Chapter 5

1733 Words
Celeste's POV I felt cold sweats forming on my forehead while Aunt Elizabeth is looking at me intently. "Celeste," she uttered my name and that simple call made my body shiver in fear. "Where did you get this huge amount of money?" she repeated. I played with my fingers and then bravely looked into her eyes. "I am working as an escort Aunt," I bravely responded while looking at her face intently waiting for her reaction. "You are working as an escort, am I hearing it correctly?" she asked so I slowly nod my head. "What's comes into your head?" she asked whispering but her voice is filled with anger. She roams her eyes around to make sure that no one can hear our conversation. "I needed to," I defended. Aunt Elizabeth looked at me in disbelief. "What if Ava learned about this? Aren't you afraid of what your daughter might think of you?" she asked to make me realize that my job is a big mistake. "I have no choice. I need to save my daughter even if that costs my dignity. I don't care about anything all I want is to lengthen Ava's life. All I want is to be a good mother to her and this is the only way I know," I desperately uttered and the tears that I had been suppressing earlier fell freely from my eyes. Aunt Elizabeth looked at me with pity then after a while, she pulled me into a tight hug. She started caressing my back to give me comfort. "I'm sorry Celeste. I'm sorry," she repeated then after a while I heard her sobs as well. We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes and when Ava's doctor came we fixed ourselves and wipe the tears on our faces. "I'm sorry to interrupt," Ava's doctor apologized so I immediately shook my head and then smiled at her. "How's my daughter's condition doc?" I asked. "Ava's doing fine Ms. Dawson and she is eligible for the operation we are just waiting for a donor," she responded and those words gave me hope that Ava will be fine and she can live normally just like other kids. "Thank you Doc," I uttered and because of joy and excitement, I can't stop myself from hugging Ava's doctor. Aunt Elizabeth uttered her thank you as well and after discussing other matters regarding Ava's condition, Ava's doctor excused herself. After that talk, we stepped inside the room only to see my daughter sleeping peacefully on her bed. I walked towards her and then sat on the chair beside her bed. I kissed her forehead then removed the few strands of hair that covers her face. "Have you eaten anything?" Aunt Elizabeth asked so I looked at her and then shook my head. "I will buy you something," she uttered and without waiting for my response she left the room and leave me and Ava alone. I contented myself by watching my daughter's face and after a while, she opened her eyes. "Mommy," she uttered then looked at me intently to check if she is dreaming or not. I held her face and then kissed her cheeks. "Yes, love?" I softly asked then held her hand. "I thought you left again," she uttered and those words felt like knives piercing through my heart. I smiled to suppress the tears that are about to fall. "I'm sorry Mommy isn't always on your side," I told her but Ava being a good kid chooses to smile. "I understand Mommy. I know that you are working hard so we can save money for my operation," she uttered then smiled at me widely which warms my heart. I am glad that she understands our situation. "Mommy," she called so I focused my attention on her. "What is it, love?" I asked anticipating her next words. "I dreamt about Daddy," she uttereutteredearing the word Daddy made my body freeze in place. "R-Really?" I asked to stutter. "We are at the park eating ice cream," she narrates with a smile plastered on her face and she looks genuinely happy. "And then?" I asked interested in her story. "Who is my Daddy, Mommy?" she asked the question that I had been praying too hard not to hear but I guess this moment is inevitable. "I don't know Ava," I answered with all honesty. Ava looked at me with confusion written on her face. "Why?" she innocently asked and I have no idea how should I explain everything to her. "You know Mommy tends to be stupid at times but I promise that once you are done with your operation we will start finding your Daddy, is that a deal?" I asked then raised my pinky finger. Ava sealed the deal using her pinky finger and then smiled at me. "Deal Mommy," she uttered. I have no idea where should I start in finding her father but maybe the universe will be on my side and one day introduces me to the man who changes my life and gave me the greatest gift of child. Theodore's POV After a tiring day at work, I decided to take a rest at my condo unit. I watched the clock arms move and it is already eleven pm but I am still wide awake. I took a deep sigh and then decided to call the woman whom I am paying to put me to sleep, Celeste Dawson. I don't know what's in her but her presence and warmth felt comforting. "Hello," she answered the call after a few rings. "I need you," I uttered then dropped the call. After an hour of waiting, I heard the door ring so I stood up to open it. Upon opening the door I was welcomed by her smile. "Good evening," she greeted but I didn't bother to respond. I opened the door widely as a signal for him to come in and when she did I locked the door and walked towards the living room. Celeste sat on the couch while I headed toward the kitchen to drink some water. "Have you had dinner?" I asked when I walked back to the living room. Celeste nodded her head and then gave me a small smile. I nod my head as well then walked towards the kitchen. I didn't eat my dinner yet since I have no appetite earlier. I sat at the dining table to start eating but after a while, I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen after a few seconds Celeste showed up with an awkward smile plastered on her face. "I can accompany you while you eat," she offered. "Suit yourself," I responded and let her do whatever she wants. When Celeste sat in front of me I raised my head and looked at her. "I felt sad whenever I eat alone, that's why I am here," she reasoned so I simply nod my head and continued eating my dinner. "Where's your family?" she asked. "No personal question," I reminded her which made her feel silent and her silence made me feel bad so I let out a deep breath and looked at her once again. "I moved out when I was eighteen but I do visit whenever there is a special occasion," I answered her question nonetheless. "How about you? Where are your parents and why did they allow you to have this kind of job?" I asked back. "They're both dead," she answered. "Sorry," I immediately uttered. "It's fine," Celeste responded then smiled. After that, it was followed by silence so I simply continued eating when I am done Celeste offered to wash my dishes but I refuse since it is not her job. I cleaned the kitchen first then after that I decided to sleep since I still have work tomorrow. When we are both lying on the bed we stared at each other's faces awkwardly but after a while, Celeste moved closer and then wrapped her arms around my body. I breathed calmly then hugged her as well. "Are you contented with this?" she asked. "With what?" I asked back to make sure that we are on the same page. "With this? Simply hugging, no s*x involved," she uttered. "Do you want something more?" I curiously asked. "It's not up to me to decide Theodore. I am just curious because unlike other customers you aren't demanding. I mean you are paying me a huge amount of money for a simple hug sounded unreasonable." she reasoned out so I slightly pushed her and then stared at her face. "Then I will take what I am paying for," I uttered then held her face and move it closer to mine. I claimed Celeste's lips and started moving which made her freeze for a few seconds but after a while, she responded. As our kiss deepens her face flashes into my mind. "Estella," I uttered which made her stop, and then realization hit me. I immediately pulled away from the kiss then stood up and leave the room. I am still not over her. Estella still owns me no matter how many times I tried to deny it at the end of the day I am still in love with her. I headed towards the kitchen then grabbed a glass of water and drink it straight to calm myself. My breathing became heavy and after a while, I felt Celeste's presence on my back. "Are you okay?" she asked and without looking at her I responded. "Leave me alone," I coldly uttered. I don't have the energy to deal with someone right now. After a few minutes, I heard Celeste's footsteps heading out. I took a deep breath and then decided to walk back to my room upon entering I saw Celeste sitting on my bed while her upper body is leaning on the headboard. "Are you okay?" she asked I let out a deep breath then nod my head and walked towards my bed. I occupy the other side then laid down and closed my eyes. After a while, I felt a warm arm hugging me and my brain played some tricks thinking it is Estella. Being the fool that I am already I let myself think that I am hugged by Estella. That I am hugged by the woman who left me without any reason.
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