Chapter 1

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Celeste's POV Different from what I am expecting all I did in my first night working as an escort is to lay beside Theodore the man who hired me. He sleep soundly and I can't help but admire his face while he is tightly sleeping. He has a tall nose, a thin redish lips, defined jaw, and tanned skin that made him even more manly. He smells like mint and it's a bit addicting but I am stopping myself from sniffing him to hard. After a while I felt my eyelids getting heavy so I decided to turned around and face the opposite direction. I closed my eyes and allowed my self to rest for a bit. I don't know for how long I had been asleep but I woke up without no one on my side. I only saw a note on the table attached in a breakfast. I picked up the note to read it and even his penmanship looks manly. "I have a good night sleep. I will just transfer the money on your account." and after a while a notification from my bank account came in. Theodore Stratford sent $1000.00 on your account. I gasp upon reading the message. It is almost the same amount of my one month salary. With a huge smile plastered on my face I headed towards the hospital the see Ava. I bought her fruits and some toys that will surely make her smile. "Mommy!" she energetically called me then extended both of her arms. I run towards her and pulled her into a tight hug. After a while I broke off the hug then looked at her face. I cupped Ava's face and looked at her face intently. "How's my baby?" I asked as I caressed her cheeks. "I've been a good girl Mommy," she proudly responded which made me smile. After a while I turned my head on Aunt Elizabeth and handed her the fruit and breakfast that I bought earlier. "You look like you are in a good mood," she uttered while preparing the food on the small table. "I found a new job Aunt Elizabeth and it pays me good. In three months I can save enough amount for Ava's operation," I happily shared on her then kissed Ava's forehead before helping Aunt Elizabeth preparing the food. "What kind of job Celeste?" she asked which made me froze. I know she will hate me once she learned the truth so might as well hide it on her. "Part timer at a newly opened coffee shop," I responded then avoided her gaze afraid that she might find out the truth by just looking in my eyes. "You are no t doing anything illegal right Celeste?" she asked to make sure. I gave her a quick glance then gave her an assuring smile. "I'm not Aunt, I promise," I responded eventhough I am not sure if being an escort is illegal or not. Well as long as I am not stealing or killing anyone, it's not illegal, for me. I heard Aunt Elizabeth let out a deep breath then pour the soup on the bowl and fed Ava. I took the bowl on her hands since she look like she did get any sleep. "I'll do it Aunt," I politely uttered. She is hesitating to let go of the bowl but after a while she gave in and let me feed Ava. The soup is a bit hot so I blow some air on it. When it is already cold I gave Ava some and I can't help but to smile when I saw her enjoying the food. "How is it baby?" I asked softly then wipe some soup on the side of her lips. "It's yummy Mommy," she responded. After feeding Ava we took a bath and after that she had her morning nap. After an hour of sleeping Ava woke up so we started playing games. After a few minutes her nurse came in to gave Ava's medicine. Ava doesn't like drinking medicine so we are all having a hard time. I looked at the nurse apologetically and I am glad that the nurse isn't running out of patience from Ava's stubbornness. After drinking her medicine she had he shot which made her cry. I kissed her hand and caressed it while the needle is being pierced on her skin. "Daddy!" she cried her heart out and the pain that I am feeling doubled when I heard her calling her father that she didn't have a chance to meet. When the nurse was done I hugged Ava tightly and caressed her back. "Daddy," she uttered in between her sobs. "Mommy is here Ava," I reminded her but she keep on crying while calling for her Daddy. I cupped Ava's face and wipe the tears that fell from her eyes. "When is Daddy coming?" she asked in between her cry. I gave her a faint smile then caressed her cheeks. "Soon baby," I responded unable to gave her exact date because I don't even know where to start in finding her faceless father. "When is soon Mommy?" she keep on asking and I know she won't stop until she get the answer that she wanted. "Soon Ava," I responded then pulled her into a tight hug once again and kissed the top of her head. "You are lying. Daddy won't come. Daddy hates me," those words felt like knives stabbed directly on my chest. Theodore's POV After spending a night at that night club I headed towards my condo to take a bath. I have to be at my company at seven am and I am glad that I still had an hour to prepare. It took me half an hour before finally leaving my unit and on my way to my company I received a call from Grey. I ignored the call once but he kept on calling me so I have no choice but to answer it. "What is it?" I asked in my usual bored tone. "How's the first night Theodore?" he asked getting all excited. "We just sleep," I responded telling him the whole truth and eventhough he isn't in front of me I can still imagine his disappointed face. "Sleep?" he asked making sure if he heard me right. "Yeah, sleep," I responded and after that a loud sigh was heard from the other line. "Man this is not you," he uttered as if he is to a completely different person. Well I admit that my lifestyle change when I met Estella. I used to party a lot but when I met her as cliché as it may sound, my world revolved around her. I cut off partying and alcohol and my system and stayed on her side every single day. That must be the reason why I am having a hard time to keep on living because when she left I felt like I lost everything. "Enjoy your freedom man. Don't cage yourself just because that woman left you-" before Grey could even talk ill about Estella I ended the call. Estella hurt me but I still care for her...I still love her. After an hour of driving I arrived at my company. I received greetings but I didn't bother to reply. I headed towards the elevator and waited for it to open. When I get in few employees where inside but when they saw me they stepped out as if they are scared of me or something. Well maybe I look intimidating and ruthless that's why they are acting this way but I am tired to be friendly and entertain them. I stepped inside an empty elevator and when I arrived at the right floor the elevator door open so I stepped out and walked towards my office. My secretary open the door for me then followed me inside. "What's my schedule Mathew?" I asked then took off my coat and put it at my swivel chair before sitting down. "You have a lunch meeting with Mr. Ty and an auction to attend at seven pm," he replied and I nod my head. "They are expecting you to have a date at the auction Sir," my forehead creased hearing his words. "Why?" I asked then took the documents above my table. "People thinks that you can't get over with your ex Sir because it is almost a year but they never seen you with other woman," I sigh then massaged my temple. "I'll bring one then to stop that f*****g issue," I responded then continued signing the documents. Lunch came so I decided to pause my work and meet Mr. Ty. When I arrived at the restaurant where we are scheduled to meet we started discussing some business projects and spend some minute to talk about other matters. The business meeting passed smoothly, afternoon came and the only thing that I have been thinking off is my date for that auction. I am running out of option when I received a message from an unknown number. From: Unknown Number Hi, it's me Celeste, I got your number from Andrea. Just want to say thank your for paying me on time :). I stared at the message intently until an idea popped inside my mind. To: Celeste I will pick you up in thirty minutes. After hitting the send button I grab my coat and headed towards the bar where she work at. When I arrived I saw her outside as if she is waiting for someone. I parked my car in front of her then get off. "Hi," I greeted. Celeste raised her right arm and did a little wave. "Hi," she responded then smiled. I opened the car door for her then walked on the other side. When I am inside my car I looked at her before started driving. "Where are we going?" she asked with confusion written on her face. "Auction. You are my date," I responded and upon hearing my words her forehead creased then pointed at herself. "Me?" she asked to make sure and without any hesitation I nod my head. "Yes, you Celeste Dawson," Celeste is still processing everything but I decided to drove away and headed towards the salon to doll her up.
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