Chapter 4

441 Words
Celeste's POV Morning came and I woke up with no one on my side. When I roam my eyes around the room I saw a note attach to the bedside table. I reached for it and there I saw the note Theodore have left. Go home. I will send the payment to your account. I let out a deep breath and then fixed myself first before stepping out of his room. When I am out of his unit I immediately walked out of the building and then grabbed a taxi. After a few minutes of waiting, I finally grabbed one. I told the driver the address of the hospital where Ava is admitted. After an hour of driving, we arrived at the hospital. I get off the taxi after handing in my fare and then walked toward my daughter's room. When I opened the door I saw Ava being fed by Aunt Elizabeth. "Good morning," I greeted in a lively voice. Aunt Elizabeth and Ava's heads turned in my direction. I saw Ava's face lit up when she saw me. "Mommy!" she called then opened her arms widely asking for a hug. I smiled then walked closer and wrapped her small body using my arms. I kissed the top of her head while caressing her back. After a while, I broke off the hug and stared at Ava's angelic features. "Are you a good girl while Mommy is gone?" I asked and Ava confidently nod her head which made me smile. I pinch her cheeks then turned my head on Aunt Elizabeth who is watching our movements intently. After a while, she spoke. "Can I talk to you Celeste?" she asked and her voice sounded too serious which made me nervous. I slowly nod my head and then looked at Ava before deciding to follow her outside. "Ava just stay here. I and Grandma will just talk about something," I told her referring to Aunt Elizabeth. Ava obediently nod her head so I opened the TV first before stepping out of her room. When I am out I saw Aunt Elizabeth waiting for me patiently. "What is it, Aunt?" I asked politely and my body felt cold when she raised my bank account. "Where are you getting all this money?" she asked intently talking about the money that Theodore sent me. My body froze and I felt like I lost my voice and all I can is to stare into my Aunt's eyes. I know she will hate me once she learned the truth but I am hoping that she will understand that I am doing this to save Ava.
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