Chapter 2

1653 Words
Celeste's POV When Theodore's car stopped in front of a well-known salon I can't help but feel excited because this is one of my dreams, having my salon. Theodore gets off. his car then opens the door on my side. He assisted me until we reached the entrance of the salon. He open the door for me and when we entered the salon they greeted him like he is a regular there. "I am glad to see you again Theodore," a gay greeted him. Theodore nodded his head then turned his head in my direction. "Give her light makeup please, we will attend an auction," the gay happily nod her head then made me sit on a chair in front of a huge mirror. "You look beautiful, what's your name?" he asked in a friendly tone. "Celeste," I politely responded. The gay smiled at me before he started applying makeup on my face. I felt conscious because I know that my skin is a bit dry and my undereye is a bit dark but I am glad that the gay makeup artist didn't point those out. When he was done he made me stand up and then scanned my whole body. "You have a great figure," she complimented then turned his head to Theodore. "Excuse us for a bit Theodore," he uttered then pulled me to a room. "Remove your clothes, Celeste," he uttered so I immediately cover my body which made him laugh. "Don't worry I am not interested in your body. I'm into guys," he uttered ough I felt scared I gather my courage and then slowly removed my clothes. I was left with my undergarments when he started showing me different gowns. I chose the simplest one. A gown that hugs my body perfectly. Its color is champagne which compliments my slightly tanned skin. "God you look gorgeous," he asked me to turn around and after a few minutes of checking me, we stepped out of the dressing room. My knees were shaking as I take my steps and my hands felt cold especially when my gaze locked with Theodore. When Theodore scanned my whole I felt conscious and an awkward smile appeared on my lips. "You look good, let's go,", he uttered then extended his hand. I didn't even receive the compliment that I am expecting. Well, I am not boasting or anything but I look damn good and he acted like the way I look didn't change at all. I took Theodore's hand but before we leave the salon I uttered my thank you to the gay makeup artist. Theodore open the door for me and assisted me in getting inside his car. After that, he walked towards the driver's seat and then took a glance at my side before started driving. During the whole drive, the only sound that I can hear is the music from his car stereo. After almost an hour of driving, Theodore stopped the car and I gasped when I saw the media outside. Theodore get off from his car and then walked to my side to open the door. "We are here," he informed me then signaled me to step out of his car. "Uhm," I am hesitating if I should take Theodore's hand but when I saw how irritated he looks I gather my courage and get off from his car as well. I cling my arms to him. "Stand straight. Don't embarrass me," he whispered in my ear so I fix my posture and acted confident even though my insides are shaking. "Mr. Stratford care to introduce your date?" a woman with short blonde hair asked. She's from the media based on the ID she wears. "Celeste," Theodore responded. "New girlfriend or should I say fiancée?" the reporter asked which made Theodore chuckle and flashed a smile and pulled me out of the crowd leaving the reporter's question unanswered. "I think it is much better if you answer the reporter's questions to avoid rumors," I suggested. Theodore looked at me intently and I felt embarrassed about what I just did even though there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I don't know but there's something in his aura that will make you think that you are the one at fault. "Did I ask for your opinion?" he asked which made me shut up. I bowed my head and then avoided his gaze. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "Lift your head," he commanded after a while so I have no choice but to walk with my head proudly raised. We continued walking until we reached the seat assigned to us. We are sitting in front, near the stage and I can tell that this seat is for powerful people only based on the lineup. They are often in the news for dominating the business industry and being part of the wealthiest people in the world. "The auction will start in a few minutes ladies and gentlemen," the host announced. After that, the waiter started serving drinks and I decided to have one. When I took a sip the bitter taste of the liquor made me cough. The waiter handed me a tissue so I immediately took it and wipe the side of my lips. "Expensive taste doesn't suit your taste buds," a woman beside me whispered and when I looked at her she looks elegant and she screams wealth. The way she looked at me made me realize that I don't belong in this crowd but I have no choice. I need money and if having some money means fitting into a world where I don't belong then I would gladly do it to save my child. To save Ava. Theodore's POV After minutes of waiting the auction started and they started bidding. The first item is an antique necklace. "One hundred thousand," one shouted. "Two hundred," the other businessman raised the price. "Three hundred thousand," the prices will continue to raise and it's not because they wanted the product but because they want to prove who's superior to the others. They are not after the item, they are here to feed their ego. I raised my number. "Four hundred thousand," I spoke. "Five hundred," offered by another businessman. "Six hundred," I bid even higher. "Seven hundred," the man fought back, and one thing I hate the most is losing. "One million," I uttered without hesitation which made the whole room quiet. "One million going up?" asked the host then roam her eyes around but none of them offered a higher price. "Antique necklace sold to Mr. Stratford," the host announced then invited us in front. I stood up and then offered my hand to Celeste. She is hesitating if she should take it or not so I reached for her hand and placed it on my arm. We walked towards the stage and when the host handed me the necklace I swiftly placed it on Celeste's neck. I made her face me to have a clearer look and I must admit that it suits her. "She looks stunning Mr. Stratford," the host commented and I just smile and then guided Celeste out of the stage. When we are back to our original seat the bidding continues. I have money to buy all of those items but I am done feeding my ego. I don't find the need to prove myself anymore. When the auction was done we decided to leave the event. I drove towards my condo. Celeste looks confused about the place so I lead the way until we reached my unit. "Where are we?" she asked then roamed her eyes to my place. "In my place," I answered the obvious. "Sit on the couch I will look for clothes that will suit you," I uttered then walked towards my room. When I open the cabinet beside my clothes are Estella's. I am planning to throw everything that she owns but I can't find any courage to do so. I took a deep breath and then pulled from cabinet Estella's pair of pajamas. I stepped out of my unit and then headed back to my living room. Celeste is sitting tightly on the couch and when she saw me she immediately stood up. I walked closer and then handed her a pair of pajamas. "There is a bathroom near the kitchen, you can change your clothes there," I uttered then walked back to my room to clean myself. It took me five minutes to finish and when I. done I stepped out of my unit while drying my hair. I headed towards my kitchen to cook dinner since I still have time to prepare. While I am busy cooking Celeste showed up wearing Estella's pajamas and for a minute I saw Estella in her which made my heart throb in pain. "Hi," she awkwardly greeted and I simply nod my head unable to utter any words because I can feel a lump in my throat. "I'll be done in a minute," I uttered then continued cooking and when I am done I turned off the fire. Celeste volunteered to prepare the table. She is persistent so I didn't stop her. The whole kitchen is extremely quiet but she decided to break off our peace. "Who owns these clothes?" she asked. My grip on the knife that I am holding tightened. "Personal questions are forbidden tight?" I asked and looked at her intently. "Yes but I have the right to know if I am ruining a relationship or something," she explained which made my blood boil. "I already bought you so follow my f*****g order. If I told you to shut up then f*****g shut up!" I throw the knife that I am holding which made her flinch and when I feel like I can no longer control my anger I walked out. I hate her for reminding me of Estella.
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