Chapter : 7. My safe place..

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Amelia’s point of view :- ------------------------------- There’s no other way out for me now except to fight this dark wolf and claim my freedom. I want to shift on my wolf form and show him what he is against. I want to have a fair fight with him. But I can’t. I can’t let anyone know about my true identity until I find my mate and become the real queen. I especially can’t show him my powers because it will make him more willing to control me. Seeing no way of escape, I attacked him. Kicking his back legs, I made him trip, and I was planning to get up on his back again. But he quickly got himself up, and jumped back from me. I ran at him again, and this time he ran back to me. But before I can hit him, he hit me with his head and threw me away right into the stone wall. The impact was hard, and I felt pain taking over my body. Taking this chance, he came up on me and tried to bite me. I was using all my strength to keep his mouth away from me. One bite from him and it will all be over for me. I will have to accept his mark. No matter how much force I use, he was up on me and his wolf’s strength was more than me. I can see his teeth getting closer to my neck. He was going to mark me forcefully. For the first time, I felt weak. I felt worthless. No. I can’t let him mark me. I will not accept him. I have to shift. I have to let Sky take over and protect us from this dark soul. This is the only way now. So, to do what is best for me, I gave my control to Sky so that she can take over and fight the way she feels better. Sky understood what she has to do and only started to shift with him still on top when another wolf came out of nowhere and pushed the dark wolf off of me. We stopped shifting immediately to see what just happend. That’s when I noticed two wolf standing behind me while another one started fighting the dark one. These three wolves look the same. They are all brown and of the same height. I know who they are. They are the triplets my dad sent after me. “Run away from here right now if you don’t want to die. She’s mine and I will take her at any cost. No one can stop me.” I heard the dark wolf roar at one of the triplet who was fighting him. “Back off. She’s not yours. She will never be. Leave that girl alone.” “Why do you care about her? You don’t want her. You said that yourself. So, stay away from our matter. Let me do what is right.” “We changed our mind. She will be our mate now. We want her.” That woke me and made me realize that none of them were on my side. They are fighting each other to claim me. This is the part of the game. And the one who will win in this fight will get me. No. I won’t let that happen. I won’t let anyone claim me. I am only my destined mates and no one else’s. I quickly got up from my place and while they were busy fighting, I got a chance to run away. I started running towards the hole, which will get me out of this. I don’t think they can get me there. I almost forgot that I was being guarded by the other two wolves and the moment I tried to run away, they came to stop me. “Let me go. I don’t need any of you. Get away from my way.” Anger was burning my head to think that they were all doing this just because they want the prettiest girl in the pack. I know the profits they will get once they get me, and that’s exactly what they are after. A single daughter of a prime pack alpha. A perfect trophy luna who will give them more power. “We are only trying to help you. Co-operate with us.” One of the two took a step closer to me, making me more mad. “F*ck you and your help. I don’t need any help. Now move.” When they still didn’t move out of my way, I attacked them myself. Getting on one of their back, I gripped his body with my legs and twisted my body in a way that he couldn’t balance himself and fell down. Taking this chance, I punched him hard in his chest that will take some time for him to heal the broken rib. Seeing his brother down, the third one attacked me too. He was running straight at me, but I ducked right under him and punched him in the stomach. He was down too in the next minute. Now is my time to run. I quickly ran towards the hole, but a growl behind me made me realize that those two who were fighting each other, noticed my escape and started following me behind. This time I didn’t stop and somehow managed to slip under the rocks to go to the other side, which was my safe place. I heard those two bump with each other on the other side and growl even more. They tried to crawl to me too, but the hole was too small for a wolf to get in. They tried to dig their way in, but it won’t work. Soon I heard sounds of fighting again, and I walked away from there, just to be safe. I hope they leave me now. I hope they give up on the thought of having me after this. They can fight each other as much as they can, but just leave me alone. “You did a good job with them. I am proud of you.” Sky spoke to me inside. I am proud of myself too. A few minutes passed and I couldn’t hear any more sound. Maybe they finally left. So, I went closer to the edge of the waterfall to take a deep breath of relief with the fresh air. It was so peaceful and the view from here is amazing. I love this place so much. “You shouldn’t have done that. We are only trying to help you.” I literally jumped when I heard a deep voice right behind me. Turning around, I saw one of the triplet standing just a few feet away from me. He is now in his human form and his other two brothers are also crawling out of that hole in their human form. “How did you.. Get out. Get out of here right now. I don’t need your help. I will not become your mate.” “You have to. You have no choice. Your dad wants this for you.” “My dad is wrong. I can take care of myself. You have to fight me if you want to claim me.” “We don’t want to fight with you. It’s not in our morals. So, just give up and accept the right thing.” “No. Never.” I went to punch him straight in the face, but before my fist can touch his skin, he caught hold of my hand. I immediately twist it behind his back, letting his grip get lighter before pushing him away from me. The others were coming for me too, but I just kicked one away and was about to punch the second as he was about to hit me too, when the first one stopped them. “Stop. Delvin. Donnell. No. We don’t hit woman. This is not what we are here for. If she doesn’t want it, then leave her alone. Let’s go back.” I also stopped attacking them to hear that they were giving up. I backed off myself to let them know that I am happy with their decision. “But I hit them. And I am going to hit her so hard that it will take weeks to recover. You b*tch.” Is there no end to this? Why do they keep coming back? The old guy was back again and followed the triplets steps to get to me. By the look of his condition, I understood that he had a quite big fight with them and looks drained. But his anger was taking the best of him and he wants to let it out on me. “Didn’t we tell you to stay away? You are not getting her.” ”Oh, I will get her. I will die before giving up. You soft little boys can’t stop my inner demon from getting what I want. I have waited too long to let her go. Come on. Stop me if you can.” And just like that, they started fighting each other again. Now what am I supposed to do? How can I get out of this mess? The hunting game gets messy sometimes, but it was never this messed up. I thought I would be safe on this side. But they followed me here too. I can’t escape from here, because the way to the other side is blocked by them. Standing there clueless, I just watched them fight. ‘Sky. What should I do now? How can I escape from them?’ I tried to ask my wolf for some suggestion. She was silent for a minute before giving me an answer. ‘It’s time to make a choice. Eighter jump down the waterfall, breaking the rules of the pack and the game or accept the triplets. The dark soul is way too strong. I can feel his determination. He will do anything to get us.’ I definitely wasn’t expecting her answer to be that. ‘What are you saying? I can’t break the rules. It will ruin everything for dad. He will be hurt. And how can I accept them as my mate when our real mate is still out there, waiting for us? Both options are wrong.’ ‘We don’t have a choice. Being a mate of them is better than being the mate of a dark soul. Maybe they will be generous enough to let us keep searching for our mate. We have to take this risk.’ I gave it a good thought. Maybe dad was right. Maybe I am still not strong enough to fight the world. The only way to save myself from that old i***t is by accepting the triplets. I have to make this sacrifice to keep the hope of the entire world alive. I have to accept them as my mate, like my father wanted. The triplets were still fighting with the dark wolf, but he’s still standing strong against them all. He is more stronger than I thought him to be. I can keep fighting with all of them, but it will never stop. They are so many against me. So, before I get bitten by that old bastard, I should let the triplets mark me. We can solve the matter among us later too. To end the fight, I stepped in between and this time, my target was only one person. Four alphas against one was going tough on the old guy, and he was slowly losing his balance. So, to get him away from our task, I started pushing him towards the waterfall. I have to talk to the triplets once before letting them mark me. They understood what I was trying to do, and they started doing the same. We were all forcing him to back away towards the edge. Soon, he was at the very end, and with my one big push, he went down the waterfall. The fall is not too high or deep. He will be alright once he gets out of the water. It will only take him a few minutes to get back to this place if he is fast enough. So, I have to finish it all before he comes back.
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