me Sabby,” he whispered, his thumb massaging my waistline. “We should be working with your time because you’re constantly busy with work.” Although he tried to keep his tone light, I was able to pick up something odd. Sitting up, I stared at him. “Is everything okay? Do you have a problem with my job?” He mirrored my sitting position. “I have nothing against your job, but I feel you’re stressing yourself far too much.” He picked up both my hands. “I am Mykel Kalant, I make more than enough money for the both of us, besides you don’t have to be this busy when the baby comes.” I crinkled my nose. “I’m not even pregnant yet Mykel.” “But you will be soon after we get married.” He argued softly. “You know I’ve always wanted kids with you Sabby.” Licking my lips, I stared at my ring. “I’ve always wanted to have your baby, too.” Sighing, I cradled him and placed my forehead on his. “You’re right, I should cut down on the work.” I wouldn’t mind giving it up just to build our family. “Let me finish my September runway, then I’ll take an indefinite break.” Mykel smirked. “Yeah?” “Yeah.” Tipping forward, I kissed him. “That’s how much I love you.” “I love you more Sabby, and I swear, you’ll never regret this decision.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I sat lost in my thoughts, a sudden knock on the door jolted me back to reality. Slowly, I rose from the bed and made my way to the door, my movements unsteady. I reached out and turned the knob, pulling the door open to reveal June, one of the domestic staff, standing there. Her gaze fixed on me, she spoke, "There's a gentleman dressed in a suit here to see you." Surprised, I wondered who it could be. I wasn't expecting any visitors, and I certainly hadn't agreed to an exclusive interview with a reporter. "I'll attend to him shortly," I replied, closing the door gently. I walked into my closet, seeking something more appropriate to wear, and also grabbed a piece of gum to mask the scent of alcohol on my breath. After changing into a more presentable outfit, I made my way to the living room. There, I found the man mentioned earlier sitting rigidly on the bare sofa. Clearing my throat softly to announce my presence, he swiftly stood up, his demeanor respectful. "Good day, ma'am. I'm Seth Philips from JL Law Firm." Suppressing my urge to roll my eyes, I could already guess the purpose of Mr. Philips' visit—it had to be about the divorce papers. "Good day, Mr. Philips. How can I assist you?" I asked, mustering a composed demeanor. He handed me a sealed envelope, explaining, "I was instructed to personally deliver this to you. Additionally, I must inform you that the papers should be returned before the end of today." Whoever had given him such an absurd instruction must be utterly delusional. "If this is indeed what I suspect it is, Philips, it will take me more than a day to respond," I remarked, holding back my frustration. His brows furrowed, displaying his evident conflict. "But ma'am—" "Andrew!" I called out, summoning him swiftly. "I want you to escort Mr. Philips out. His task here is complete." Without lingering to witness the execution of my order, I firmly grasped the brown envelope and retreated to the solitude of my room. Now enclosed within the confines of my personal space, I cautiously unsealed the envelope and extracted the documents within. As anticipated, they were indeed the divorce papers. With a bitter scoff, I directed my glare towards our wedding portrait, addressing my grievances to his captured image. "How dare you send me divorce papers without granting me the opportunity to mend our broken bond?" I questioned, my tone filled with both anger and hurt. Determined to resist the urge to succumb to pitiful tears, I snatched my car keys and stormed out of the building. Andrew promptly followed suit, his own keys in hand. "I'll be driving myself, Andrew. You can follow behind if you wish," I declared, not bothering to wait for his response. Without any further delay, I climbed into my car and forcefully shut the door. I knew precisely where to find Mykel at this time of day. ******************* The journey to his office consumed an hour and thirty minutes of my time. Thankfully, the security personnel at the entrance didn't impede my progress, for which I was grateful. Furthermore, luck was on my side as I discovered that Mykel's secretary was absent from her desk. As I turned the doorknob and pushed open the door to Mykel's office, the sight that greeted me caused both my phone and car keys to slip from my grasp. My hand trembled, unable to hold onto anything in the face of the painful reality before me. There, in the office, I witnessed Mykel's right hand immersed beneath Barbara's skirt, while his left hand tightly grasped her hair as their lips fervently locked in a passionate embrace. The sight shattered me. "Mykel..." I whimpered, causing them to abruptly separate. The most agonizing part was watching as Mykel reluctantly withdrew his hand from beneath her skirt. "What in the world is happening here?" I managed to utter, my voice filled with a mixture of confusion and pain. Barbara scoffed dismissively. "Isn't it obvious what's happening?" She hopped down from the desk, smoothing out her skirt. "Women like you ask such silly questions." Mykel cleared his throat, attempting to regain some composure. "What are you doing here, Sabrina?" A wave of bitter amusement washed over me. Indeed, what was I doing here? Chuckling bitterly, I stooped down to retrieve my phone and keys, tears blurring my vision. "So she's the cause of all this madness," I whispered, my voice laced with a combination of heartbreak and anger. Barbara simply rolled her eyes, displaying her disdainful indifference. Exhausted, Mykel released a frustrated sigh. "I've told you, Sabrina, that my decision to divorce you has nothing to do with another woman." "With your hands buried where they were just moments ago, I beg to differ," I retorted, my voice trembling as tears continued to stream down my face. "But you know what? I don't care anymore." Overwhelmed by disgust at the sight before me, I stormed out of his office and climbed into my car. It took me a while to insert the key into the ignition, my fingers trembling uncontrollably and my vision clouded with tears. Eventually, I managed to start the car, and I drove away, leaving behind the painful scene that had unfolded. As I raced down the busy highway, the image of Mykel and that woman remained etched in my mind. What had happened to the vows he had made? The promise to never betray me or cause me pain? The weight of those broken promises burdened my thoughts, adding to the pain I was already experiencing. Despite my attempts to wipe away my tears, they continued to flow unabated. And then, in an instant, everything changed. One moment, I was in full control of the steering wheel, and the next, I found myself desperately fighting to regain control. The events unfolded like a blur. My car spun and tumbled through the air, the world outside becoming a chaotic whirlwind of confusion. Finally, with a deafening crash, it came to a shattering halt. In the wreckage of my crumpled car, I caught sight of a figure rushing towards me. For a fleeting moment, I entertained the thought that it might be Mykel. A desperate prayer escaped my lips, hoping against hope that it was him. But before I could fully comprehend the situation, darkness enveloped me, and I succumbed to unconsciousness.
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