1336 Words
MYKEL I’ve been avoiding my house like a plague because of Sabrina. The drama that comes with facing her isn’t someone I’m ready for. What is so difficult in signing those divorce papers? How long do I have to embarrass her before she realises that I need her to sign those papers for my sanity? Letting out a heavy sigh, I brought the steaming cup of black coffee to my lips, its bitter warmth offering a fleeting solace. As I gazed out onto the bustling streets of New York, I couldn't help but yearn for a life as serene and tranquil as the current weather gracing the city. Just as I was lost in my ruminations, a creaking sound disrupted my thoughts, and I turned my attention towards the entrance of my office. It swung open, revealing the figure of my brother who nonchalantly strolled in, making himself at home on the sleek black sofa. As I made my way towards him, my left hand instinctively slipped into the pocket of my trousers, while my right hand clung onto the comforting presence of the coffee cup. "What brings you to my sanctuary, Victor? Aren't you supposed to be done with work for the day?” He blinked lazily, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "One could argue the same for you," he retorted, gesturing towards the wall clock with a casual jerk of his chin. "It's well past ten, my dear brother. You should have long been nestled in the comfort of your own home." Choosing to dismiss his comment, I lowered myself onto the seat, allowing the weight of the world to settle. Placing my coffee cup on the center table, I crossed my ankles and fixed my gaze upon him. "Cut to the chase, Victor. What is the purpose of your unexpected visit?" He responded with an enigmatic smile, sidestepping my question effortlessly. "I gather that the concept of returning home doesn't appeal to you tonight," he mused, his eyes studying me intently. "So, tell me, dear brother, what intriguing thoughts are swirling within that enigmatic mind of yours?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?" Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees, adopting a posture of intrigue. "Since the grand inauguration of MK Chemical, I’ve been trying to understand what your deal is, but my brain is equally confused about the whole thing.” My patience wore thin as I grew tired of his elusive behavior. "If you're not going to get to the point, then I kindly ask you to leave my office," I asserted, my tone laced with a touch of annoyance. His voice took on a contemplative tone as he broached the subject. "It concerns you and Sabrina," he mused. "When Mom mentioned your plans to divorce her, I initially dismissed it as her usual disapproval of your choice in partners. But your reaction at the party made me realize there might be some truth to her words." I still couldn't grasp why he felt entitled to pry into my personal affairs. "I fail to see how any of this is your business," I emphasized, my irritation growing with each passing moment. "Don't I have the right to end my marriage?" He scratched his brow, his expression thoughtful. "I just want to understand why," he explained, reclining back in his seat. His unwavering gaze continued to bore into me. "You used to idolize Sabrina, almost to the point of aggression when someone dared to speak ill of her. Yet, you allowed Barbara to openly mock her in front of everyone." I met his gaze with a deadpan stare. "And?" I interjected. "You never approved of Sabrina. Why the sudden change in allegiance, Victor?" Victor's skeptical expression melted into a dismissive smile as he responded, "Well, I can't say I was ever particularly fond of her, but I can't say I harbored any deep animosity either." Amidst the conversation, a faint buzz emitted from his pocket, indicating an incoming call. He paid it no heed, choosing instead to focus on our exchange. "To be honest, whether you choose to divorce her or not is inconsequential to me. I'm simply attempting to grasp your perspective." I felt a surge of frustration welling up inside me. "There's really nothing to understand," I asserted, rising from my seat and making my way to the table. I swiftly retrieved my phone and coat, determined to put an end to this discussion. "I've fallen out of love with Sabrina, and I believe it's best for both of us if I release her from our deteriorating bond before it devolves into pure animosity." Victor, mirroring my actions, also stood up from his chair. His eyes gleamed with curiosity, his voice laced with suspicion. "Did she betray your trust? Are you trying to shield her transgressions by seeking a quiet divorce?" My jaw clenched in anger, but I maintained my composure. "Sabrina may possess flaws, but infidelity is not one of them," I retorted firmly. Sensing another question on the tip of his tongue, I raised my index finger, a silent command for him to halt his inquiries. "Whatever complications have arisen between Sabrina and me are not your concern, Victor. I kindly request that you refrain from meddling in our affairs." “Myk_” "Victor, please vacate my office," I commanded through gritted teeth, my frustration simmering just beneath the surface. "I've had enough for today, and if I'm leaving, it's best if you do the same." Raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, Victor complied, making his way toward the door with a slow, deliberate pace. "I'm only trying to extend a helping hand," he spoke softly, stopping just inches away from me. His eyes held a glimmer of concern. "I can sense that something is amiss, and if you ever feel the need to reach out to someone, remember that I'm here for you." I shook my head in defiance, unwilling to concede. "There's nothing wrong," I insisted, my voice firm and resolute. Why was it so difficult for him to grasp that simple fact? "Cease your search for a narrative that doesn't exist." Victor was my brother, my sole brother, and the last person I would ever turn to if I found myself in distress. We may share blood, but our parents had instilled in us a singular belief—to surpass one another. They had fostered a spirit of competition within us, nurturing it with care until it blossomed into the adults we had become, two males and one female, each vying to outshine the other. Victor's presence in my office was not driven by genuine concern or care; his motives were rooted in a desire to exploit any possible vulnerability and undermine my position. Ever since I was appointed as the next CEO of Kal Automobiles, he had been relentlessly pursuing a singular goal—usurping my seat of power. Leaving my office behind, I made my way to the parking lot, the weight of the day's events hanging heavily upon me. Slipping into the confines of my car, I took a series of slow, deep breaths, attempting to regain a sense of calm before embarking on my journey to the hotel that had become my temporary refuge since revealing my intent for a divorce to Sabrina. It had become imperative for me to distance myself from the chaos of our crumbling marriage. The hotel provided a respite from the turmoil, shielding me from the prospect of returning home to yet another scene of emotional upheaval after an arduous day at work. The divorce papers were set to be delivered tomorrow, and I fervently hoped that Sabrina would approach the matter with civility, sparing us the spectacle of media scrutiny. The last thing I desired was for the paparazzi to sink their talons into the ensuing drama. Maybe, just maybe I shouldn’t have been in a hurry to get married.
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