Chapter : 6. The dark wolf..

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Amelia’s point of view :- -------------------------------- After talking to dad and asking him to stop sending someone behind me, I went to chat with my friends. “Hey, Amelia? Who are those boys alpha is talking with? Are they brothers? They look the same.” ”That’s because they are triplets. The alphas of the Oceans Howl Pack.” “Triplets? How come we never saw them before?” “Beats me too. I can’t believe dad wants them to become my mates. He invited them today for me.” “Wow.. Isn’t that great? Three alphas like them? I would have started drolling over them if I was in your place.” “But you are not and you don’t know how embarrassing it feels. My own father doesn’t trust that I can beat all of those men and return single at the end of the game. They will think I am a weak girl who needs help to save herself. It is really embarrassing.” “Oh, don’t be such a drama queen. Everyone knows that no girl ever returned single from the hunting game. Someone will definitely get you.” “We will see about that. I was born to change history.” “Hey? Who’s that? That man looks different.” My head snapped back towards the way one of my friend pointed, to find another man standing with dad and the triplets. I haven’t seen him before too. But something about him caught my attention more. A weird feeling. I even don’t know who that guy is, but I can feel it in my heart that he’s not on my side. There’s an invisible dark ray surrounding him that only I can see. Is this the man dad always warned me about? Our only enemy? “Look. He’s pointing at you. Why is he smiling like that?” I again looked back to find him staring right into my soul with his dark eyes. The evil smirk on his lips were making my skin have goosebumps. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. Let’s stop looking at him. Dad won’t be happy if we make his guest feel uncomfortable.” I don’t know why that man is here, but I don’t want him to look at me or any of my friends. I can feel that he’s not a good guy. “But he’s coming this way. He’s still staring at you. Maybe he’s coming to talk to you. He’s coming..” No one had to tell me that he was coming my way because I can feel it inside. I can feel a heavy aura surrounding me with his each step. He was making me uneasy. He was making me angry. “Hello, Amelia. Remember me?” I really didn’t want to talk to that guy, but I couldn’t just ignore one of our guest just because I can sense his bad vibes. So, I gave a nod to my friends to tell them to leave, and they did. “Umm.. Have we met before?” “You forgot? Maybe that’s because you were too young to remember. But I am sure you must have heard enough about me. My name’s Joseph Barlow from the Moon Stone Pack. I was a friend of your mom and dad." I was right. He is the one dad warned me about. “It’s so good to see how fast you grew up and with so much beauty. I was here the day you were born. You were this small. And now look at you. You are all grown up. You have become an adult and soon you will become a real woman and have your own child. I am glad to be there for you through all the process.” My face darkened to hear the last part. What does he mean by that? His eyes didn’t leave my body, checking me out from head to toe. It was really uncomfortable to stand there like that. “Umm.. I should go and get ready for the game with my friends. It was nice meeting you and thank you for coming to our pack. Excuse me.” I somehow managed to leave that old pervert’s sight, and I don’t want to see him again. That is one weird guy. Dad was right. It’s good to avoid him and keep him in the enemy’s lane. Soon it was time to begin the game, and I went to stand in the line of prays, along with my friends. I checked once into the hunters line and realized that there weren’t any of the triplet alphas in the line whom dad invited, which means he finally decided to give me a chance. I was proud that he does trusts his daughter’s abilities. With the first gunshot, the game began. Choosing our forms, all of us girls began to run into the forest first. I was in my human form as I wanted and running towards the secret place where no one can find me. With my speed, I would get there before anyone can reach to me. With this belief, I kept running when the second gunshot was fired, letting the hunters follow their targets. “It’s time to be faster. Sky.” I called my wolf, so that she can take over and use her speed to reach us into the safety. I felt my strength increasing as she took over my controls. I felt my lungs expand withing so that she can get heavy breaths through my body. We trained ourself this way where she doesn’t have to come out to use her powers. Our human form will be enough for that. Our speed, our strength, and our abilities will be almost the same as in both forms. “I’m ready. Let’s go.” She replied to me proudly. She is happy that I took this decision. She’s happy that I chose to wait for my mate. Our mate. If my speed was faster before, it’s now double than that. Like the lightning, I was running through the forest, passing in between the trees, jumping up of any obstacles. I was unstoppable. My only target was to reach to the secret place where no one can find me. There is a place in our pack, at the very end of our territory, which no one knows about except me and dad. There’s this huge wall of rocks near the border and on the other side of it is a little waterfall, but with a wide clear area where we practice secretly. No one knows about this place because no one knows how to get to the other side, crossing the huge wall. No one knows that there’s a hole under that wall, from where anyone can easily pass, but it’s covered with vines by my dad to keep it a secret. I did manage to get close to that place, but I wasn’t all the way near to the wall when something happend. We were running freely until all of a sudden Sky paused. My feet stopped because Sky became still, so I quickly too over. “What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” I asked her in shock. She never did this before. “Something’s wrong. Someone’s chasing us.” I couldn’t stop from rolling my eyes. “Of course, someone’s chasing us. It’s part of the game that we have to avoid.” “No. It’s not something normal. It’s dark. I can feel a negative energy. It’s going to harm us.” This time, her words made me worry. If Sky is worried about someone, I definitely should stay away from that person. “Well, we should go then. We have to hide before whoever it is, could find us.” “It won’t work. We have to fight. It’s coming. The dark soul is coming.” Her voice started getting panicked as the person chasing us was getting closer. Now what should I do? Should I go as my plan or stay here to fight as Sky said. Before I can make a decision, I heard the heavy paw steps running towards us. Through the peeping light of the forest, I saw it. I saw a huge black wolf with red fiery eyes, coming towards my way, showing off his evil grin with his white canines. That wolf is so dark that even the night seems brighter compared to it. The darkest wolf possible. Seeing the dark wolf for the first time right in front of me, I started panicking. It’s the devil himself, and I have to get away from him. If he by any chance succeeds in making me his mate, everything will be destroyed. I have to save myself first. Having no idea what to do, I just turned around and started running towards the way I was going. Sky was snarling inside me, provoking me to stand on my ground and fight. But I couldn’t take that risk. This is a game. One bite from him and I will become his mate. He chose a very good time to show himself. I somehow managed to reach to the wall, but before I can get to the other side, he pushed me to a side, making me fall flat on the ground. This guy has quite impressive speed too. But who is he? He definitely doesn’t look like a young alpha looking for a mate. He looks old, strong and experienced in this game. “It’s time, little girl. It’s time to make you my mate. I have been waiting for this day for eighteen years. And now I got you. You are mine. Only mine.” He gave me the answer to my questions himself. I know that voice. I know who it is. It’s our enemy, alpha Joseph. I knew it. I knew his intention wasn’t right by the way he was looking at me. This old pervert thinks he can have me? Never. I will never let him claim me. I got up from the ground and stood in a fighting position. “It’s you. You think you can have me? Over my dead body, you old sh*t.” “Wow.. Feisty. I like it. But you don’t have a choice. It’s the game. I caught you and now you are mine. Accept me. I will give you everything once you become my luna. Everything..” “Never.” I jumped up on his back, and punched him in the jaw. He tried to shake me off, but I gripped on his skin so tight that my nails were digging in him, ripping it and drawing blood out. I don’t know why I have this sudden hate for him in me, that I want to bite his head off or rip this black fur coat away from him. But I underestimated his intelligence because once he noticed what I was trying to do, he started running towards the wall to hit me with it. But before I could get that impact, I jumped right down from him, rolling on the ground twice to stop the speed we were in. His body bashed into the wall hard, making the rocks shake and a few of them fall. A large rock was about to fall on me, but I quickly moved out of it’s way by rolling a few more times on the ground. A few rocks fell on him too, and he was having a hard time to get rid of the pain. Taking this chance, I started running in the opposite direction of him to escape. He regained his strength back soon and I can hear him growl in anger at me while chasing me behind. I was running as fast as I can, but he was fast too and followed me right behind. I went in a circle and returned to that wall again in hope to reach to my safe place. But in between I didn’t notice when he changed his way and over crossed me to stand right in front of me. “You can’t escape from me. Give up. Now..” He snarled at me again, warning me to test his patience. But he has seen only a little of me. “No. I won’t give up so easily.” I tried to run away again, but once again, he pushed me down with his heavy body, making me fall down. Looks like I have he wants a fight. Let’s give him a fight for his life.
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