Chapter : 8. Following her..

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Triplet’s point of view :- -------------------------------- “What should we do? What would be the right thing to do in this situation? Should we go after the alpha’s daughter to save her from the dark wolf? Or should we stay with our promise to not accept another mate ever? Can we just sacrifice an innocent wolfless girl to a dark soul who will probably kill her after a few years, even after when her father begged us to protect his daughter? No. We can’t just sit here and see someone getting pushed into the face of death when there is a chance that we can do something to save that life. It’s not neccesery that we have to be mates even after marking her. We will see what the future holds for us, but for now, we need to do this. “Let’s go and save the alpha’s daughter. She needs us. Come on.” With our final decision, we immediately started running into the forest, making everyone stunned. We shift on our way into our wolf's form just so we can catch them before it’s too late. We smelled our way towards them and in the middle we saw many of the contestants fighting or communicating with their future mates. There were howls and grunts all around the forest until we crossed their range and went too far to find our target. It was amazing us on how fast that girl ran to reach these far? How can a human be faster than a wolf? After running and running all around the forest for miles, we finally smelled them close. We were ready to see some unexpected scenario, but never this. When we reached to them, we found the alpha’s daughter fighting with the dark wolf. She was laying below while that old wolf was pressing her on the ground and trying his best to take a bite of her neck to make her his mate. But no matter how much he pushes, he couldn’t reach to the right place. That girl is strong enough to keep fighting till the end. She kept him away from her neck with her might. To get that guy away from her, we jumped on the scene and pushed him down from her, standing in a defensive mode against him. It made that old alpha angry. He did threaten us to hand that girl to him, but how could we? We came here to save her, not help him. So, we ended up in a fight with him. At first it was and one and one with me, while Donnell and Delvin were protecting the alpha’s daughter. But then the cards flipped and we were fighting with the girl we came to rescue. We learned a very valuable lesson today from this girl. Never underestimate a female, even if she doesn’t have a wolf. We were completely taken aback to understand how can that one girl could fight with two alpha wolves at once and defeat them both. I saw both of my brothers fall down hard from her attack while she found her way to escape. For a bit I got angry at her for beating my brothers like that and wanted to fight with her for that. But before I could catch her, she managed to escape from us all by sliding herself into a hole in a huge rock wall. I was digging into the mouth of the hole to drag her out of there and punish for what she did. How can she disrespect two alphas like that when she is the prey and we are here to save her. But I couldn’t reach to her. Instead, the dark wolf dragged me back by my back leg and charged on me. He wanted to continue the fight and I had no problem with that. I was fighting with him with my best and soon my brothers also joined me. I have no idea why we are doing this. It’s not like we want her to be our mate. I am rethinking my decision again because we came here to save her while she’s attacking us in the first place. She doesn’t want us to help her. But still we fought with the dark wolf until he fell down. Or pretended to fall down to avoid getting killed. Us three brothers charged on him together to drive him away after the alpha’s daughter escaped from us. If he leaves after getting defeated, then we won’t have to go forward and mark her. The dark soul fought with us hard despite of his old age. He is one strong alpha. But he has no chance against three young ones and finally fell down. We thought he was done for the day and will return to his place. So, we told him to stay away from her and shift back to our human form to follow into the hole where the alpha’s daughter disappeared, just to talk to her and know what she wants. We had no idea what to expect on the other side of the wall. So, when we crossed it, we were amazed to see the view in front. There was a cliff behind the wall, with a small waterfall. A wide area of the top of a forest is visible in front. But the most attractive thing in this place nis that lonely girl standing near the cliff, enjoying the view by herself. She looks like and angle standing in this place. A perfect scenario. “You shouldn’t have done that. We are only trying to help you.” She literally jumped up in fear when she heard my voice. She wasn’t probably expecting us to come here. Donnell and Delvin was angry at her for the beating. So, when I tried to talk to her, they almost started another unnecessary fight. I had to step in and stop them. I gave up on her and wanted to go back without trying to mark her. But before we leave, alpha Josephe came there in his human form, ready to attack again. “Didn’t we tell you to stay away? You are not getting her.” ”Oh, I will get her. I will die before giving up. You soft little boys can’t stop my inner demon from getting what I want. I have waited too long to let her go. Come on. Stop me if you can.” Once again we got engaged in a fight with alpha Joseph to protect the girl who claimed to be strong enough to save herself. We know she is living in an over confident world, but she needs our help. This time, thanks to the goddess, she understood the value of our help and came onto our side to fight against the dark soul. She stepped into the fight to defeat him, and she was trying to push him towards the edge of the cliff to get rid of him. We understood what she was planning to do, and we followed her idea too. All four of us kept hitting him one by one until he was at the very edge. “Sorry, but I can’t be yours. I have a bigger mission in front that you will become an obstacle too. So, goodbye and don’t show your face again.” By saying that, we witnessed how she gave him one last kick to drop him off the waterfall. He tried to get a grip on her before falling, but failed for to touch her just for an inch. With a loud scream, he fell down the waterfall and disappeared under water. We were all watching below in the hope that he makes it out alive from there because we don’t have the intention of killing him for just a game. It took him about a minute or so to finally come out on the water surface and we took a breath of relief that he wasn’t dead. “Okey. Now listen to me. I don’t know why you listened to my father and followed me here, but I know that you don’t want me to be your mate. Trust me. I don’t want to be your mate eighter. But right now, I don’t have a choice, and I do need your help to get away from that freak. So, I want you to mark me and end this trouble for all of us. We have to pretend to be mates for a little so that no one can think that we are breaking the rules of the hunting game, but soon we will find our own way out of it. Do you agree with me?” We were standing there, listening to her plans. In our mind, we were thinking of how similar our thoughts are to each other. We want the same thing too. “We wanted to tell you the same thing from the beginning. If you just gave us one chance to speak, we didn’t have to come this far.” Delvin let out a little of his dying anger. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. So, hurry up now before he comes back. Mark me.” She took a step closer to us to give us access to her skin. “Wait. Who said we want to mark you now? We have changed our minds after how you beat us up. We won’t help you anymore. Besides, you said you can help yourself. So, go on. Escape the way you were doing.” I saw her nose flare up to hear Donnell, who was just playing with her. This girl is very unique and strong. “Fine. I don’t need your help. You can go back on your own. What will happen the worse for me? Eighter, I will get marked by him and become his mate, or somehow manage to save myself on my own. In both cases, I will win because I am the prey. But if you return empty handed after participating in the game, you will become the loser. Can you imagine, three strong alphas from a prime pack and got defeated in their first game? That’s a big shame. But what would I care if you don’t want to help me? Go on. You are free to leave.” She folded her arms in front of her chest with a smirk on her face. I can’t believe how easily she can manipulate us three alphas. Who is this girl? “I am impressed by your intelligence. You will be useful for us as our luna. Now let’s stop playing and be serious. We need to mark her before he comes back. Let’s start the possess.” “Good. But don’t expect me to be your luna forever. I still need to find my real mate. So, I would like it if you don’t mark me on the neck. Do it in my arm. We only need a bite to finish this game.” She forwarded us her left hand to bite and pointed at the upper arm where she wants us to mark. Don’t know why we are following her lead, letting her rule on her so easily. I gave a nod at my brothers, and they also nod back to agree with what she wants. We also think that biting the neck means a closer bond with a mate and would like to avoid it in this case. So, I went forward first to do our part of the job and give our first mark. At first I was hesitating to touch her, but her hand needs to be held in place to give a perfect mark. So, I finally gripped her arm, feeling her soft and cotton like skin on my palm before biting hard on the top. She let out a flinch in pain as my teeth dug into her skin, pulling out a little blood. But the wound healed as soon as I pulled myself back. But the too fast healing wasn’t the thing that attracted our attention the most. It’s the mark I just gave her. As soon as the wound healed, the teeth mark that I gave her got surrounded by a beautiful ring around her arm and a crescent moon in the middle of the mark. It doesn't look like a mark anymore. It looks like a tattoo now. What just happend right now and how??
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