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SABRINA As the machines continued beeping and the scent of antiseptic lingered in the air, my consciousness slowly returned. The unfamiliar surroundings made me open my eyes, only to be greeted by a sterile hospital room. Groaning inwardly, I reached up to my forehead, feeling the dull ache throbbing beneath my fingertips. However, before I could fully comprehend my situation, a male voice broke through the silence. "You'll pull out the needles if you keep that up," Andrew's voice echoed in the room, preceding his physical presence. He stood at the edge of my vision, concern etched across his face. "Why don't you lie back while I call the doctor?" His words halted my feeble attempt to sit up, realizing the potential consequences of my actions. I hesitated for a moment, taking in the surroundings and allowing his voice to sink in. Memories started to resurface, and I managed to mutter, "I remember crashing. How bad is it, and how long have I been here?" Andrew slowly approached me, his footsteps echoing softly on the linoleum floor. "It's nothing life-threatening," he reassured me, his voice carrying a mix of relief and caution. "You took a hit on your head, but the wound has healed over the time you've been here." My mind struggled to process his words. Had I been unconscious for days? Weeks, even? I made another attempt to sit up, driven by a sense of urgency and curiosity. Andrew, sensing my restlessness, gently supported my back, helping me to a sitting position. His eyes met mine, silently urging me to remain calm. "How long have I been here?" I inquired, my voice tinged with a hint of anxiety. The uncertainty of time weighed heavily on me, leaving me feeling detached from reality. Andrew took a moment, his gaze shifting slightly as he calculated the duration. "You've been here for two weeks," he finally revealed, his tone measured and careful. "It took some time for your body to recover, but you're on the mends now. The doctor mentioned that your body needed time to recover, which is why it took so long for you to regain consciousness." His hands were tightly crossed in front of him as he stared at me, his eyes betraying a certain unease. "Perhaps it would be best to save those questions for the doctor." The thought of seeing the doctor was the furthest thing from my mind. "Where is my husband?" I inquired, my voice tinged with a mix of worry and suspicion. Andrew's slight stiffening at my question did not go unnoticed. "Andrew, where is Mykel?" For a moment, a flicker of unease passed over his face, and his response came almost mechanically. "I have no idea, ma'am," he replied, his voice lacking its usual warmth and familiarity. "But I can make a few calls and find out his current location." A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as pain welled up inside me, mingling with a growing sense of unease. "A few calls?" I murmured, my voice heavy with disappointment. "You said I've been here for over two weeks. Did Mykel ever visit me?" The room fell into a tense silence as Andrew's jaw clenched, revealing the gravity of his answer. "No, ma'am," he finally responded, his voice strained. The truth hit me like a blow to the chest, stealing my breath for a moment. How could he not have cared enough to come? The accident had occurred because of him, and yet he hadn't even bothered to show up. The pain cut deep, and I could no longer hold back the tears that streamed down my cheeks, my lips trembling with disbelief. "Where is he at the moment, Andrew?" I managed to utter through my choked voice, desperately clinging to a sliver of hope that there might be an explanation, a valid reason for his absence. "I have no idea, ma'am," Andrew replied, his words dripping with practiced deceit. But I could see through his facade, not because his face gave him away, but because I could sense the lie in the depths of my being. Something was amiss, and he was concealing the truth. Frustration surged within me, fueling my determination to uncover the reality that had been obscured from me. Gripping the bedspread tightly, I fixed Andrew with a piercing glare. "Don't you dare lie to me, Andrew!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and heartache. Tears threatened to choke me as I struggled to maintain composure. "You expect me to believe that you, his right-hand man, have no idea where he is?" Silence hung in the air, Andrew remaining stubbornly tight-lipped. The weight of his silence only fueled my resolve further. I had to find the truth, no matter the cost. My voice quivered as I made a desperate ultimatum, my vulnerability laid bare. "If you don't tell me, I'm going to take this question to the internet. I'll make it public, and the world will know." Frustration etched across his face, Andrew exhaled sharply, his lips smacking together in irritation. "Fine," he relented, his voice laden with reluctance. "He's currently staying at 'The Palaceto,' and he hasn't left the penthouse for over a week now." "What?" I choked out, my voice trembling with disbelief as fresh tears cascaded down my cheeks. "You mean to tell me that Mykel is perfectly fine? That there's absolutely nothing wrong with him?" The thought that something must have happened to him, causing his absence, had briefly crossed my mind. But if he was healthy and unharmed, then what excuse did he have for abandoning me in this vulnerable state? Confusion clouded Andrew's features as his brows furrowed. "Yes, ma'am," he confirmed, his voice filled with certainty. "Mr. Kalant is absolutely fine. There is nothing wrong with him." The conflicting emotions swirling within me reached a boiling point. Disbelief warred with a desperate need for answers. Without thinking, I ripped the IV drip and needle from my veins, disregarding the pain that shot through my arm. Attempting to stand on my feet, I was instantly hit by a wave of dizziness, causing me to waver unsteadily. Andrew's swift reflexes kicked in as he rushed to my aid, gripping me firmly to prevent me from falling. "What are you doing, ma'am?" he exclaimed, concern lacing his voice. "I need to speak with him!" I cried, my voice filled with desperation as I thrashed against his hold. The need to confront Mykel, to make him understand the pain he had caused, consumed me. I had to find out why he was treating me this way, why he had abandoned me in this hospital room. But then, Andrew's voice pierced through my turmoil, his tone carrying a harsh chastising quality that made me pause. It was the first time he had ever used my first name, and the weight of his words settled heavily upon me. "Sabrina," he yelled, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and concern. "What is wrong with you? Are you willing to risk your life over a man who wouldn't even care if you were dead or alive?" With a forceful slap, my hand collided against his cheek, the sound reverberating through the room. "Don't you dare speak about your boss like that!" I couldn't bear to hear such disrespect towards Mykel. "You, of all people, should know he isn't like that." Andrew, sensing my anger, gently guided me towards the bed, his voice soothing. "Come, sit down," he urged, coaxing me to find solace on the soft mattress. "I respect Mr. Kalant, and my loyalty will always be to him. But someone needs to talk some sense into you." As his words trailed off, fresh tears welled up in my eyes, cascading down my cheeks. It felt as if my world was crumbling apart. Clutching my lower lip between my teeth, I fought to steady myself. "I just need to speak with him, Andrew," I pleaded, my voice trembling with desperation. My mind was filled with a torrent of unanswered questions that only he could address. "Just let me find him, please." "And I'm telling you, it will be impossible at the moment," he insisted vehemently, his voice filled with urgency. "Not after the scandal he created out there before disappearing into his penthouse. If the paparazzi catches sight of you, they won't let you go until you give them an update on what's going on between you and Mr. Kalant." Frustration etched lines on his forehead as he ran his fingers through his disheveled curls. "Do I need to emphasize how much of a bad idea that is, considering your health?" My mind reeled at his revelation. Mykel, the epitome of discretion and grace, embroiled in a scandal? It seemed unfathomable, a stark deviation from his character. "What exactly did Mykel do?" I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity and disbelief. He blinked slowly, seemingly taken aback by my question. "Are you seriously asking me that?" he responded, his astonishment evident in his huffed breath. "It's not in my place to say this, but do I need to remind you that he abandoned you in this hospital?" I winced at the painful reminder, "I'm not talking about that," I clarified, my voice laced with a hint of frustration. "I mean the scandal you mentioned he caused. What exactly did he do?" A curse slipped past Andrew's lips, barely audible as it escaped into the air. “What scandal?” He avoided my gaze, “I never mentioned anything scandal?” Blinking rapidly, he immediately created a distance between us, as if that will make any difference. "You just mentioned he was involved in a scandal, Andrew," I hissed through clenched teeth, my frustration boiling over. I could sense his attempt to deceive me, to undermine my intelligence. "Are you going to say anything?!" A pained expression flickered across Andrew's face, his reluctance evident in his mumbling response. "There is nothing to say." My patience wore thin, my anger fueling my determination. I couldn't bear this silence any longer. "There is something to say, Andrew, and if you don't start talking, so help me God! I'm going to do something stupid!" The desperation in my voice reached a crescendo, my words echoing through the room. I half-expected doctors or nurses to burst through the door, alarmed by the intensity of my outburst, but the hospital corridors remained eerily quiet. "Andrew!" Finally, unable to contain the weight of the truth any longer, Andrew's resistance crumbled. He let out a heavy sigh, his frown deepening as he reluctantly uttered, "He was photographed while on a date with Ms. Edith." Doubt filled my mind as I struggled to comprehend what I had just heard. In a desperate attempt to clear my vision, I brushed aside the unruly tangle of hair obscuring my face, my fingers clutching the edge of the bed with a strength born out of frustration. The words echoed in my ears, refusing to fade away. "Mykel... caught... having dinner with Barbara?" I turned my gaze towards him, searching for any sign that he had misspoken, that there was some mistake in his words. But all I found was pity etched on his face, his eyes reflecting the regret of a bearer of unfortunate news. "I'm sorry, ma'am," he said softly, his voice laced with sympathy, "I truly wish it weren't true." Barbara. So that was the reason for his absence, his indifference towards me. Anger welled up inside me, mingling with the remnants of hurt and betrayal that lingered in my heart. How could he? How could he choose her over me? I refused to be a pitiable fool, clinging onto a love that was slipping through my fingers. “Go get the doctor.” For now, I’m going to focus on myself. The doctor walked in a few minutes later with Andrew. He smiled warmly at me. “It’s wonderful to have you back with us.” I don’t feel so wonderful right now. “Just do what you have to do doctor.” I deadpanned, unfazed by his warm demeanor. He chuckled. “I’ll ask you a few questions to make you are not feeling any pain that we aren’t aware of, and,” he glanced at Andrew, “I’ll require some privacy with you.” Andrew straightened his back. “I’m sorry sir, but I can’t leave. I’m paid to make sure she’s always safe and free from_” Yet I almost died in a car accident. “Leave us, Andrew.” He shot me a double-take. “Don’t make me repeat myself.” Bowing slightly, he walked out of the room and closed the door softly behind him. I returned my attention to the doctor. “Go on.” “I must say, it’s a miracle it survived the accident and we’re all grateful for that.” He pulled out a pen from his pocket. “You are going to stay here some more so we can be certain it’s out of danger.” Frowning, I sat upright. “Hold on doctor, who is this it, you keep referring to?” Tilting his head, he blinked rapidly at me. “I am referring to the fetus in your womb.” My eyes widened. “You had no idea? Well, congratulation Mrs. Kalant, you’re four weeks pregnant.”
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