Chapter : 5. A wolfless girl..

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Triplet’s point of view :- ------------------------------ “Don’t worry about your daughter, Elijah. I will take care of her. I will make her my mate.” The voice of Alpha Joseph Barlow of the Moon Stone Pack, made us look back. He came straight to us with a mischievous smile. But alpha Elijah was the one who got the most shocked to see him there. “Joseph? What are you doing here? I don’t remember inviting you or your pack to this hunting game.” What? He didn‘t invite the Moon Stone Pack for today’s game? ”I know. You didn’t invite us. We are here without an invitation because I didn’t know that we need one to participate. My pack is one of the prime packs and we deserve to participate, invited or not. There are no rules that say we can’t.” “Well. Now that you are here shamelessly, what can I say? Welcome to our pack.” “Thank you. By the way, where’s your daughter? I heard that she’s taking part in the game today. Eighteen years. How fast she grew up, right?” “It’s none of your concern.” “It is my concern. She is my long awaited mate. I heard you were asking these young alphas to protect your daughter. Well, she doesn’t need some little kids like them. She has me. I will protect her and take care of very nicely. She will have a lot of fun in the mating season with an experienced guy like me. I promise.” His words hurt our ego. We wanted to show him that we were not some boys. We are the alphas of the strongest pack of all. But we remained silent because we are not in our territory and he was talking to alpha Elijah. Interrupting in between would only cause trouble for us. “Joseph. Don’t forget that you are talking about my daughter. I don’t want you to go anywhere near her. She will never become your mate.” “We will see about that. The result of the game will say if she is my mate or not. I am participating in this hunting game with her.” “No. You are not. You already have a mate. You can’t participate.” Another evil smile came to his lips to hear that. “Didn’t you hear? My mate died a few days ago. She failed to give me a child and killed herself in shame. So, I am single again and eligible to participate.” We all looked at him is pure shock. He killed another girl who failed to give him a child and now he’s here to get another one again? Everyone knows that he is the one who kills his mate once he becomes sure that she won’t give him a child. Everyone knows it’s him who is not able to get a girl pregnant, because he is the darkest wolf ever existed and, according to the goddess curse, he doesn’t deserve a child. This was his fourth mate that he killed with the name of suicide. And now he is here for the fifth. “So, you killed her too. Joseph. You are not participating in this game. You had your chances. Now you are old and it’s time for you to stop.” He chuckled to hear the word old. “I might have aged a bit, but I am still the healthiest and strongest horse in the field, who knows how to satisfy his woman. My previous mates could barely keep on with me. So, don’t worry about your daughter’s pleasure. Soon you will find her all filled up. Which one is she in here? I want to check out what I will be going after at the game. I have to find out if she even deserves my attention or not. Which one it could be?” Like a shameless person, he started looking for alpha Elijah’s daughter. I can’t believe he said all those things to him about his child and he remained silent. If it was me in his place, he would have been dead by now. “Oh! That one. She’s the one, isn’t she? Wow.. Look at her. So gorgeous, so sexy. Just like her mother. Grace brought an improved copy of her into the world before leaving. I can feel that my luck is shining today. I was waiting for this day for so many years. I will see you after the game, Elijah. I need to check her out closely.” By saying that, he walked away from us towards his target as we only watched his back. “What’s going on with him? Why didn’t you say anything when he was talking dirty about your daughter?” We stepped forward to ask him why he was silent through it all. “That’s because I knew this was coming. This is why I called you here. This is why I needed your help.” “What do you mean?” Alpha Elijah looked at us and we saw a glint of tears in his eyes. He was worried about his daughter. “It all started 20 years ago when I first participated in the hunting game. Joseph is the same as my age and we were friends back then. He was there with me in my first game and that is where we saw my mate, Grace. She was so beautiful that she attracted both of our attention. We both wanted her to be our mate. So, like we were supposed to, we fought each other for her until it came to a point that she had to make a choice and she chose me. She didn’t want a black wolf to be her mate. That changed Joseph completely. He became so mad at the loss that he made it his mission to kill me and take Grace as his mate. I became an enemy to Joseph. He attacked us numerous times, but got defeated each time. But he didn’t stop until after a year, Grace got pregnant and gave birth to our daughter Amelia. He was there when we were saying goodbye to my mate and that is when he saw her. One look at Amelia and he made up his mind that he will wait for her. He will take my love from me one way or another. If not as my mate, then as my daughter. He will take her as his mate one day. He’s been waiting ever since for this day. He was waiting for her to participate in the game where he will take her as his mate. I knew he will remember it. I knew he will come after her. I tried to stop him by not sending him an invitation. But it didn’t work. This is why I need your help. I want you alphas to save my baby girl. Please. This is really important for us all. Don’t let her fall into the trap of the darkness. It will destroy everything.” Us brothers looked back at each other to see what the other one’s thoughts were. But all of us were silent. We understand that it’s not nice to just let a guy drag an innocent young girl into his dark world and take her life away. He is the same age as her father in the first place. But what alpha Elijah is asking from us is impossible. We can’t take her as our mate. It will mean killing her by bringing her into our world. She doesn’t deserve that. So, maybe we should just let her go with her own fate. “We are sorry alpha Elijah, but we can’t help you. We can’t take your daughter as our mate. She’s on her own in this.” We left his sight after saying that. Standing there would only hurt us more to see a helpless father begging us to save her daughter. We can not help him with this. We can not break our promise of never replacing our mate. We found our beta and went to stand beside him as everyone was getting in place to begin the hunting game. The boys were standing on one side and the girls on the other. We saw alpha Elijah’s daughter Amelia standing on the girl’s side, but couldn’t find alpha Joseph on the boys. Did he finally gave up? Maybe he finally changed his mind and came to the right senses. It made us happy that she has chance to get a good mate. There were eleven girls standing in the line of prays and Amelia was the prettiest one among them all. She was glowing like the sun and her smile was taking everyone’s breath away. But she wasn’t paying attention to any of the boys and was busy chatting with her fiends. But she was only attracting others’ attention more by that. We can see everyone’s eyes roam on her, targeting her as their mate. It’s going to be a very tough fight to get her. Soon, the alpha began the game by reminding the rules. Then it was time for the prays to get ready to run and we saw almost all the girls take off their clothes to attract a good male’s attention before shifting in their wolf form. But the only exception among them all was Amelia. She didn’t take off her clothes or shift. She was standing there, ready to run in her wolf form. “Why isn’t she shifting? Is she thinking about going in her human form? It can be dangerous for her. Especially with all those wolves behind her.” Donnell spoke out his thoughts as we were fearing the same thing too. “She didn’t shift because she can’t. She doesn’t have a wolf.” Tyler’s answer made us snap our heads towards him in shock. “What do you mean, she doesn’t have a wolf? She’s the daughter of the alpha.” Delvin asked Tyler to be more clear. “Yes. But she never got her wolf. That’s what I heard last year when I was here.” The fear grew in our heart, no idea why. We barely know her, yet she has taken over our heads already. The more we get to know about her, the more she was taking our interest. “Guys’. It shouldn’t be our concern. She will get the mate she deserves. Stop worrying about a stranger just because her father asked for our help.” My comment silenced them all, and we focused on the game. With the first gunshot, the prays started running towards the forest to save themself from the following fights. They had to reach to a safe distance. Our eyes were still stuck on that one girl who completely amazed us by showing her speed to us all. In a matter of second the only human in that group ran faster that the wolves ad vanished into the forest in front of our eyes in a second. “Wow.. She’s fast. Maybe we were worried for her for no reason.” It did give us comfort that she is able to protect herself, but not for long. With the second gunshot, the hunters shift and with a loud howl, they started running behind their targets. Alpha Joseph was still not on the line till then. But just as they all left, we saw him. He came to the spot other hunters were waiting, shift in his huge black wolf that we all hate and let out a loud howl. A howl that made us all shiver. We saw him look back at alpha Elijah once before taking off behind his daughter. He is going to take his revenge today. “Oh no. He’s going behind her. How can he still choose her after knowing that she doesn’t have a wolf? What is he thinking?” Delvin came up to me with some expectations. “We can’t let him do that. We can’t let the dark soul take control of a wolfless girl. He will kill her. We have to save her. Her father gave us that responsibility.” Donnell also did the same. “Dedrick. I think Delvin is right. We should save her. We can’t let her die after knowing everything. We can’t be that cruel. What do you think? Say something?” I heard them both and gave it a thought. What should we do? Should we go and save her, or should we just leave her on her fate? What is the right choice at this moment?
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